This release primarily fixes issues reported against 0.2.12
- $state: fix $state.includes/.is to apply param types before comparisions fix(uiSref): ma (19715d15, closes #1513)
- Avoid re-synchronizing from url after .transitionTo (b267ecd3, closes #1573)
- $urlMatcherFactory:
- Built-in date type uses local time zone (d726bedc)
- make date type fn check .is before running (aa94ce3b, closes #1564)
- early binding of array handler bypasses type resolution (ada4bc27)
- add 'any' Type for non-encoding non-url params (3bfd75ab, closes #1562)
- fix encoding slashes in params (0c983a08, closes #1119)
- fix mixed path/query params ordering problem (a479fbd0, closes #1543)
- ArrayType:
- Param: fix default value shorthand declaration (831d812a, closes #1554)
- common: fixed the _.filter clone to not create sparse arrays (750f5cf5, closes #1563)
- ie8: fix calls to indexOf and filter (dcb31b84, closes #1556)
- $resolve: use resolve fn result, not parent resolved value of same name (67f5e00c, closes [#1317], [#1353])
- $state:
- populate default params in .transitionTo. (3f60fbe6, closes [#1396])
- reload() now reinvokes controllers (73443420, closes [#582])
- do not emit $viewContentLoading if notify: false (74255feb, closes #1387)
- register states at config-time (4533fe36)
- handle when parent is obj (4533fe36)
- $urlMatcherFactory:
- register types at config (4533fe36, closes [#1476])
- made path params default value "" for backwards compat (8f998e71)
- Pre-replace certain param values for better mapping (6374a3e2)
- fixed ParamSet.$$keys() ordering (9136fecb)
- empty string policy now respected in Param.value() (db12c85c)
- "string" type now encodes/decodes slashes (3045e415, closes [#1119])
- allow arrays in both path and query params (fdd2f2c1, closes [#1073], [#1045], [#1486], [#1394])
- typed params in search (8d4cab69, closes #1488)
- no longer generate unroutable urls (cb9fd9d8, closes #1487)
- handle optional parameter followed by required parameter in url format. (efc72106)
- default to parameter string coersion. (13a468a7, closes #1414)
- concat respects strictMode/caseInsensitive (dd72e103, closes [#1395])
- ui-sref:
- Allow sref state options to take a scope object (b5f7b596)
- replace raw href modification with attrs. (08c96782)
- nagivate to state when url is "" fix($state.href): generate href for state with (656b5aab, closes #1363)
- Check that state is defined in isMatch() (92aebc75, closes #1314, #1332)
- uiView:
- urlRouter: html5Mode accepts an object from angular v1.3.0-rc.3 (7fea1e9d)
- stateFilters: mark state filters as stateful. (a00b353e, closes [#1479])
- ui-router: re-add IE8 compatibility for map/filter/keys (8ce69d9f, closes [#1518], [#1383])
- package: point 'main' to a valid filename (ac903350)
- travis: make CI build faster (0531de05)
This release includes a lot of bug fixes around default/optional and typed parameters. As such, 0.2.12 is the first release where we recommend those features be used.
- $state:
- add state params validation (b1379e6a, closes #1433)
- is/includes/get work on relative stateOrName (232e94b3)
- .reload() returns state transition promise (639e0565)
- $templateFactory: request templateURL as text/html (ccd60769, closes [#1287])
- $urlMatcherFactory: Made a Params and ParamSet class (0cc1e6cc)
- $resolve: Resolves only inherit from immediate parent fixes #702 (df34e20c)
- $state:
- change $state.href default options.inherit to true (deea695f)
- sanity-check state lookups (456fd5ae, closes #980)
- didn't comply to inherit parameter (09836781)
- allow view content loading broadcast (7b78edee)
- $urlMatcherFactory:
- UrlMatcher:
- travis: update Node version to fix build (d6b95ef2)
- uiSref:
- Generate an href for states with a blank url. closes #1293 (691745b1)
- should inherit params by default (b973dad1)
- cancel transition if preventDefault() has been called (2e6d9167)
- uiView: Fixed infinite loop when is called .go() from a controller. (e13988b8, closes #1194)
- docs:
- Fixed link to milestones (6c0ae500)
- fix bug in decorator example (4bd00af5)
- Removed an incorrect semi-colon (af97cef8)
- Explain return value of rule as function (5e887890)
- $state:
- allow parameters to pass unharmed (8939d057)
- BREAKING CHANGE: state parameters are no longer automatically coerced to strings, and unspecified parameter values are now set to undefined rather than null.
- allow prevent syncUrl on failure (753060b9)
- typescript: Add typescript definitions for component builds (521ceb3f)
- uiSref: extend syntax for ui-sref (71cad3d6)
- Also activate for child states. (bf163ad6, closes #818)
BREAKING CHANGE Since ui-sref-active now activates even when child states are active you may need to swap out your ui-sref-active with ui-sref-active-eq, thought typically we think devs want the auto inheritance.
uiSrefActiveEq: new directive with old ui-sref-active behavior
- defer URL change interception (c72d8ce1)
- force URLs to have valid params (d48505cd)
- abstract $location handling (08b4636b)
- handle query string arrays (9cf764ef, closes #373)
- injectable functions as defaults (00966ecd)
- default values & type decoding for query params (a472b301)
- allow shorthand definitions (5b724304)
- validates whole interface (32b27db1)
- implement non-strict matching (a3e21366)
- add per-param config support (07b3029f)
option in state configurations must now be an object keyed by parameter name.
- $state: use $browser.baseHref() when generating urls with .href() (cbcc8488)
- bower.json: JS files should not be ignored (ccdab193)
- dev: karma:background task is missing, can't run grunt:dev. (d9f7b898)
- sample: Contacts menu button not staying active when navigating to detail states. Need t (2fcb8443)
- uiSref: support mock-clicks/events with no data (717d3ff7)
- uiView:
- Do NOT autoscroll when autoscroll attr is missing (affe5bd7, closes #807)
- Refactoring uiView directive to copy ngView logic (548fab6a, closes #857, #552)
- $state: includes() allows glob patterns for state matching. (2d5f6b37)
- UrlMatcher: Add support for case insensitive url matching (642d5247)
- uiSref: add support for transition options (2ed7a728)
- uiView: add controllerAs config with function (1ee7334a)
This release is identical to 0.2.8. 0.2.8 was re-tagged in git to fix a problem with bower.
- $state: allow null to be passed as 'params' param (094dc30e)
- $state.go: param inheritance shouldn't inherit from siblings (aea872e0)
- bower.json: fixes bower.json (eed3cc4d)
- uiSrefActive: annotate controller injection (85921422, closes #671)
- uiView:
- autoscroll tests pass on 1.2.4 & 1.1.5 (86eacac0)
- don't animate initial load (83b6634d)
- test pass against 1.0.8 and 1.2.4 (a402415a)
- it should autoscroll when expr is missing. (8bb9e27a)
- uiSref: add target attribute behaviour (c12bf9a5)
- uiView:
- merge autoscroll expression test. (b89e0f87)
- cache and test autoscroll expression (ee262282)