@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+import logging
+from itertools import chain
+import time
+from openerp import tools
+from openerp.osv import fields, osv
+from openerp.tools.translate import _
+from openerp.exceptions import except_orm
+_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class product_pricelist(osv.osv):
+ _inherit = "product.pricelist"
+ def _price_rule_get_multi(self, cr, uid, pricelist, products_by_qty_by_partner, context=None):
+ """
+ Overwrite of the original product pricelist calculation to add curve dependicy on rules.
+ The method lacks hooks this is why the whole method is copied wich is not a good practice
+ :param pricelist:
+ :param products_by_qty_by_partner:
+ :return:
+ """
+ date = context.get('date') or time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
+ date = date[0:10]
+ products = map(lambda x: x[0], products_by_qty_by_partner)
+ currency_obj = self.pool.get('res.currency')
+ product_obj = self.pool.get('product.template')
+ product_uom_obj = self.pool.get('product.uom')
+ price_type_obj = self.pool.get('product.price.type')
+ if not products:
+ return {}
+ version = False
+ for v in pricelist.version_id:
+ if ((v.date_start is False) or (v.date_start <= date)) and ((v.date_end is False) or (v.date_end >= date)):
+ version = v
+ break
+ if not version:
+ raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning!'), _("At least one pricelist has no active version !\nPlease create or activate one."))
+ categ_ids = {}
+ for p in products:
+ categ = p.categ_id
+ while categ:
+ categ_ids[categ.id] = True
+ categ = categ.parent_id
+ categ_ids = categ_ids.keys()
+ is_product_template = products[0]._name == "product.template"
+ if is_product_template:
+ prod_tmpl_ids = [tmpl.id for tmpl in products]
+ # all variants of all products
+ prod_ids = [p.id for p in
+ list(chain.from_iterable([t.product_variant_ids for t in products]))]
+ else:
+ prod_ids = [product.id for product in products]
+ prod_tmpl_ids = [product.product_tmpl_id.id for product in products]
+ curve_ids = []
+ for p in products:
+ if p.product_curve_id:
+ curve_ids.append(p.product_curve_id.id)
+ if curve_ids:
+ # Load all rules
+ cr.execute(
+ 'SELECT i.id '
+ 'FROM product_pricelist_item AS i '
+ 'WHERE (product_tmpl_id IS NULL OR product_tmpl_id = any(%s)) '
+ 'AND (product_id IS NULL OR (product_id = any(%s))) '
+ 'AND ((categ_id IS NULL) OR (categ_id = any(%s))) '
+ 'AND ((product_curve_id IS NULL) OR (product_curve_id = any(%s))) '
+ 'AND (price_version_id = %s) '
+ 'ORDER BY sequence, min_quantity desc',
+ (prod_tmpl_ids, prod_ids, categ_ids, curve_ids, version.id))
+ else:
+ # Load all rules
+ cr.execute(
+ 'SELECT i.id '
+ 'FROM product_pricelist_item AS i '
+ 'WHERE (product_tmpl_id IS NULL OR product_tmpl_id = any(%s)) '
+ 'AND (product_id IS NULL OR (product_id = any(%s))) '
+ 'AND ((categ_id IS NULL) OR (categ_id = any(%s))) '
+ 'AND (price_version_id = %s) '
+ 'ORDER BY sequence, min_quantity desc',
+ (prod_tmpl_ids, prod_ids, categ_ids, version.id))
+ item_ids = [x[0] for x in cr.fetchall()]
+ items = self.pool.get('product.pricelist.item').browse(cr, uid, item_ids, context=context)
+ price_types = {}
+ results = {}
+ for product, qty, partner in products_by_qty_by_partner:
+ results[product.id] = 0.0
+ rule_id = False
+ price = False
+ # Final unit price is computed according to `qty` in the `qty_uom_id` UoM.
+ # An intermediary unit price may be computed according to a different UoM, in
+ # which case the price_uom_id contains that UoM.
+ # The final price will be converted to match `qty_uom_id`.
+ qty_uom_id = context.get('uom') or product.uom_id.id
+ price_uom_id = product.uom_id.id
+ qty_in_product_uom = qty
+ if qty_uom_id != product.uom_id.id:
+ try:
+ qty_in_product_uom = product_uom_obj._compute_qty(
+ cr,
+ uid,
+ context['uom'],
+ qty,
+ product.uom_id.id or product.uos_id.id
+ )
+ except except_orm:
+ # Ignored - incompatible UoM in context, use default product UoM
+ pass
+ for rule in items:
+ if rule.min_quantity and qty_in_product_uom < rule.min_quantity:
+ continue
+ if is_product_template:
+ if rule.product_tmpl_id and product.id != rule.product_tmpl_id.id:
+ continue
+ if rule.product_id and \
+ (product.product_variant_count > 1 or product.product_variant_ids[0].id != rule.product_id.id):
+ # product rule acceptable on template if has only one variant
+ continue
+ else:
+ if rule.product_tmpl_id and product.product_tmpl_id.id != rule.product_tmpl_id.id:
+ continue
+ if rule.product_id and product.id != rule.product_id.id:
+ continue
+ if rule.categ_id:
+ cat = product.categ_id
+ while cat:
+ if cat.id == rule.categ_id.id:
+ break
+ cat = cat.parent_id
+ if not cat:
+ continue
+ if rule.product_curve_id:
+ if product.product_curve_id != rule.product_curve_id:
+ continue
+ if rule.base == -1:
+ if rule.base_pricelist_id:
+ price_tmp = self._price_get_multi(
+ cr,
+ uid,
+ rule.base_pricelist_id,
+ [
+ (
+ product,
+ qty,
+ partner
+ )
+ ],
+ context=context
+ )[product.id]
+ ptype_src = rule.base_pricelist_id.currency_id.id
+ price_uom_id = qty_uom_id
+ price = currency_obj.compute(
+ cr,
+ uid,
+ ptype_src,
+ pricelist.currency_id.id,
+ price_tmp,
+ round=False,
+ context=context
+ )
+ elif rule.base == -2:
+ seller = False
+ for seller_id in product.seller_ids:
+ if (not partner) or (seller_id.name.id != partner):
+ continue
+ seller = seller_id
+ if not seller and product.seller_ids:
+ seller = product.seller_ids[0]
+ if seller:
+ qty_in_seller_uom = qty
+ seller_uom = seller.product_uom.id
+ if qty_uom_id != seller_uom:
+ qty_in_seller_uom = product_uom_obj._compute_qty(
+ cr,
+ uid,
+ qty_uom_id,
+ qty,
+ to_uom_id=seller_uom
+ )
+ price_uom_id = seller_uom
+ for line in seller.pricelist_ids:
+ if line.min_quantity <= qty_in_seller_uom:
+ price = line.price
+ else:
+ if rule.base not in price_types:
+ price_types[rule.base] = price_type_obj.browse(
+ cr,
+ uid,
+ int(rule.base),
+ context=context
+ )
+ price_type = price_types[rule.base]
+ # price_get returns the price in the context UoM, i.e. qty_uom_id
+ price_uom_id = qty_uom_id
+ price = currency_obj.compute(
+ cr,
+ uid,
+ price_type.currency_id.id,
+ pricelist.currency_id.id,
+ product_obj._price_get(
+ cr,
+ uid,
+ [product],
+ price_type.field,
+ context=context
+ )[product.id],
+ round=False,
+ context=context
+ )
+ if price is not False:
+ price_limit = price
+ price = price * (1.0+(rule.price_discount or 0.0))
+ if rule.price_round:
+ price = tools.float_round(price, precision_rounding=rule.price_round)
+ convert_to_price_uom = (lambda price: product_uom_obj._compute_price(
+ cr, uid, product.uom_id.id,
+ price, price_uom_id))
+ if rule.price_surcharge:
+ price_surcharge = convert_to_price_uom(rule.price_surcharge)
+ price += price_surcharge
+ if rule.price_min_margin:
+ price_min_margin = convert_to_price_uom(rule.price_min_margin)
+ price = max(price, price_limit + price_min_margin)
+ if rule.price_max_margin:
+ price_max_margin = convert_to_price_uom(rule.price_max_margin)
+ price = min(price, price_limit + price_max_margin)
+ rule_id = rule.id
+ break
+ # Final price conversion to target UoM
+ price = product_uom_obj._compute_price(
+ cr,
+ uid,
+ price_uom_id,
+ price,
+ qty_uom_id
+ )
+ results[product.id] = (price, rule_id)
+ return results