@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from openerp import tools, models, fields, api
+from openerp.osv import fields, osv
+class report_invoice_utility(models.Model):
+ _name = "report.invoice.utility"
+ _description = "report.invoice.utility"
+ _auto = False
+ # _columns = {
+ # 'id': fields.integer('id',required=True),
+ # 'product_id': fields.many2one('product.product', 'Product', required=True, select=True, readonly=True),
+ # 'quantity': fields.float('Cantidad', readonly=True),
+ # 'brand_id': fields.many2one('product.brand', 'Marca', readonly=True),
+ # 'genre_id': fields.many2one('product.genre', 'Genero', readonly=True),
+ # 'categ_id': fields.many2one('product.category', 'Categoria', readonly=True),
+ # 'factory_reference': fields.char('Referencia', readonly=True),
+ # 'location_id': fields.many2one('stock.location', 'Ubicacion', readonly=True),
+ # 'id_parent' : fields.many2one('product.category', 'Categoria Padre', readonly=True),
+ # }
+ _columns ={
+ 'id': fields.integer('id',required=True),
+ 'id_invoice' : fields.many2one('account.invoice', 'invoice',readonly=True),
+ 'type' : fields.char('type'),
+ 'number' : fields.char('number'),
+ 'origin' : fields.char('origin'),
+ 'state' : fields.char('state'),
+ 'journal_id' : fields.many2one('account.journal', 'journal', readonly=True),
+ 'currency_id' : fields.many2one('res.currency', 'currency', readonly=True),
+ 'rate' : fields.float('rate', readonly=True),
+ 'id_line' : fields.many2one('account.invoice.line', 'Line invoice', readonly=True),
+ 'quantity' : fields.float('quantity', readonly=True),
+ 'price_unit_original' : fields.float('price_unit_original', readonly=True),
+ 'price_unit' : fields.float('price_unit', readonly=True),
+ 'discount' : fields.float('discount', readonly=True),
+ 'name' : fields.char('name', readonly=True),
+ 'id_product' : fields.many2one('product.product', 'Product', readonly=True),
+ 'default_code' : fields.char('default_code', readonly=True),
+ 'name_template' : fields.char('name_template', readonly=True),
+ 'factory_code' : fields.char('factory_code', readonly=True),
+ 'factory_reference' : fields.char('factory_reference', readonly=True),
+ 'factory_barcode' : fields.char('factory_barcode', readonly=True),
+ 'standard_price' : fields.float('standard_price', readonly=True),
+ 'price_subtotal' : fields.float('price_subtotal', readonly=True),
+ 'cost_subtotal' : fields.float('cost_subtotal', readonly=True),
+ 'utilidad' : fields.float('utilidad', readonly=True),
+ }
+ _order = 'id asc'
+ def init(self, cr):
+ tools.sql.drop_view_if_exists(cr, 'report_invoice_utility')
+ cr.execute("""
+ CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW report_invoice_utility as (
+ SELECT row_number() over (ORDER BY il.id)as id,
+ i.id as id_invoice,
+ i.type as type,
+ i.number as number,
+ i.origin as origin,
+ i.state as state,
+ i.journal_id as journal_id,
+ i.currency_id as currency_id,
+ rcr.rate as rate,
+ il.id as id_line,
+ il.quantity as quantity,
+ il.price_unit as price_unit_original,
+ trunc(il.price_unit / rcr.rate,2) as price_unit,
+ il.discount as discount,
+ il.name as name,
+ pp.id as id_product,
+ pp.default_code as default_code,
+ pp.name_template as name_template,
+ pp.factory_code as factory_code,
+ pp.factory_reference as factory_reference,
+ pp.factory_barcode as factory_barcode,
+ (pph.cost)::numeric as standard_price,
+ trunc(il.quantity * (trunc(il.price_unit / rcr.rate,2)),2) as price_subtotal,
+ trunc((il.quantity) * (pph.cost)::numeric ,2) as cost_subtotal,
+ (trunc(il.quantity * (trunc(il.price_unit / rcr.rate,2)),2)-trunc((il.quantity) * (pph.cost)::numeric ,2))as utilidad
+ FROM account_invoice i
+ left join res_currency_rate rcr on(rcr.currency_id= i.currency_id)
+ left join account_invoice_line il on (il.invoice_id =i.id)
+ left join product_product pp on (pp.id =il.product_id)
+ left join (SELECT cost, product_template_id FROM product_price_history ppa
+ where create_date=(select max(create_date) FROM product_price_history pps where ppa.product_template_id = pps.product_template_id))
+ pph on(pph.product_template_id = pp.product_tmpl_id)
+ where trim(upper(i.type))=trim(upper('out_invoice')) AND (i.state='open' OR i.state='paid'))
+ """)
+# Select i.id as id_invoice, i.type as type, i.number as number, i.origin as origin, i.state as state,
+# il.id as id_line, il.quantity as quantity, il.price_unit as price_unit, il.discount as discount, il.name as name,
+# pp.id as id_product, pp.default_code as default_code, pp.name_template as name_template, pp.factory_code as factory_code,
+# pp.factory_reference as factory_reference, pp.factory_barcode as factory_barcode, pp.product_tmpl_id,
+# pph.cost as standard_price, pph.product_template_id as product_template_id
+# FROM account_invoice i
+# left join account_invoice_line il on (il.invoice_id =i.id)
+# left join product_product pp on (pp.id =il.product_id)
+# left join (SELECT cost, product_template_id FROM product_price_history ppa
+# where create_date=(select max(create_date) FROM product_price_history pps where ppa.product_template_id = pps.product_template_id))
+# pph on(pph.product_template_id = pp.product_tmpl_id)
+# where i.type='out_invoice' and i.state='open' or i.state='paid'
+# vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:
+# def init(self, cr):
+# tools.sql.drop_view_if_exists(cr, 'report_invoice_utility')
+# cr.execute("""
+# CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW report_invoice_utility as (
+# SELECT row_number() over (ORDER BY product_id)as id,
+# s.product_id as product_id,
+# SUM(s.qty) as quantity,
+# pt.product_brand_id as brand_id,
+# pt.product_genre_id as genre_id,
+# pt.categ_id as categ_id,
+# pt.factory_reference as factory_reference,
+# s.location_id as location_id,
+# pcc.id_parent as id_parent
+# FROM stock_quant s
+# left join stock_location r on (r.id=s.location_id)
+# left join product_product p on (p.id=s.product_id)
+# left join product_template pt on (pt.id=p.product_tmpl_id)
+# left join product_brand z on (pt.product_brand_id=z.id)
+# left join product_genre t on (pt.product_genre_id=t.id)
+# left join product_category g on (g.id=pt.categ_id)
+# left join (SELECT pp.id, pp.parent_id,
+# case when (select ppp.parent_id from product_category ppp where ppp.id= pp.parent_id and ppp.parent_id !=1) is NULL
+# then pp.parent_id ELSE
+# (select ppp.parent_id from product_category ppp where ppp.id= pp.parent_id and ppp.parent_id !=1) END as id_parent
+# from product_category pp) as pcc on pcc.id = pt.categ_id
+# WHERE r.usage='internal' and s.qty>0 and pt.active=True
+# GROUP BY s.location_id, s.product_id, pt.product_brand_id, pt.product_genre_id, pt.factory_reference, pt.categ_id, pcc.id_parent)
+# """)