@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+ <report id="factura_venta_union"
+ model="account.invoice"
+ string="Factura Legal"
+ report_type="qweb-html"
+ name="factura_venta_union.report_factura_union"
+ file="factura_venta_union.report_factura_union"
+ />
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+ <t t-call="report.html_container">
+ <t t-foreach="[1,2,3]" t-as="i">
+ <div class="page">
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+ .fecha_emision_data{
+ width: 11.1cm;
+ padding-left:2.8cm;
+ float: left;
+ min-height: 0.4cm;
+ }
+ .contado_x{
+ width: 2cm;
+ float: right;
+ padding-left: 2.42cm;
+ min-height: 0.4cm;
+ }
+ .credito_x{
+ width:2.5cm;
+ float: left;
+ padding-left: 1.0cm;
+ min-height: 0.4cm;
+ }
+ .ruc_data{
+ width: 11.7cm;
+ float: left;
+ padding-left: 4.8cm;
+ min-height: 0.4cm;
+ }
+ .razon_data{
+ width: 11.7cm;
+ float: left;
+ padding-left: 4.0cm;
+ min-height: 0.4cm;
+ }
+ .direccion_data{
+ width: 13.5cm;
+ float: left;
+ padding-left:2.7cm;
+ min-height: 0.4cm;
+ }
+ .telefono_data{
+ width: 3.5cm;
+ float: right;
+ padding-left: 0.1mm;
+ min-height: 0.4cm;
+ }
+ .nota_remision_data{
+ width: 13cm;
+ float: left;
+ padding-left: 2.8cm;
+ min-height: 0cm;
+ }
+ .dias_credito{
+ width: 5cm;
+ float: left;
+ padding-left: 0.8cm;
+ min-height: 0cm;
+ }
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+ height: 0.77cm;
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+ <t t-foreach="docs" t-as="o">
+ <div class="pagina">
+ <div class="logo"> </div>
+ <table class="tab-articulos2">
+ <td class="art-col11"> </td>
+ <td class="art-col13">
+ <span t-field="o.date_invoice" t-field-options='{"format": "dd"}'/>
+ </td>
+ <td class="art-col14">
+ <span t-field="o.date_invoice" t-field-options='{"format": "MMMM"}'/>
+ </td>
+ <td class="art-col12">
+ <!-- <span t-field="o.date_invoice" t-field-options='{"format": "yy"}'/> -->
+ <t> 4</t>
+ </td>
+ <td class="art-col15">
+ </td>
+ <td class="art-col16">
+ <div class="contado_x">
+ <t t-if="o.contado == True">x</t>
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ <td class="art-col17">
+ <div class="credito_x">
+ <t t-if="o.credito == True">x</t>
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </table>
+ <tr>
+ <div class="ruc_data"><span t-field="o.partner_id.ruc"/></div>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <div class="razon_data"><span t-field="o.partner_id.name"/></div>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <div class="direccion_data">
+ <t t-f="o.partner_id.street"><span t-field="o.partner_id.street"/> </t>
+ <t t-f="not o.partner_id.street"> </t>
+ </div>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <div class="nota_remision_data"></div>
+ <div class="dias_credito"></div>
+ </tr>
+ <div class="cab-articulos"> </div>
+ <div style="height:2.96cm; padding-right:0.9cm;">
+ <div style="font-family: Arial;">
+ <table class="table borderless table-condensed">
+ <t t-set="valor_exentas" t-value="0"/>
+ <t t-set="valor_5" t-value="0"/>
+ <t t-set="valor_10" t-value="0"/>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr t-foreach="o.invoice_line" t-as="l">
+ <!-- CANTIDAD -->
+ <td style="font-size:9.5px;font-family: Arial;width:0.76cm;overflow: auto; text-align: left;">
+ <span t-esc="'%.0f'%l.quantity"/>
+ </td>
+ <td style="font-size:9.3px;font-family: Arial;width:2.74cm;text-align: left;">
+ <span t-field="l.name"/>
+ <!-- Correspondiente al mes de <span t-field="o.date_invoice" t-field-options='{"format": "MMMM/yy"}'/>- Vence: <span t-field="o.date_due"/> -->
+ </td>
+ <td style="font-size:9.2px;font-family: Arial;width:0.14cm;overflow: auto; text-align: right;">
+ <t t-if="o.currency_id.id == 166">
+ <span t-esc="'{0:,.0f}'.format(l.price_unit)"/>
+ </t>
+ <t t-if="o.currency_id.id != 166">
+ <span t-esc="'{0:,.2f}'.format(l.price_unit)"/>
+ </t>
+ </td>
+ <!-- EXENTAS -->
+ <td style="font-size:9.2px;font-family: Arial;width:0.98cm;overflow: auto; text-align: right;">
+ <span t-if="'IVA 5% Venta' not in [ilt.name for ilt in l.invoice_line_tax_id] and 'IVA 10% Venta' not in [ilt.name for ilt in l.invoice_line_tax_id]">
+ <t t-if="o.currency_id.id == 166">
+ <span t-esc="'{0:,.0f}'.format(l.quantity * l.price_unit)"/>
+ </t>
+ <t t-if="o.currency_id.id != 166">
+ <span t-esc="'{0:,.2f}'.format(l.quantity * l.price_unit)"/>
+ </t>
+ <t t-set="valor_exentas" t-value="valor_exentas+(l.quantity * l.price_unit)"/>
+ </span>
+ </td>
+ <!-- IVA 5% -->
+ <td style="font-size:9.2px;font-family: Arial;width:1.0cm;overflow: auto; text-align: right;">
+ <span t-if="'IVA 5% Venta' in [ilt.name for ilt in l.invoice_line_tax_id] and 'IVA 10% Venta' not in [ilt.name for ilt in l.invoice_line_tax_id]">
+ <t t-if="o.currency_id.id == 166">
+ <span t-esc="'{0:,.0f}'.format(l.quantity * l.price_unit)"/>
+ </t>
+ <t t-if="o.currency_id.id != 166">
+ <span t-esc="'{0:,.2f}'.format(l.quantity * l.price_unit)"/>
+ </t>
+ <t t-set="valor_5" t-value="valor_5+(l.quantity * l.price_unit)"/>
+ </span>
+ </td>
+ <!-- IVA 10% -->
+ <td style="font-size:9.2px;font-family: Arial;width:0.8cm;overflow: auto; text-align: right;padding-right: 0.2cm;">
+ <span t-if="'IVA 10% Venta' in [ilt.name for ilt in l.invoice_line_tax_id]">
+ <t t-if="o.currency_id.id == 166">
+ <span t-esc="'{0:,.0f}'.format(l.quantity * l.price_unit)"/>
+ </t>
+ <t t-if="o.currency_id.id != 166">
+ <span t-esc="'{0:,.2f}'.format(l.quantity * l.price_unit)"/>
+ </t>
+ <t t-set="valor_10" t-value="valor_10+(l.quantity * l.price_unit)"/>
+ </span>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div style="height:0.5cm;padding-left:1.7cm;padding-right:0.9cm;">
+ <t t-set="total_exentas" t-value="0"/>
+ <t t-set="total_5" t-value="0"/>
+ <t t-set="total_10" t-value="0"/>
+ <t t-set="iva_5" t-value="0"/>
+ <t t-set="iva_10" t-value="0"/>
+ <t t-set="iva_exentas" t-value="0"/>
+ <table class="table borderless table-condensed3">
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="font-size:10px;font-family: Arial;width:0.7cm;overflow: auto; text-align: center;min-height: 0.7;"></td>
+ <td style="font-size:10px;font-family: Arial;width:1.80cm;overflow: auto; text-align: center;min-height: 0.7;"></td>
+ <td style="font-size:10px;font-family: Arial;width:1.2cm;overflow: auto; text-align: center;min-height: 0.7;"></td>
+ <td style="font-size: 3mm;font-family: Arial;width:1.2cm;overflow: auto; text-align: center;min-height: 0.7;">
+ <t t-if="o.currency_id.id == 166">
+ <span t-esc="'{0:,.0f}'.format(valor_exentas)"/>
+ </t>
+ <t t-if="o.currency_id.id != 166">
+ <span t-esc="'{0:,.2f}'.format(valor_exentas)"/>
+ </t>
+ <t t-set="iva_exentas" t-value="valor_exentas"/>
+ </td>
+ <td style="font-size: 3mm;font-family: Arial;width:0.8cm;overflow: auto; text-align: right;min-height: 0.7;">
+ <t t-if="o.currency_id.id == 166">
+ <span t-esc="'{0:,.0f}'.format(valor_5)"/>
+ </t>
+ <t t-if="o.currency_id.id != 166">
+ <span t-esc="'{0:,.2f}'.format(valor_5)"/>
+ </t>
+ <t t-set="iva_5" t-value="valor_5/21" />
+ </td>
+ <td style="font-size: 3mm;font-family: Arial;width:1.1cm;overflow: auto; text-align: right;min-height: 0.7;">
+ <t t-if="o.currency_id.id == 166">
+ <span t-esc="'{0:,.0f}'.format(valor_10)"/>
+ </t>
+ <t t-if="o.currency_id.id != 166">
+ <span t-esc="'{0:,.2f}'.format(valor_10)"/>
+ </t>
+ <t t-set="iva_10" t-value="(valor_10)/11" />
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </div>
+ <div style="height:0.5cm;padding-top:-0.4cm; padding-right:0.9cm;">
+ <table class="table borderless table-condensed3">
+ <tbody>
+ <td style="font-size:10px;font-family: Arial;width:2.0cm;overflow: auto; text-align: center;"></td>
+ <!-- <td style="padding-top:1.2cm;font-size:10px;font-family: Arial;width:0.3cm;overflow: auto; text-align: center;"></td> -->
+ <td style="font-size: 2.8mm;padding-left: 2.8cm;font-family: Arial;width:13.0cm;overflow: auto; text-align: left;">
+ <t t-if="o.currency_id.id == 166">
+ <div>Gs <span t-esc="convertir('%.0f'%o.amount_total,o.currency_id.en_letras)"/></div>
+ </t>
+ <t t-if="o.currency_id.id != 166">
+ <div>Dólares <span t-esc="convertir('%.2f'%o.amount_total,o.currency_id.en_letras)"/></div>
+ </t>
+ </td>
+ <!-- <td style="padding-top:1.2cm;font-size:10px;font-family: Arial;width:0.5cm;overflow: auto; text-align: center;"></td>
+ <td style="padding-top:1.2cm;font-size:10px;font-family: Arial;width:0.5cm;overflow: auto; text-align: right;"></td>
+ <td style="padding-top:1.2cm;font-size:10px;font-family: Arial;width:0.7cm;overflow: auto; text-align: right;">
+ </td> -->
+ <td style="font-size: 3mm;font-family: Arial;width:1.8cm;overflow: auto; text-align: right;">
+ <t t-if="o.currency_id.id == 166">
+ <span t-esc="'{0:,.0f}'.format(o.amount_total)"/>
+ </t>
+ <t t-if="o.currency_id.id != 166">
+ <span t-esc="'{0:,.2f}'.format(o.amount_total)"/>
+ </t>
+ </td>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </div>
+ <div style="height:0.6cm;padding-top:-0.1cm;">
+ <table class="table borderless table-condensed3">
+ <tbody>
+ <td style="font-size:2.9mm;font-family: Arial;width:0.8cm;overflow: auto; text-align: center;"></td>
+ <td style="font-size:3mm;font-family: Arial;width:5.5cm;overflow: auto; text-align: center;">
+ <t t-if="o.currency_id.id == 166">
+ <div>
+ <t t-if="iva_5 != 0">
+ <span t-esc="'{0:,.0f}'.format(iva_5)"/>
+ </t>
+ </div>
+ </t>
+ <t t-if="o.currency_id.id != 166">
+ <div>
+ <t t-if="iva_5 != 0">
+ <span t-esc="'{0:,.0f}'.format(iva_5)"/>
+ </t>
+ </div>
+ </t>
+ </td>
+ <td style="padding-left: 2.0cm;font-size:3mm;font-family: Arial;width:4cm;overflow: auto; text-align: left;">
+ <t t-if="o.currency_id.id == 166">
+ <div>
+ <t t-if="iva_10 != 0">
+ <span t-esc="'{0:,.0f}'.format(iva_10)"/>
+ </t>
+ </div>
+ </t>
+ <t t-if="o.currency_id.id != 166">
+ <div>
+ <t t-if="iva_10 != 0">
+ <span t-esc="'{0:,.0f}'.format(iva_10)"/>
+ </t>
+ </div>
+ </t>
+ </td>
+ <td style="font-size:2.9mm;font-family: Arial;width:2cm;overflow: auto; text-align: left;">
+ </td>
+ <td style="font-size:10px;font-family: Arial;width:2.0cm;overflow: auto; text-align: left;">
+ <t t-if="o.currency_id.id == 166">
+ <span t-esc="'{0:,.0f}'.format(iva_5+iva_10)"/>
+ </t>
+ <t t-if="o.currency_id.id != 166">
+ <span t-esc="'{0:,.0f}'.format(iva_5+iva_10)"/>
+ </t>
+ </td>
+ <td style="font-size:3mm;font-family: Arial;width:2.5cm;overflow: auto; text-align: left;">
+ </td>
+ <td style="font-size:10px;font-family: Arial;width:2.3cm;overflow: auto; text-align: right;">
+ </td>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
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+ <t t-if="i == 1">
+ <div class="logo1"> </div>
+ </t>
+ <t t-if="i == 2">
+ <div class="logo2"> </div>
+ </t>
+ </div>
+ </t>
+ </div>
+ </t>
+ </t>
+ </template>