ko.po 7.3 KB

  1. # Translation of Odoo Server.
  2. # This file contains the translation of the following modules:
  3. # * pos_restaurant
  4. #
  5. # Translators:
  6. msgid ""
  7. msgstr ""
  8. "Project-Id-Version: Odoo 8.0\n"
  9. "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
  10. "POT-Creation-Date: 2015-01-21 14:07+0000\n"
  11. "PO-Revision-Date: 2015-08-18 08:38+0000\n"
  12. "Last-Translator: choijaeho <hwangtog@gmail.com>\n"
  13. "Language-Team: Korean (http://www.transifex.com/odoo/odoo-8/language/ko/)\n"
  14. "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  15. "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  16. "Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
  17. "Language: ko\n"
  18. "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
  19. #. module: pos_restaurant
  20. #. openerp-web
  21. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/printbill.xml:44
  22. #, python-format
  23. msgid "--------------------------------"
  24. msgstr "--------------------------------"
  25. #. module: pos_restaurant
  26. #: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:pos_restaurant.action_restaurant_printer_form
  27. msgid ""
  28. "<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n"
  29. " Click to add a Restaurant Order Printer.\n"
  30. " </p><p>\n"
  31. " Order Printers are used by restaurants and bars to print the\n"
  32. " order updates in the kitchen/bar when the waiter updates the order.\n"
  33. " </p><p>\n"
  34. " Each Order Printer has an IP Address that defines the PosBox/Hardware\n"
  35. " Proxy where the printer can be found, and a list of product categories.\n"
  36. " An Order Printer will only print updates for prodcuts belonging to one of\n"
  37. " its categories.\n"
  38. " </p>\n"
  39. " "
  40. msgstr "<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n 음식점 주문용 프린터를 추가합니다.\n </p><p>\n 주문용 프린터는 종업원이 주문을 변경할 때 주방/바에서 \n 변경된 주문을 인쇄하는 음식점이나 술집에서 사용됩니다.\n </p><p>\n 각 주문용 프린터는 프린터를 찾을 수 있는 PosBox/하드웨어 프록시를\n 정의하는 IP 주소를 가집니다. 그리고 상품 분류 목록을 가지고 있습니다.\n 주문용 프린터는 그 분류 중 하나에 속하는 상품에 대한 변경 사항을\n 인쇄 할 수 있습니다.\n </p>\n "
  41. #. module: pos_restaurant
  42. #: help:pos.config,iface_printbill:0
  43. msgid "Allows to print the Bill before payment"
  44. msgstr "지불 전에 계산서 발행을 허용합니다"
  45. #. module: pos_restaurant
  46. #: help:restaurant.printer,name:0
  47. msgid "An internal identification of the printer"
  48. msgstr "프린터의 내부 식별"
  49. #. module: pos_restaurant
  50. #. openerp-web
  51. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/splitbill.xml:61
  52. #, python-format
  53. msgid "Back"
  54. msgstr "뒤로"
  55. #. module: pos_restaurant
  56. #: view:pos.config:pos_restaurant.view_pos_config_form
  57. msgid "Bar & Restaurant"
  58. msgstr "바 및 레스토랑"
  59. #. module: pos_restaurant
  60. #. openerp-web
  61. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/printbill.xml:6
  62. #, python-format
  63. msgid "Bill"
  64. msgstr "계산서"
  65. #. module: pos_restaurant
  66. #: field:pos.config,iface_printbill:0
  67. msgid "Bill Printing"
  68. msgstr "계산서 발행"
  69. #. module: pos_restaurant
  70. #. openerp-web
  71. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/splitbill.xml:64
  72. #: field:pos.config,iface_splitbill:0
  73. #, python-format
  74. msgid "Bill Splitting"
  75. msgstr "계산서 분리"
  76. #. module: pos_restaurant
  77. #. openerp-web
  78. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/multiprint.xml:26
  79. #, python-format
  80. msgid "CANCELLED"
  81. msgstr "취소됨"
  82. #. module: pos_restaurant
  83. #: field:restaurant.printer,create_uid:0
  84. msgid "Created by"
  85. msgstr "작성자"
  86. #. module: pos_restaurant
  87. #: field:restaurant.printer,create_date:0
  88. msgid "Created on"
  89. msgstr "작성일"
  90. #. module: pos_restaurant
  91. #. openerp-web
  92. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/printbill.xml:64
  93. #, python-format
  94. msgid "Discount:"
  95. msgstr "할인 :"
  96. #. module: pos_restaurant
  97. #. openerp-web
  98. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/printbill.xml:113
  99. #, python-format
  100. msgid "Discounts"
  101. msgstr "할인"
  102. #. module: pos_restaurant
  103. #: help:pos.config,iface_splitbill:0
  104. msgid "Enables Bill Splitting in the Point of Sale"
  105. msgstr "판매 시점에서 할부가 가능합니다"
  106. #. module: pos_restaurant
  107. #: field:restaurant.printer,id:0
  108. msgid "ID"
  109. msgstr "ID"
  110. #. module: pos_restaurant
  111. #: field:restaurant.printer,write_uid:0
  112. msgid "Last Updated by"
  113. msgstr "최근 갱신한 사람"
  114. #. module: pos_restaurant
  115. #: field:restaurant.printer,write_date:0
  116. msgid "Last Updated on"
  117. msgstr "최근 갱신 날짜"
  118. #. module: pos_restaurant
  119. #. openerp-web
  120. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/multiprint.xml:40
  121. #, python-format
  122. msgid "NEW"
  123. msgstr "신규"
  124. #. module: pos_restaurant
  125. #. openerp-web
  126. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/multiprint.xml:6
  127. #, python-format
  128. msgid "Order"
  129. msgstr "주문"
  130. #. module: pos_restaurant
  131. #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:pos_restaurant.action_restaurant_printer_form
  132. #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:pos_restaurant.menu_restaurant_printer_all
  133. #: field:pos.config,printer_ids:0
  134. msgid "Order Printers"
  135. msgstr "주문용 프린터"
  136. #. module: pos_restaurant
  137. #: view:restaurant.printer:pos_restaurant.view_restaurant_printer_form
  138. msgid "POS Printer"
  139. msgstr "POS 프린터"
  140. #. module: pos_restaurant
  141. #: field:restaurant.printer,product_categories_ids:0
  142. msgid "Printed Product Categories"
  143. msgstr "인쇄된 상품 분류"
  144. #. module: pos_restaurant
  145. #: field:restaurant.printer,name:0
  146. msgid "Printer Name"
  147. msgstr "프린터 이름"
  148. #. module: pos_restaurant
  149. #: field:restaurant.printer,proxy_ip:0
  150. msgid "Proxy IP Address"
  151. msgstr "프록시 IP 주소"
  152. #. module: pos_restaurant
  153. #: view:restaurant.printer:pos_restaurant.view_restaurant_printer
  154. msgid "Restaurant Order Printers"
  155. msgstr "식당 주문용 프린터"
  156. #. module: pos_restaurant
  157. #. openerp-web
  158. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/printbill.xml:45
  159. #, python-format
  160. msgid "Served by"
  161. msgstr "제공자"
  162. #. module: pos_restaurant
  163. #. openerp-web
  164. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/splitbill.xml:6
  165. #, python-format
  166. msgid "Split"
  167. msgstr "분할"
  168. #. module: pos_restaurant
  169. #. openerp-web
  170. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/printbill.xml:91
  171. #, python-format
  172. msgid "Subtotal"
  173. msgstr "소계"
  174. #. module: pos_restaurant
  175. #. openerp-web
  176. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/printbill.xml:104
  177. #, python-format
  178. msgid "TOTAL"
  179. msgstr "합계"
  180. #. module: pos_restaurant
  181. #. openerp-web
  182. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/printbill.xml:29
  183. #, python-format
  184. msgid "Tel:"
  185. msgstr "전화 :"
  186. #. module: pos_restaurant
  187. #: help:restaurant.printer,proxy_ip:0
  188. msgid "The IP Address or hostname of the Printer's hardware proxy"
  189. msgstr "프린터의 하드웨어 프록시 호스트 이름 또는 IP 주소"
  190. #. module: pos_restaurant
  191. #. openerp-web
  192. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/printbill.xml:32
  193. #, python-format
  194. msgid "VAT:"
  195. msgstr "VAT:"
  196. #. module: pos_restaurant
  197. #. openerp-web
  198. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/splitbill.xml:44
  199. #, python-format
  200. msgid "With a"
  201. msgstr "추가"
  202. #. module: pos_restaurant
  203. #. openerp-web
  204. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/splitbill.xml:36
  205. #, python-format
  206. msgid "at"
  207. msgstr "에"
  208. #. module: pos_restaurant
  209. #. openerp-web
  210. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/splitbill.xml:46
  211. #, python-format
  212. msgid "discount"
  213. msgstr "할인"