@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ class Purchases(http.Controller):
'quantity': 1,
'quantity': 1,
'price': variant.standard_price
'price': variant.standard_price
} for variant in product.product_variant_ids if variant.active]
} for variant in product.product_variant_ids if variant.active]
- } for product in request.env['product.template'].search([('purchase_ok', '=', True), ('standard_price', '>', 0), ('active', '=', True)])]
+ } for product in request.env['product.template'].search([('purchase_ok', '=', True), ('standard_price', '>=', 0), ('active', '=', True)])]
Get all incoming and active picking types
Get all incoming and active picking types
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ class Purchases(http.Controller):
def init_purchase(self, **kw):
def init_purchase(self, **kw):
self.make_info_log('Sending JSON response')
self.make_info_log('Sending JSON response')
- return self.make_response({
+ return self.make_gzip_response({
'date': self.get_server_date(),
'date': self.get_server_date(),
'user': self.get_user(),
'user': self.get_user(),
'currencies': self.get_currencies(),
'currencies': self.get_currencies(),
@@ -319,6 +319,36 @@ class Purchases(http.Controller):
'state': 'draft'
'state': 'draft'
+ '''
+ Confirm purchase order
+ '''
+ def confirm_purchase_order(self, purchase_order_id):
+ purchase_order = request.env['purchase.order'].browse(purchase_order_id)
+ purchase_order.write({
+ 'state': 'manual'
+ })
+ return purchase_order.action_confirm()
+ '''
+ Create invoice from purchase order
+ '''
+ def create_invoice(self, purchase_order_id, currency_id, date_now):
+ purchase_order = request.env['purchase.order'].browse(purchase_order_id)
+ invoice_id = purchase_order.action_invoice_create()
+ invoice = request.env['account.invoice'].browse(invoice_id)
+ date_due = parse(date_now) + rd(days=max(invoice.payment_term.line_ids.mapped(lambda x: x.days + x.days2)))
+ invoice.write({
+ 'currency_id': currency_id,
+ 'date_invoice': date_now,
+ 'date_due': date_due.strftime(DATE_FORMAT),
+ 'state': 'open'
+ })
+ return invoice
Purchase processing resource route
Purchase processing resource route