@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from openerp import api, fields, models
+from openerp.exceptions import except_orm
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from openerp.tools import DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT
+from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
+class AccountInvoice(models.Model):
+ _inherit = 'account.invoice'
+ date_emision = fields.Date("Fecha de Emisión")
+ # def sale_convert_str_to_datetime(self, date):
+ # return datetime.strptime(date, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT)
+ #
+ # @api.model
+ # def getSaleOrder(self,idOrder):
+ # return[{
+ # 'id': order.id,
+ # 'dateOrder': order.date_order.split(" ")[0],
+ # 'dateQuota': order.date_emision or order.date_order.split(" ")[0],
+ # } for order in self.env['sale.order'].browse(idOrder)]
+ # @api.model
+ # def getSaleOrderInterest(self,idOrder):
+ # termConfig = self.env['accont.payments.term.config'].search([('compute', '=', True)])
+ # if (not termConfig):
+ # return []
+ #
+ # saleOrder = self.env['sale.order'].browse(idOrder)
+ # if (not saleOrder):
+ # return []
+ # dateSale = self.sale_convert_str_to_datetime(saleOrder.date_order.split(" ")[0])
+ # datefirst = self.sale_convert_str_to_datetime(saleOrder.date_quota or saleOrder.date_order.split(" ")[0])
+ # daysDiference = datefirst - dateSale
+ #
+ # orderLine = self.env['sale.order.line'].search([('order_id', '=', idOrder),('is_interest','=',True)])
+ # amountInteres = orderLine.price_subtotal or 0
+ #
+ # return [{
+ # 'id': order.id,
+ # 'amountTotal': (order.amount_total - amountInteres),
+ # 'dateOrder': order.date_order.split(" ")[0],
+ # 'dateQuota': order.date_quota or order.date_order.split(" ")[0],
+ # 'amountInteres': round(daysDiference.days * ((order.amount_total - amountInteres) * (termConfig.interest_rate / 100)),order.pricelist_id.currency_id.decimal_places),
+ # 'differenceDay': daysDiference.days,
+ # 'messageDefault': termConfig.message_default,
+ # 'currency': {
+ # 'id': order.pricelist_id.currency_id.id,
+ # 'symbol': order.pricelist_id.currency_id.symbol,
+ # 'decimalSeparator': order.pricelist_id.currency_id.decimal_separator,
+ # 'decimalPlaces': order.pricelist_id.currency_id.decimal_places,
+ # 'thousandsSeparator': order.pricelist_id.currency_id.thousands_separator,
+ # }
+ # } for order in saleOrder]
+ # ''' Discount '''
+ # @api.model
+ # def account_Sale_line_add_discount(self,idOrder, newAmount):
+ # saleOrder = self.env['sale.order'].browse(idOrder)
+ # if (not saleOrder):
+ # return {'state': False }
+ #
+ # discount = abs(saleOrder.amount_total - newAmount)
+ #
+ # discountLine = {
+ # 'order_id': saleOrder.id,
+ # 'price_unit': - discount,
+ # 'price_subtotal': - discount,
+ # }
+ #
+ # line = self.env['sale.order.line'].create(discountLine)
+ # if (not line):
+ # return { 'state': False }
+ #
+ # return { 'state': True }
+ # ''' Interest '''
+ # @api.model
+ # def account_sale_line_interest(self, values):
+ # interestLine = {
+ # 'order_id': values['saleId'],
+ # 'name':"Cambio de fecha de vencimiento, Diferencia("+str(values['differenceDay'])+") días.",
+ # 'price_unit':values['amountInteres'],
+ # 'price_subtotal':values['amountInteres'],
+ # 'is_interest': True
+ # }
+ #
+ # saleLine = self.env['sale.order.line'].search([('order_id', '=', values['saleId']),('is_interest','=',True)])
+ #
+ # if (not saleLine):
+ # if (values['amountInteres'] <= 0):
+ # return { 'state': True }
+ #
+ # saleLine.create(interestLine)
+ # return { 'state': True }
+ #
+ # if (values['amountInteres'] <= 0):
+ # saleLine.unlink()
+ # return { 'state': True }
+ #
+ # saleLine.write(interestLine)
+ # return { 'state': True }
+ #
+ # @api.model
+ # def calculatePaymentTermSaleOrder(self, values):
+ # order = self.env['sale.order'].browse(values['orderId'])
+ #
+ # if (not order):
+ # return False
+ #
+ # dateSale = self.sale_convert_str_to_datetime(order.date_order.split(" ")[0])
+ # datefirst = self.sale_convert_str_to_datetime(order.date_quota or order.date_order.split(" ")[0])
+ #
+ # amountTotal = order.amount_total
+ # amountPayments = values['amountPayments']
+ # amountResidual = amountTotal - amountPayments
+ # cuotaCant = (amountResidual /values['amountCuota'])
+ #
+ # if (amountPayments > 0):
+ # cuotaCant +=1
+ #
+ # termCalculator = []
+ #
+ # cuotaTotal= int(cuotaCant) if ((cuotaCant - int(cuotaCant)) <= 0) else int(cuotaCant)+1
+ #
+ # termType = self.env['account.payment.term.type'].browse(values['typeTerm'])
+ # if (not termType):
+ # return False
+ #
+ # numberCuota = 0
+ # for cuota in xrange(int(cuotaCant)):
+ # numberCuota = cuota+1
+ # amount = values['amountCuota']
+ # adddaysMaturity = datefirst - dateSale
+ # date = datefirst
+ #
+ # if (numberCuota == 1 and (amountPayments > 0)):
+ # amount = amountPayments
+ # if (adddaysMaturity.days > 0):
+ # adddaysMaturity = dateSale - dateSale
+ # date = dateSale
+ #
+ # amountTotal -= amount
+ #
+ # termCalculator.append({
+ # 'number' : numberCuota,
+ # 'cuotaNumber': str(numberCuota)+"/"+str(cuotaTotal),
+ # 'date': date.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT),
+ # 'amount': amount,
+ # 'days': adddaysMaturity.days,
+ # 'value': 'fixed' if (numberCuota < cuotaTotal) else 'balance'
+ # })
+ #
+ # days = datefirst - dateSale
+ # if(numberCuota == 1 and (amountPayments > 0) and days.days > 0 ):
+ # continue
+ #
+ # if (termType.type_calculation == 'month' ):
+ # datefirst += relativedelta(months=termType.qty_add)
+ # else :
+ # datefirst += timedelta(days=termType.qty_add)
+ #
+ # if (amountTotal > 0 ):
+ # numberCuota +=1
+ # adddaysMaturity = datefirst - dateSale
+ #
+ # termCalculator.append({
+ # 'number' : numberCuota,
+ # 'cuotaNumber': str(numberCuota)+"/"+str(cuotaTotal),
+ # 'date': datefirst.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT),
+ # 'amount': amountTotal,
+ # 'days': adddaysMaturity.days,
+ # 'value': 'fixed' if (numberCuota < cuotaTotal) else 'balance'
+ # })
+ #
+ # return termCalculator
+ #
+ # ''' Payments Term '''
+ # @api.model
+ # def accountPaymentTermConfiguratorSale(self, values, orderId):
+ # resUser = self.env.user
+ # if (not resUser):
+ # return {
+ # 'state': False,
+ # 'message': 'No fue posible localizar el usuario.'
+ # }
+ #
+ # term = self.env['account.payment.term'].search([('config', '=', True),('user_term', '=', resUser.id),('type_operation', '=', 'sale')])
+ # if (term):
+ # term.unlink()
+ #
+ # line = []
+ # for configTerm in values:
+ # line.append([0,False,{
+ # 'payment_id': term.id,
+ # 'value': configTerm['value'],
+ # 'days': configTerm['days'],
+ # 'value_amount': configTerm['amount'] if (configTerm['value'] == 'fixed') else 0
+ # }])
+ #
+ # term = self.env['account.payment.term'].create({
+ # 'name': 'Plazos Configurables %s - %s'%('Ventas', resUser.name),
+ # 'type_operation': 'sale',
+ # 'user_term': resUser.id,
+ # 'config': True,
+ # 'line_ids': line,
+ # })
+ #
+ # ''' Actualizar condiciones de pago en la venta '''
+ #
+ # order = self.env['sale.order'].browse(orderId)
+ # if (order):
+ # order.write({'payment_term': term.id})
+ #
+ # return {
+ # 'state': True,
+ # 'message': 'Condiciones de pago configurado con éxito'
+ # }