@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+/*global openerp, _, $ */
+openerp.web_m2x_options = function (instance) {
+ "use strict";
+ var QWeb = instance.web.qweb,
+ _t = instance.web._t,
+ _lt = instance.web._lt;
+ var OPTIONS = ['web_m2x_options.create',
+ 'web_m2x_options.create_edit',
+ 'web_m2x_options.limit',
+ 'web_m2x_options.search_more',
+ 'web_m2x_options.m2o_dialog',];
+ instance.web.form.FieldMany2One = instance.web.form.FieldMany2One.extend({
+ start: function() {
+ this._super.apply(this, arguments);
+ return this.get_options();
+ },
+ get_options: function() {
+ var self = this;
+ if (!_.isUndefined(this.view) && _.isUndefined(this.view.ir_options_loaded)) {
+ this.view.ir_options_loaded = $.Deferred();
+ this.view.ir_options = {};
+ (new instance.web.Model("ir.config_parameter"))
+ .query(["key", "value"]).filter([['key', 'in', OPTIONS]])
+ .all().then(function(records) {
+ _(records).each(function(record) {
+ self.view.ir_options[record.key] = record.value;
+ });
+ self.view.ir_options_loaded.resolve();
+ });
+ return this.view.ir_options_loaded;
+ }
+ return $.when();
+ },
+ is_option_set: function(option) {
+ if (_.isUndefined(option)) {
+ return false
+ }
+ var is_string = typeof option === 'string'
+ var is_bool = typeof option === 'boolean'
+ if (is_string) {
+ return option === 'true' || option === 'True'
+ } else if (is_bool) {
+ return option
+ }
+ return false
+ },
+ show_error_displayer: function () {
+ if(this.is_option_set(this.options.m2o_dialog) ||
+ _.isUndefined(this.options.m2o_dialog) && this.is_option_set(this.view.ir_options['web_m2x_options.m2o_dialog']) ||
+ this.can_create && _.isUndefined(this.options.m2o_dialog) && _.isUndefined(this.view.ir_options['web_m2x_options.m2o_dialog'])) {
+ new instance.web.form.M2ODialog(this).open();
+ }
+ },
+ get_search_result: function (search_val) {
+ var Objects = new instance.web.Model(this.field.relation);
+ var def = $.Deferred();
+ var self = this;
+ // add options limit used to change number of selections record
+ // returned.
+ if (_.isUndefined(this.view))
+ return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
+ if (!_.isUndefined(this.view.ir_options['web_m2x_options.limit'])) {
+ this.limit = parseInt(this.view.ir_options['web_m2x_options.limit']);
+ }
+ if (typeof this.options.limit === 'number') {
+ this.limit = this.options.limit;
+ }
+ // add options search_more to force enable or disable search_more button
+ if (this.is_option_set(this.options.search_more) || _.isUndefined(this.options.search_more) && this.is_option_set(self.view.ir_options['web_m2x_options.search_more'])) {
+ this.search_more = true
+ }
+ // add options field_color and colors to color item(s) depending on field_color value
+ this.field_color = this.options.field_color
+ this.colors = this.options.colors
+ var dataset = new instance.web.DataSet(this, this.field.relation,
+ self.build_context());
+ var blacklist = this.get_search_blacklist();
+ this.last_query = search_val;
+ var search_result = this.orderer.add(dataset.name_search(
+ search_val,
+ new instance.web.CompoundDomain(
+ self.build_domain(), [["id", "not in", blacklist]]),
+ 'ilike', this.limit + 1,
+ self.build_context()));
+ var create_rights;
+ if (!(self.options && (self.options.no_create || self.options.no_create_edit))) {
+ // check quick create options
+ var target_model = this.field.relation
+ create_rights = new instance.web.Model('ir.model').
+ query(['disable_quick_create']).
+ filter([['model', '=', target_model]]).
+ first().
+ then(function(result){
+ if(result.disable_quick_create)
+ return $.when(false);
+ else
+ return new instance.web.Model(target_model).call(
+ "check_access_rights", ["create", false]);
+ });
+ }
+ $.when(search_result, create_rights).then(function (data, can_create) {
+ self.can_create = can_create; // for ``.show_error_displayer()``
+ self.last_search = data;
+ // possible selections for the m2o
+ var values = _.map(data, function (x) {
+ x[1] = x[1].split("\n")[0];
+ return {
+ label: _.str.escapeHTML(x[1]),
+ value: x[1],
+ name: x[1],
+ id: x[0],
+ };
+ });
+ // Search result value colors
+ if (self.colors && self.field_color) {
+ var value_ids = [];
+ for (var index in values) {
+ value_ids.push(values[index].id);
+ }
+ // RPC request to get field_color from Objects
+ Objects.query([self.field_color])
+ .filter([['id', 'in', value_ids]])
+ .all().done(function (objects) {
+ for (var index in objects) {
+ for (var index_value in values) {
+ if (values[index_value].id == objects[index].id) {
+ // Find value in values by comparing ids
+ var value = values[index_value];
+ // Find color with field value as key
+ var color = self.colors[objects[index][self.field_color]] || 'black';
+ value.label = '<span style="color:'+color+'">'+value.label+'</span>';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def.resolve(values);
+ });
+ }
+ // search more... if more results that max
+ if (values.length > self.limit || self.search_more) {
+ values = values.slice(0, self.limit);
+ values.push({
+ label: _t("Search More..."),
+ action: function () {
+ // limit = 80 for improving performance, similar
+ // to Odoo implementation here:
+ // https://github.com/odoo/odoo/commit/8c3cdce539d87775b59b3f2d5ceb433f995821bf
+ dataset.name_search(
+ search_val, self.build_domain(),
+ 'ilike', 80).done(function (data) {
+ self._search_create_popup("search", data);
+ });
+ },
+ classname: 'oe_m2o_dropdown_option'
+ });
+ }
+ // quick create
+ var raw_result = _(data.result).map(function (x) {
+ return x[1];
+ });
+ var no_quick_create = (
+ self.options && (self.options.no_create ||
+ self.options.no_quick_create)
+ )
+ var m2x_create_undef = _.isUndefined(self.view.ir_options['web_m2x_options.create'])
+ var m2x_create = self.view.ir_options['web_m2x_options.create'] == "True"
+ if (!no_quick_create && ((m2x_create_undef && can_create) ||
+ m2x_create)) {
+ if (search_val.length > 0 &&
+ !_.include(raw_result, search_val)) {
+ values.push({
+ label: _.str.sprintf(
+ _t('Create "<strong>%s</strong>"'),
+ $('<span />').text(search_val).html()),
+ action: function () {
+ self._quick_create(search_val);
+ },
+ classname: 'oe_m2o_dropdown_option'
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ // create...
+ var no_create_edit = (
+ self.options && (self.options.no_create ||
+ self.options.no_create_edit)
+ )
+ var m2x_create_edit_undef = _.isUndefined(self.view.ir_options['web_m2x_options.create_edit'])
+ var m2x_create_edit = self.view.ir_options['web_m2x_options.create_edit'] == "True"
+ if (!no_create_edit && ((m2x_create_edit_undef && can_create) ||
+ m2x_create_edit)) {
+ values.push({
+ label: _t("Create and Edit..."),
+ action: function () {
+ self._search_create_popup(
+ "form", undefined,
+ self._create_context(search_val));
+ },
+ classname: 'oe_m2o_dropdown_option'
+ });
+ }
+ // Check if colors specified to wait for RPC
+ if (!(self.field_color && self.colors)){
+ def.resolve(values);
+ }
+ });
+ return def;
+ }
+ });
+ instance.web.form.FieldMany2ManyTags.include({
+ show_error_displayer: function () {
+ if ((typeof this.options.m2o_dialog === 'undefined' && this.can_create) ||
+ this.options.m2o_dialog) {
+ new instance.web.form.M2ODialog(this).open();
+ }
+ },
+ start: function() {
+ this._super.apply(this, arguments);
+ return this.get_options();
+ },
+ get_options: function() {
+ var self = this;
+ if (_.isUndefined(this.view.ir_options_loaded)) {
+ this.view.ir_options_loaded = $.Deferred();
+ this.view.ir_options = {};
+ (new instance.web.Model("ir.config_parameter"))
+ .query(["key", "value"]).filter([['key', 'in', OPTIONS]])
+ .all().then(function(records) {
+ _(records).each(function(record) {
+ self.view.ir_options[record.key] = record.value;
+ });
+ self.view.ir_options_loaded.resolve();
+ });
+ }
+ return this.view.ir_options_loaded;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Call this method to search using a string.
+ */
+ get_search_result: function(search_val) {
+ var self = this;
+ // add options limit used to change number of selections record
+ // returned.
+ if (!_.isUndefined(this.view.ir_options['web_m2x_options.limit'])) {
+ this.limit = parseInt(this.view.ir_options['web_m2x_options.limit']);
+ }
+ if (typeof this.options.limit === 'number') {
+ this.limit = this.options.limit;
+ }
+ var dataset = new instance.web.DataSet(this, this.field.relation, self.build_context());
+ var blacklist = this.get_search_blacklist();
+ this.last_query = search_val;
+ return this.orderer.add(dataset.name_search(
+ search_val, new instance.web.CompoundDomain(self.build_domain(), [["id", "not in", blacklist]]),
+ 'ilike', this.limit + 1, self.build_context())).then(function(data) {
+ self.last_search = data;
+ // possible selections for the m2o
+ var values = _.map(data, function(x) {
+ x[1] = x[1].split("\n")[0];
+ return {
+ label: _.str.escapeHTML(x[1]),
+ value: x[1],
+ name: x[1],
+ id: x[0],
+ };
+ });
+ // search more... if more results that max
+ if (values.length > self.limit) {
+ values = values.slice(0, self.limit);
+ values.push({
+ label: _t("Search More..."),
+ action: function() {
+ // limit = 80 for improving performance, similar
+ // to Odoo implementation here:
+ // https://github.com/odoo/odoo/commit/8c3cdce539d87775b59b3f2d5ceb433f995821bf
+ dataset.name_search(search_val, self.build_domain(), 'ilike', 80).done(function(data) {
+ self._search_create_popup("search", data);
+ });
+ },
+ classname: 'oe_m2o_dropdown_option'
+ });
+ }
+ // quick create
+ var no_quick_create = (
+ self.options && (self.options.no_create ||
+ self.options.no_quick_create)
+ )
+ var m2x_create_undef = _.isUndefined(self.view.ir_options['web_m2x_options.create'])
+ var m2x_create = self.view.ir_options['web_m2x_options.create'] == "True"
+ if (!no_quick_create && (m2x_create_undef || m2x_create)) {
+ var raw_result = _(data.result).map(function(x) {return x[1];});
+ if (search_val.length > 0 && !_.include(raw_result, search_val)) {
+ values.push({
+ label: _.str.sprintf(_t('Create "<strong>%s</strong>"'),
+ $('<span />').text(search_val).html()),
+ action: function() {
+ self._quick_create(search_val);
+ },
+ classname: 'oe_m2o_dropdown_option'
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ // create...
+ var no_create_edit = (
+ self.options && (self.options.no_create ||
+ self.options.no_create_edit)
+ )
+ var m2x_create_edit_undef = _.isUndefined(self.view.ir_options['web_m2x_options.create_edit'])
+ var m2x_create_edit = self.view.ir_options['web_m2x_options.create_edit'] == "True"
+ if (!no_create_edit && (m2x_create_edit_undef || m2x_create_edit)) {
+ values.push({
+ label: _t("Create and Edit..."),
+ action: function() {
+ self._search_create_popup("form", undefined, self._create_context(search_val));
+ },
+ classname: 'oe_m2o_dropdown_option'
+ });
+ }
+ return values;
+ })
+ },
+ render_value: function()
+ {
+ var self = this;
+ return jQuery.when(this._super.apply(this, arguments))
+ .then(function()
+ {
+ if(self.options.open)
+ {
+ self.$el.find('.oe_tag')
+ .css('cursor', 'pointer')
+ .click(function(e)
+ {
+ var id = parseInt(jQuery(this).attr('data-id'));
+ self.do_action({
+ type: 'ir.actions.act_window',
+ res_model: self.field.relation,
+ views: [[false, 'form']],
+ res_id: id,
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ });