__manifest__.py 2.2 KB

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. # Part of AppJetty. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
  3. {
  4. 'name': 'Kingfisher Pro Fashion',
  5. 'description': """Kingfisher Pro Fashion
  6. odoo kingfisher fashion theme
  7. odoo fashion theme
  8. openerp fashion theme
  9. odoo fashion store theme
  10. odoo theme for fashion website
  11. odoo theme for fashion store
  12. fashion theme for odoo
  13. fashion theme for odoo store
  14. fashion store theme for odoo
  15. ecommerce fashion store theme
  16. ecommerce fashion store theme for odoo
  17. odoo responsive fashion theme
  18. responsive odoo fashion theme
  19. responsive fashion odoo theme
  20. responsive fashion theme for odoo
  21. odoo responsive kingfisher fashion theme
  22. odoo fashion theme for ecommerce store
  23. odoo apparel theme
  24. odoo apparel store theme
  25. apparel odoo ecommerce theme
  26. odoo theme for apparel store
  27. odoo lifestyle store theme
  28. odoo theme for lifestyle ecommerce store
  29. odoo fashion store template
  30. fashion theme
  31. fashion
  32. fashion store
  33. odoo fashion store
  34. odoo fashion theme
  35. apparel store
  36. apparel theme
  37. html5 theme
  38. responsive theme
  39. ecommerce store
  40. ecommerce theme
  41. html5 ecommerce store
  42. html5 ecommerce theme
  43. custom theme
  44. mobile custom theme
  45. bootstrap theme
  46. furnishing industry
  47. odoo 9 theme
  48. odoo 10 theme
  49. odoo 11 theme
  50. custom odoo theme
  51. """,
  52. 'category': 'Theme/Ecommerce',
  53. 'version': '',
  54. 'license': 'OPL-1',
  55. 'author': 'AppJetty',
  56. 'website': 'https://www.appjetty.com/',
  57. 'depends': [
  58. 'website_sale',
  59. 'sale_management',
  60. 'mass_mailing',
  61. 'website_blog',
  62. ],
  63. 'data': [
  64. 'views/assets.xml',
  65. 'security/ir.model.access.csv',
  66. 'views/slider_view.xml',
  67. 'views/product_view.xml',
  68. 'views/snippets.xml',
  69. 'views/website_config_view.xml',
  70. 'views/theme_customize.xml',
  71. 'data/data.xml',
  72. 'views/theme.xml',
  73. ],
  74. 'demo': [
  75. # 'data/demo_homepage.xml',
  76. ],
  77. 'support': 'support@appjetty.com',
  78. 'application': True,
  79. 'live_test_url': 'http://theme-kingfisher-pro-fashion.appjetty.com',
  80. 'images': [
  81. 'static/description/splash-screen.png',
  82. 'static/description/splash-screen_screenshot.png',
  83. ],
  84. 'price': 109.00,
  85. 'currency': 'EUR',
  86. }