12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758596061626364656667686970717273747576777879808182 |
- from openerp import tools
- from openerp.osv import fields, osv
- class seguir_pago(osv.osv):
- """
- Quants are the smallest unit of stock physical instances
- """
- _name = "seguir.pago"
- _description = "Seguirpago"
- _auto = False
- _columns = {
- 'partner_id':fields.many2one('res.partner', 'Cliente', readonly=True),
- 'ref': fields.char('Referencia', readonly=True),
- 'date': fields.date('Fecha Factura', readonly=True),
- 'debit': fields.float('Total', readonly=True),
- 'debit_pyg': fields.float('Total', readonly=True),
- 'date_maturity': fields.date('Vence', readonly=True),
- 'currency_id':fields.many2one('res.currency', 'Moneda', readonly=True),
- 'company_id':fields.many2one('res.company', 'Company', readonly=True),
- 'rate': fields.float('Total', readonly=True),
- 'pagado_usd': fields.float('pagado_usd', readonly=True, default=0),
- 'saldo_usd': fields.float('saldo_usd', readonly=True, default=0),
- 'pagado_pyg': fields.float('pagado_pyg', readonly=True, default=0),
- 'saldo_pyg': fields.float('saldo_pyg', readonly=True, default=0),
- }
- _order = 'partner_id desc'
- def init(self, cr):
- tools.sql.drop_view_if_exists(cr, 'seguir_pago')
- cr.execute("""
- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW seguir_pago as (
- SELECT s.id as id,
- s.partner_id as partner_id,
- s.ref as ref,
- s.date as date,
- s.debit as debit,
- (CASE WHEN rrc.amount_tot is null THEN 0 ELSE rrc.amount_tot END) as pagado_usd,
- (s.debit - CASE WHEN rrc.amount_tot is null THEN 0 ELSE rrc.amount_tot END ) as saldo_usd,
- x.rate as rate,
- (s.debit * x.rate) debit_pyg,
- (CASE WHEN rrc.amount_tot is null THEN 0 ELSE rrc.amount_tot END * x.rate) as pagado_pyg,
- ((s.debit * x.rate) - (CASE WHEN rrc.amount_tot is null THEN 0 ELSE rrc.amount_tot END * x.rate)) as saldo_pyg,
- s.date_maturity as date_maturity,
- t.currency_id as currency_id,
- p.id as company_id
- FROM account_move_line s
- left join account_invoice t on (t.move_id=s.move_id)
- left join res_currency d on (d.id=s.currency_id)
- left join res_partner r on (r.id=s.partner_id)
- left join res_company p on (p.id=s.company_id)
- left join res_currency_rate x on (x.id =(select max(id) from res_currency_rate where currency_id =d.id and currency_id=166))
- left join (
- Select sum(avl.amount / rc.rate) as amount_tot, move_line_id
- from account_voucher_line avl
- left join res_currency_rate rc on (rc.id = (SELECT max(rcr.id) FROM res_currency_rate rcr, account_voucher av ,account_journal aj
- where av.id = avl.voucher_id AND rcr.currency_id = CASE WHEN aj.currency is null THEN 3 ELSE aj.currency END AND av.journal_id = aj.id ))
- Group by move_line_id) as rrc on s.id = rrc.move_line_id
- where t.type='out_invoice' and t.state<>'paid' and s.date_maturity IS NOT NULL AND s.reconcile_id is null
- GROUP BY s.id,s.partner_id,s.ref,s.date,s.date_maturity,p.id,t.currency_id,s.debit,x.rate, rrc.amount_tot)
- """)