.. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/licence-AGPL--3-blue.svg :alt: License: AGPL-3 Kitchen Ticket for Odoo Point of Sale ===================================== This module allows to print a kitchen ticket, which is the same ticket than normal but without prices and taxes. This will be useful when the order is done internally without the payment. It has a additional **Payment** button on the Kitchen Ticket window to change the flow from **Payment->Receipt** to **Receipt->Payment**. This module target the POSBoxless environments, as the POSBox environment already have a Bill printing method which can be enabled with pos_restaurant module that Odoo provides. Usage ===== Just press the *Kitchen Ticket* button that appears below the order Installation ============ Nothing special is needed to install this module. Configuration ============= No configuration needed. Known issues / Roadmap ====================== Missing features ---------------- * Not tested with a **PosBox setting** so surely will not work if *'print by proxy'* is enabled. Credits ======= Contributors ------------ * Dhinesh D Maintainer ---------- * Dhinesh D