 Version Change Log
 Module: school
Version 3.0 on 2014-04-02 by Pankaj Goyani
    * Migrated Module into 8.0 with use api.

Version 2.0 on 2014-09-09 by Murtuza Saleh
    * Migrated Module.

Version 1.4 on 2013-10-07 by Anu Patel
    * Improved the elective subject functionality.
    * Improved the button action of "Result" Button in student profile.
    * Fixed the error faced while clicking the "Send Email" Button in News/Update form.

Version 1.3 on 2013-10-04 by Anu Patel
    * Added the functionality to manage History of previous standard of student.

Version 1.2 on 2013-09-30 by Anu Patel
    * Remove commented code.
Version 1.1 on 2013-09-30 by Sudhir Arya
    * v7 Standard
Version 1.0 on 2013-09-19 by Anu Patel
    * Added record rule in student.
    * Added groups to menu "Parent details".
    * Added groups in buttons like "Alumni,Terminale" in student.student