@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2017 OpenSynergy Indonesia
+# License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl).
+from openerp.tests.common import TransactionCase
+from openerp.exceptions import Warning as UserError
+class TestOnchangeProductBarcode(TransactionCase):
+ def setUp(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(TestOnchangeProductBarcode, self).setUp(*args, **kwargs)
+ # Objects
+ self.wiz = self.env['sale.order.barcode']
+ self.obj_sale_order_line =\
+ self.env['sale.order.line']
+ # Data
+ self.data_so = self.env['sale.order'].create({
+ 'partner_id': self.env.ref('base.res_partner_1').id,
+ })
+ self.product_1 =\
+ self.env.ref('product.product_product_25')
+ self.product_2 =\
+ self.env.ref('product.product_product_30')
+ self.product_3 =\
+ self.env.ref('product.product_product_3')
+ self.uom_unit =\
+ self.env.ref('product.product_uom_unit')
+ self.uom_dozen =\
+ self.env.ref('product.product_uom_dozen')
+ def test_error_product_no_ean_13(self):
+ new = self.wiz.with_context(
+ active_model="sale.order",
+ active_id=self.data_so.id
+ ).new()
+ new.product_barcode = 0000000000000
+ res = new.product_barcode_onchange()
+ self.assertEquals(
+ 'No product found with this code as '
+ 'EAN13 or product is not for sale. You should select '
+ 'the right product manually.',
+ res['warning']['message']
+ )
+ def test_error_product_duplicate_ean(self):
+ new = self.wiz.with_context(
+ active_model="sale.order",
+ active_id=self.data_so.id
+ ).new()
+ self.product_1.ean13 = 8998989300155
+ self.product_2.ean13 = 8998989300155
+ new.product_barcode = 8998989300155
+ res = new.product_barcode_onchange()
+ self.assertIsNotNone(
+ res['warning']['message']
+ )
+ def test_error_more_than_1_line(self):
+ order_line = [
+ (0, 0, {
+ 'product_id': self.product_1.id,
+ 'product_uom_qty': 5,
+ }),
+ (0, 0, {
+ 'product_id': self.product_1.id,
+ 'product_uom_qty': 1,
+ }),
+ ]
+ self.data_so.update({
+ 'order_line': order_line
+ })
+ new = self.wiz.with_context(
+ active_model="sale.order",
+ active_id=self.data_so.id
+ ).new()
+ self.product_1.ean13 = 8998989300155
+ new.product_barcode = 8998989300155
+ new.product_barcode_onchange()
+ new.product_id_onchange()
+ new.product_qty = 20.0
+ msg = ("More than 1 line found")
+ with self.assertRaises(UserError) as error:
+ new.save()
+ self.assertEqual(error.exception.message, msg)
+ def test_product_barcode_condition_1(self):
+ # 1. type = INSERT
+ # 2. Uom Lines = Uom Wizard
+ # 3. Using single product
+ self.product_1.ean13 = 8998989300155
+ new = self.wiz.with_context(
+ active_model="sale.order",
+ active_id=self.data_so.id
+ ).new()
+ new.type = 'insert'
+ new.product_barcode = 8998989300155
+ new.product_barcode_onchange()
+ new.product_id_onchange()
+ new.product_qty = 5.0
+ new.save()
+ new.type = 'insert'
+ new.product_barcode = 8998989300155
+ new.product_barcode_onchange()
+ new.product_id_onchange()
+ new.product_qty = 9.0
+ new.save()
+ line_1 = self.obj_sale_order_line.search([
+ ('order_id', '=', self.data_so.id),
+ ('product_id', '=', self.product_1.id)
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(line_1.product_uom_qty, 14.0)
+ def test_product_barcode_condition_2(self):
+ # 1. type = INSERT
+ # 2. Uom Lines != Uom Wizard
+ # 3. Using single product
+ self.product_2.ean13 = 8996001600382
+ new = self.wiz.with_context(
+ active_model="sale.order",
+ active_id=self.data_so.id
+ ).new()
+ new.type = 'insert'
+ new.product_barcode = 8996001600382
+ new.product_barcode_onchange()
+ new.product_id_onchange()
+ new.product_qty = 1.0
+ new.save()
+ new.type = 'insert'
+ new.product_barcode = 8996001600382
+ new.product_barcode_onchange()
+ new.product_id_onchange()
+ new.product_qty = 2.0
+ new.product_uom_id = self.uom_dozen.id
+ new.save()
+ line_1 = self.obj_sale_order_line.search([
+ ('order_id', '=', self.data_so.id),
+ ('product_id', '=', self.product_2.id)
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(line_1.product_uom_qty, 25.0)
+ def test_product_barcode_condition_3(self):
+ # 1. type = UPDATE
+ # 2. Uom Lines = Uom Wizard
+ # 3. Using single product
+ self.product_1.ean13 = 8998989300155
+ new = self.wiz.with_context(
+ active_model="sale.order",
+ active_id=self.data_so.id
+ ).new()
+ new.type = 'insert'
+ new.product_barcode = 8998989300155
+ new.product_barcode_onchange()
+ new.product_id_onchange()
+ new.product_qty = 1.0
+ new.save()
+ new.type = 'update'
+ new.product_barcode = 8998989300155
+ new.product_barcode_onchange()
+ new.product_id_onchange()
+ new.product_qty = 2.0
+ new.save()
+ line_1 = self.obj_sale_order_line.search([
+ ('order_id', '=', self.data_so.id),
+ ('product_id', '=', self.product_1.id)
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(line_1.product_uom_qty, 2.0)
+ def test_product_barcode_condition_4(self):
+ # 1. type = UPDATE
+ # 2. Uom Lines != Uom Wizard
+ # 3. Using single product
+ self.product_3.ean13 = 8998666000903
+ new = self.wiz.with_context(
+ active_model="sale.order",
+ active_id=self.data_so.id
+ ).new()
+ new.type = 'insert'
+ new.product_barcode = 8998666000903
+ new.product_barcode_onchange()
+ new.product_id_onchange()
+ new.product_qty = 4.0
+ new.save()
+ new.type = 'update'
+ new.product_barcode = 8998666000903
+ new.product_barcode_onchange()
+ new.product_id_onchange()
+ new.product_qty = 1.0
+ new.product_uom_id = self.uom_dozen.id
+ new.save()
+ line_1 = self.obj_sale_order_line.search([
+ ('order_id', '=', self.data_so.id),
+ ('product_id', '=', self.product_3.id)
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(line_1.product_uom_qty, 12.0)
+ def test_product_barcode_condition_5(self):
+ # 1. type = UPDATE & INSERT
+ # 2. Uom Lines != Uom Wizard & Uom Lines = Uom Wizard
+ # 3. Using multiple product
+ self.product_1.ean13 = 8998989300155
+ self.product_2.ean13 = 8996001600382
+ self.product_3.ean13 = 8998666000903
+ new = self.wiz.with_context(
+ active_model="sale.order",
+ active_id=self.data_so.id
+ ).new()
+ new.type = 'insert'
+ new.product_barcode = 8998989300155
+ new.product_barcode_onchange()
+ new.product_id_onchange()
+ new.product_qty = 3.0
+ new.save()
+ new.type = 'insert'
+ new.product_barcode = 8996001600382
+ new.product_barcode_onchange()
+ new.product_id_onchange()
+ new.product_qty = 10.0
+ new.save()
+ new.type = 'insert'
+ new.product_barcode = 8998666000903
+ new.product_barcode_onchange()
+ new.product_id_onchange()
+ new.product_qty = 8.0
+ new.save()
+ new.type = 'update'
+ new.product_barcode = 8998989300155
+ new.product_barcode_onchange()
+ new.product_id_onchange()
+ new.product_qty = 13.0
+ new.save()
+ new.type = 'insert'
+ new.product_barcode = 8996001600382
+ new.product_barcode_onchange()
+ new.product_id_onchange()
+ new.product_qty = 10.0
+ new.save()
+ new.type = 'update'
+ new.product_barcode = 8998666000903
+ new.product_barcode_onchange()
+ new.product_id_onchange()
+ new.product_qty = 10.0
+ new.product_uom_id = self.uom_dozen.id
+ new.save()
+ line_1 = self.obj_sale_order_line.search([
+ ('order_id', '=', self.data_so.id),
+ ('product_id', '=', self.product_1.id)
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(line_1.product_uom_qty, 13.0)
+ line_2 = self.obj_sale_order_line.search([
+ ('order_id', '=', self.data_so.id),
+ ('product_id', '=', self.product_2.id)
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(line_2.product_uom_qty, 20.0)
+ line_3 = self.obj_sale_order_line.search([
+ ('order_id', '=', self.data_so.id),
+ ('product_id', '=', self.product_3.id)
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(line_3.product_uom_qty, 120.0)