/** * gridstack.js 1.0.0-dev * http://troolee.github.io/gridstack.js/ * (c) 2014-2017 Pavel Reznikov, Dylan Weiss * gridstack.js may be freely distributed under the MIT license. * @preserve */ (function(factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['jquery', 'lodash', 'gridstack', 'jquery-ui/data', 'jquery-ui/disable-selection', 'jquery-ui/focusable', 'jquery-ui/form', 'jquery-ui/ie', 'jquery-ui/keycode', 'jquery-ui/labels', 'jquery-ui/jquery-1-7', 'jquery-ui/plugin', 'jquery-ui/safe-active-element', 'jquery-ui/safe-blur', 'jquery-ui/scroll-parent', 'jquery-ui/tabbable', 'jquery-ui/unique-id', 'jquery-ui/version', 'jquery-ui/widget', 'jquery-ui/widgets/mouse', 'jquery-ui/widgets/draggable', 'jquery-ui/widgets/droppable', 'jquery-ui/widgets/resizable'], factory); } else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { try { jQuery = require('jquery'); } catch (e) {} try { _ = require('lodash'); } catch (e) {} try { GridStackUI = require('gridstack'); } catch (e) {} factory(jQuery, _, GridStackUI); } else { factory(jQuery, _, GridStackUI); } })(function($, _, GridStackUI) { var scope = window; /** * @class JQueryUIGridStackDragDropPlugin * jQuery UI implementation of drag'n'drop gridstack plugin. */ function JQueryUIGridStackDragDropPlugin(grid) { GridStackUI.GridStackDragDropPlugin.call(this, grid); } GridStackUI.GridStackDragDropPlugin.registerPlugin(JQueryUIGridStackDragDropPlugin); JQueryUIGridStackDragDropPlugin.prototype = Object.create(GridStackUI.GridStackDragDropPlugin.prototype); JQueryUIGridStackDragDropPlugin.prototype.constructor = JQueryUIGridStackDragDropPlugin; JQueryUIGridStackDragDropPlugin.prototype.resizable = function(el, opts) { el = $(el); if (opts === 'disable' || opts === 'enable') { el.resizable(opts); } else if (opts === 'option') { var key = arguments[2]; var value = arguments[3]; el.resizable(opts, key, value); } else { el.resizable(_.extend({}, this.grid.opts.resizable, { start: opts.start || function() {}, stop: opts.stop || function() {}, resize: opts.resize || function() {} })); } return this; }; JQueryUIGridStackDragDropPlugin.prototype.draggable = function(el, opts) { el = $(el); if (opts === 'disable' || opts === 'enable') { el.draggable(opts); } else { el.draggable(_.extend({}, this.grid.opts.draggable, { containment: this.grid.opts.isNested ? this.grid.container.parent() : null, start: opts.start || function() {}, stop: opts.stop || function() {}, drag: opts.drag || function() {} })); } return this; }; JQueryUIGridStackDragDropPlugin.prototype.droppable = function(el, opts) { el = $(el); if (opts === 'disable' || opts === 'enable') { el.droppable(opts); } else { el.droppable({ accept: opts.accept }); } return this; }; JQueryUIGridStackDragDropPlugin.prototype.isDroppable = function(el, opts) { el = $(el); return Boolean(el.data('droppable')); }; JQueryUIGridStackDragDropPlugin.prototype.on = function(el, eventName, callback) { $(el).on(eventName, callback); return this; }; return JQueryUIGridStackDragDropPlugin; });