@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+from openerp import models, api, fields
+from pytz import timezone
+from datetime import datetime,timedelta
+DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d'
+class SaleOrder(models.Model):
+ _inherit = 'sale.order'
+ _name = 'sale.order'
+ invoice_number = fields.Char('Numero de Factura')
+ contado = fields.Boolean('Contado')
+ credito = fields.Boolean('Crédito')
+ _defaults = {
+ 'contado': True
+ }
+ @api.one
+ @api.onchange('credito')
+ def cambiar_estado_credito(self):
+ self.contado = not self.credito
+ @api.one
+ @api.onchange('contado')
+ def cambiar_estado_contado(self):
+ self.credito = not self.contado
+ ''' Timezone '''
+ def get_timezone(self):
+ return timezone(self._context.get('tz') or self.env.user.tz)
+ def _convert_str_to_datetime(self, date):
+ return datetime.strptime(date,DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT)
+ @api.multi
+ def order_process_now(self):
+ """
+ Confirms order and creates and validates invoice, confirms pickings.
+ """
+ for sale in self:
+ sale.action_button_confirm()
+ inv_id = sale.action_invoice_create()
+ if inv_id:
+ inv = self.env['account.invoice'].browse(inv_id)
+ date = self._convert_str_to_datetime(sale.date_order)
+ date = date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT)
+ inv.write({
+ 'date_invoice':date,
+ 'supplier_invoice_number':self.invoice_number,
+ 'contado':self.contado,
+ 'credito':self.credito
+ })
+ self.update_state()
+ inv.signal_workflow('invoice_open')
+ for picking in sale.picking_ids:
+ picking.force_assign()
+ picking.action_done()
+ @api.multi
+ def update_state(self):
+ for order in self:
+ order.write({'state': 'done'})
+ return True
+class account_invoice(models.Model):
+ _inherit = 'account.invoice'
+ _name = 'account.invoice'
+ contado = fields.Boolean('Contado')
+ credito = fields.Boolean('Crédito')
+ _defaults = {
+ 'contado': True
+ }
+ @api.one
+ @api.onchange('credito')
+ def cambiar_estado_credito(self):
+ self.contado = not self.credito
+ @api.one
+ @api.onchange('contado')
+ def cambiar_estado_contado(self):
+ self.credito = not self.contado
+class SaleOrderLine(models.Model):
+ _inherit = 'sale.order.line'
+ _name = 'sale.order.line'
+ amount_total = fields.Float(compute='_calculate_total_sale_line',string='Total',default=0.0)
+ standard_price = fields.Float(compute='_standard_price',string='Precio de costo',default=0.0)
+ discount_id = fields.Many2one(
+ 'sale.purchase.discount',
+ string='Desc. Costo',
+ ondelete='restrict'
+ )
+ sale_percentage_id = fields.Many2one(
+ 'sale.purchase.discount',
+ string='% Venta',
+ ondelete='restrict'
+ )
+ @api.depends('price_unit','product_uom_qty')
+ def _calculate_total_sale_line(self):
+ for line in self:
+ line.amount_total = line.product_uom_qty * line.price_unit
+ @api.depends('product_id')
+ def _standard_price(self):
+ for line in self:
+ line.standard_price = line.product_id.standard_price
+ # line.price_unit = line.product_id.standard_price
+ @api.onchange('discount_id','sale_percentage_id')
+ def _calculate_price_unit(self):
+ for line in self:
+ if line.discount_id and not line.sale_percentage_id:
+ line.price_unit = line.standard_price - ((line.standard_price * (line.discount_id.value or 0.0))/100)
+ if line.sale_percentage_id and not line.discount_id:
+ line.price_unit = line.standard_price + ((line.standard_price * (line.sale_percentage_id.value or 0.0))/100)
+ if line.discount_id and line.sale_percentage_id:
+ line.price_unit = (line.standard_price - ((line.standard_price * (line.discount_id.value or 0.0))/100)) + (((line.standard_price - ((line.standard_price * (line.discount_id.value or 0.0))/100)) * (line.sale_percentage_id.value or 0.0))/100)