Bladeren bron

[ADD] Reportes de Compras y Gastos

Adrielso 7 jaren geleden
3 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 1052 en 0 verwijderingen
  1. 944 0
  2. 54 0
  3. 54 0

+ 944 - 0

@@ -28,6 +28,16 @@ openerp.eiru_reporting = function (instance, local) {
                 title: 'Listado de Stock por Ubicacion',
                 description: 'Permite visualizar un listado de productos activos.',
                 action: 'ReportStockLocation'
+            },
+            {
+                title: 'Listado de Compras',
+                description: 'Permite visualizar un listado de Compras.',
+                action: 'AllPurchases'
+            },
+            {
+                title: 'Listado de Gastos',
+                description: 'Permite visualizar un listado de Gastos.',
+                action: 'ReposrtExpenses'
         start: function () {
@@ -1661,6 +1671,940 @@ openerp.eiru_reporting = function (instance, local) {
+    // AllPurchases Listado de Compras
+    local.AllPurchasesWidget = instance.Widget.extend({
+        template: 'AllPurchases',
+        invoice: [],
+        Currency:[],
+        resCurrency :[],
+        resCompany:[],
+        accountJournal:[],
+        supplier:[],
+        newInvoice:[],
+        rowsData :[],
+        // event
+        events:{
+            'click #toolbar > button' : 'clickOnAction',
+            'change #current-journal' : 'factSearch',
+            'change #current-currency' : 'factSearch',
+            'change #from' : 'factSearch',
+            'change #to' : 'factSearch',
+            'click  #volver_btn' : 'volver',
+        },
+        // Initil
+        init : function(parent){
+            this._super(parent);
+        },
+        // start
+        start: function () {
+            var self = this;
+            var table = this.$el.find('#table');
+            table.bootstrapTable({data : self.rowsData});
+            this.fecthFecha();
+            this.submitForm();
+        },
+        // volver
+        volver: function(){
+            this.$el.find('#volver').empty();
+            this.$el.find('.bootstrap-table').show({
+                effect: 'drop',
+                direction: 'down',
+                duration: 200,
+            });
+        },
+        // Consultar
+        submitForm: function () {
+            var self = this;
+            self.fetchResCurency().then(function(resCurrency) {
+                return resCurrency;
+            }).then(function (resCurrency) {
+                self.resCurrency = resCurrency;
+                self.$el.find('#current-currency').append('<option value="9999999">Todas las monedas</option>');
+               _.each(resCurrency, function (item) {
+                   self.$el.find('#current-currency').append('<option value="' + + '">' + + '</option>');
+               });
+                return self.fetchCurency(resCurrency);
+            }).then(function(Currency){
+                self.Currency = Currency;
+                return self.fetchJournal();
+            }).then(function (journal) {
+                self.accountJournal =journal;
+                self.$el.find('#current-journal').append('<option value="9999999">TODAS LAS SUC.</option>');
+                _.each(journal, function (item) {
+                    self.$el.find('#current-journal').append('<option value="' + + '">' + + '</option>');
+                });
+                return self.fetchInvoiceP2();
+            }).then(function (invoice){
+                self.invoice = invoice;
+                return self.fetchSupplier(invoice);
+            }).then(function(supplier){
+                self.supplier=supplier;
+                return self.fecthComanyCurrency();
+            }).then(function(resCompany){
+                self.resCompany = resCompany;
+                self.inicializarBuscadorsup();
+                return self.fect_generar(self.invoice);
+            });
+        },
+        // Fecha
+        fecthFecha: function() {
+            var to;
+            var dateFormat1 = "mm/dd/yy",
+            from = $( "#from" )
+            .datepicker({
+                dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy",
+                changeMonth: true,
+                numberOfMonths: 1,
+            })
+            .on( "change", function() {
+                to.datepicker( "option", "minDate", getDate(this), "dd/mm/yyyy");
+            });
+            to = $( "#to" ).datepicker({
+                dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy",
+                defaultDate: "+7d",
+                changeMonth: true,
+                numberOfMonths: 1,
+            })
+            .on( "change", function() {
+                from.datepicker( "option", "maxDate", getDate(this));
+            });
+            function getDate( element ) {
+                var fechaSel =element.value.split('/');
+                var date;
+                try {
+                    date = $.datepicker.parseDate( dateFormat1, (fechaSel[1]+"/"+fechaSel[0]+"/"+fechaSel[2]));
+                } catch( error ) {
+                    date = null;
+                }
+                return date;
+            }
+        },
+        // Buscar Diario
+        fetchJournal: function () {
+            var self = this;
+            var defer = $.Deferred();
+            var Journal = new instance.web.Model('account.journal');
+            Journal.query(['id', 'name']).filter([['type', '=', 'purchase']]).all().then(function(results){
+                defer.resolve(results);
+            });
+            return defer;
+        },
+        // Buscar Cambio de Monedas USD,PYG,ARG,BRL
+        fetchCurency: function (currency) {
+            var defer = $.Deferred();
+            var currency_id = _.flatten(,function(map){
+                return;
+            }))
+            var currency_Rate = new instance.web.Model('res.currency.rate');
+            var fields = ['id', 'name', 'currency_id', 'rate', 'create_date'];
+            var domain = [['currency_id', '=', currency_id]];
+            currency_Rate.query(fields).filter(domain).all().then(function (results) {
+                defer.resolve(results);
+            });
+            return defer;
+        },
+        // Moneda
+        fetchResCurency: function () {
+            var defer = $.Deferred();
+            var currency = new instance.web.Model('res.currency');
+            var fields = ['id', 'name'];
+            var domain = [['active', '=', true]];
+            currency.query(fields).filter(domain).all().then(function (results) {
+                defer.resolve(results);
+            });
+            return defer;
+        },
+        // Invoice (FACTURAS)
+        fetchInvoiceP2: function () {
+            var journal_ids = _.flatten(, function (item) {
+                return;
+            }));
+            var filter =[['state', '=',['open','paid']],['type', '=', 'in_invoice'],['origin', '!=', false],['journal_id', '=',journal_ids]];
+            var field =['id', 'type', 'number', 'origin', 'state', 'journal_id', 'currency_id', 'supplier_invoice_number','date_invoice','partner_id','amount_total','user_id'];
+            var defer = $.Deferred();
+            var Invoice = new instance.web.Model('account.invoice');
+            Invoice.query(field).filter(filter).all().then(function (results) {
+                defer.resolve(results);
+            });
+            return defer;
+        },
+        // company_curency
+        fecthComanyCurrency: function(){
+            var self = this;
+            var defer = $.Deferred();
+            var currency = new instance.web.Model('');
+            var field=['id', 'currency_id'];
+            var domain=[['id','=',1]];
+            currency.query(field).filter(domain).all().then(function(results){
+                defer.resolve(results);
+            });
+            return defer;
+        },
+        // Partner (Proveeedor)
+        fetchSupplier: function() {
+            var self = this;
+            var defer = $.Deferred();
+            var supplier = new instance.web.Model('res.partner');
+            supplier.query(['id', 'name', 'ruc', 'active', 'supplier']).filter([['active', '=', true], ['supplier', '=', true]]).all().then(function (results) {
+                defer.resolve(results);
+            });
+            return defer;
+        },
+        // Obtener el Cambio de la Moneda
+        getCurrency: function (id){
+            return _.find(this.Currency,function (curr) {
+                return _.contains(curr.currency_id,id);
+            });
+        },
+        // Verificar si los Valores no son nulos
+        valorNull:function(dato){
+            var valor ="";
+            if (dato){
+                valor=dato;
+            }
+            return valor;
+        },
+        // Buscador
+        inicializarBuscadorsup: function () {
+            var self = this;
+            var results = self.supplier;
+            results =, function (item) {
+                return {
+                        label: + '-'+ + ' ' + self.valorNull(item.ruc),
+                        value: + '-'+ + ' ' + self.valorNull(item.ruc)
+                }
+            });
+            self.$('#customer').autocomplete({
+                source: results,
+                minLength:0,
+                search: function(event, ui) {
+                    if (!(self.$('#customer').val())){
+                        self.factSearch();
+                    }
+                },
+                select: function(event, ui) {
+                    self.factSearch();
+                }
+            });
+        },
+        // unir los objetos
+        fect_generar: function(invoices){
+            var self = this;
+            var data = [];
+            _.each(invoices, function(invoice){
+                data.push({
+                        number: invoice.number,
+                        supplier_invoice_number: self.valorNull(invoice.supplier_invoice_number),
+                        partner: invoice.partner_id[1],
+                        date: moment(invoice.date_invoice).format("DD/MM/YYYY"),
+                        date_invoice: invoice.date_invoice,
+                        user: invoice.user_id[1],
+                        currency: invoice.currency_id[1],
+                        amount_total: accounting.formatNumber(invoice.amount_total,2,".",","),
+                        amount: invoice.amount_total,
+                        journal_id : invoice.journal_id[0],
+                        currency_id : invoice.currency_id[0],
+                        partner_id : invoice.partner_id[0]
+                    });
+            });
+            self.newInvoice = data;
+            this.loadTable(data);
+        },
+        // Buscar
+        factSearch: function(){
+            var self = this;
+            var desde =this.$el.find('#from').val();
+            var hasta =this.$el.find('#to').val();
+            var suc =this.$el.find('#current-journal').val();
+            var currency =this.$el.find('#current-currency').val();
+            var prov= this.$el.find('#customer').val().split('-');
+            var newInvoice = self.newInvoice;
+            // Buscar por Sucursales
+            if (suc != 9999999){
+                newInvoice=_.filter(newInvoice, function (inv){
+                    return inv.journal_id == suc;
+                });
+            }
+            // Buscar por fecha Desde
+            if (desde.length > 0){
+                var date= desde.split('/');
+                newInvoice = _.filter(newInvoice, function (inv){
+                    return inv.date_invoice >= (date[2]+"-"+date[1]+"-"+date[0]);
+                });
+            }
+            // Buscar por Fechas Hasta
+            if (hasta.length > 0){
+                var date= hasta.split('/');
+                newInvoice = _.filter(newInvoice, function (inv){
+                    return inv.date_invoice <= (date[2]+"-"+date[1]+"-"+date[0]);
+                });
+            }
+            // Busacar por moneda
+            if(currency != 9999999){
+                newInvoice = _.filter(newInvoice,function(inv){
+                    return inv.currency_id == currency;
+                });
+            }
+            // Busacara por proveedor
+            if (prov != ""){
+                newInvoice = _.filter(newInvoice, function(inv){
+                    return inv.partner_id == prov[0];
+                });
+            }
+            self.loadTable(newInvoice)
+        },
+        // cargara la tabla
+        loadTable:function(rowsTable){
+            var self = this;
+            self.rowsData = rowsTable;
+            var table = this.$el.find('#table');
+            table.bootstrapTable('load',rowsTable);
+        },
+        // Obtener Invoice por Monedad
+        getInvoice : function(currency_id){
+            var self = this;
+            return _.filter(self.rowsData, function(item){
+                return item.currency_id === currency_id;
+            });
+        },
+        // Crear Objete PDF
+        getObjetPdf: function(rowsTable){
+            var self = this;
+            var rowsPdf=[];
+            var rows=[];
+            var itemCurrecy;
+            var itenRow;
+            var item;
+            var curreRate;
+            var amount_total=0;
+            var amount=0;
+            var company =,function(map){return map.currency_id[1]});
+            for (var i = 0; i < self.resCurrency.length; i++) {
+                itemCurrecy = self.resCurrency[i];
+                itenRow = self.getInvoice(;
+                rowsPdf=[];
+                if (itenRow.length > 0){
+                    rowsPdf.push({number:, supplier_invoice_number: "", partner: "", date: "", date_invoice: "", user: "", currency: "", amount_total: "", journal_id : "", currency_id : "", partner_id : ""});
+                    _.each(itenRow, function(item){
+                        rowsPdf.push({
+                                    number: item.number,
+                                    supplier_invoice_number: self.valorNull(item.supplier_invoice_number),
+                                    partner: item.partner,
+                                    date: moment(item.date_invoice).format("DD/MM/YYYY"),
+                                    date_invoice: item.date_invoice,
+                                    user: item.user,
+                                    currency: item.currency,
+                                    amount_total: accounting.formatNumber((item.amount),2,".",","),
+                                    amount: item.amount,
+                                    journal_id : item.journal_id,
+                                    currency_id : item.currency_id,
+                                    partner_id : item.partner_id
+                                });
+                    });
+                    curreRate = self.getCurrency(;
+                    if (!curreRate){
+                        curreRate={};
+                        curreRate.rate=1;
+                    }
+                    amount_total= _.reduce(,function(map){
+                                    return(map.amount);
+                            }),function(memo, num){
+                                return memo + num;
+                            },0);
+                    amount = amount+(amount_total/curreRate.rate);
+                    rowsPdf.push({
+                            number: "Sub - Total ",
+                            supplier_invoice_number: "",
+                            partner: "",
+                            date: "",
+                            date_invoice: "",
+                            user: "",
+                            currency: "",
+                            amount_total: accounting.formatNumber((amount_total),2,".",","),
+                            journal_id : "",
+                            currency_id : "",
+                            partner_id : ""
+                        });
+                }
+                if (rowsPdf.length >0){
+                    rows = rows.concat(rowsPdf);
+                }
+            }
+            if (rows.length > 0){
+                rows.push({
+                            number: "Total en "+company,
+                            supplier_invoice_number: "",
+                            partner: "",
+                            date: "",
+                            date_invoice: "",
+                            user: "",
+                            currency: "",
+                            amount_total: accounting.formatNumber((amount),2,".",","),
+                            journal_id : "",
+                            currency_id : "",
+                            partner_id : ""
+                        });
+            }
+            return rows;
+        },
+        // imprimir PDF
+        clickOnAction: function (e) {
+            var self = this;
+            var rowsNew;
+            var action = self.$el.find(;
+            var table = self.$el.find("#table");
+            var data2 = table.bootstrapTable('getVisibleColumns');
+            var getColumns=[];
+            var rows=[];
+            rowsNew = self.getObjetPdf();
+            if (action === 'pdf') {
+                var dataNEW =, function (val){
+                    return val.field;
+                });
+                _.each(rowsNew,function (item){
+                    rows.push(_.pick(item, dataNEW));
+                });
+                // Obtener los nombre de la Cabezera
+                _.each(,function(val){
+                        return val;
+                    }), function(item){
+                            getColumns.push([{
+                                        title: item.title,
+                                        dataKey: item.field
+                                    }]);
+                });
+                this.drawPDF(_.flatten(getColumns),rows);
+            }
+        },
+        // Generar pdfDoc
+        drawPDF: function (getColumns,rows) {
+            var self = this;
+            var sucusal = this.sucDescrip = this.$el.find('#current-journal option:selected').text();
+            var desde =(this.$el.find('#from').val());
+            var hasta =(this.$el.find('#to').val());
+            var totalPagesExp = "{total_pages_count_string}";
+            var pdfDoc = new jsPDF();
+            pdfDoc.autoTable(getColumns, rows, {
+                styles: { overflow: 'linebreak', fontSize: 8, columnWidth: 'wrap'},
+                columnStyles: {
+                    number : {columnWidth: '8px'},
+                    supplier_invoice_number : {columnWidth: '8px'},
+                    partner : {columnWidth: '8px'},
+                    date : {columnWidth: '8px'},
+                    user : {columnWidth: '8px'},
+                    currency : {columnWidth: '8px'},
+                    amount_total: {halign:'right',columnWidth: '8px'},
+                },
+                margin: { top: 16, horizontal: 7},
+                addPageContent: function (data) {
+                    pdfDoc.setFontSize(12);
+                    pdfDoc.setFontStyle('bold');
+                    pdfDoc.setTextColor(40);
+                    pdfDoc.text('Listado de Compras '+ sucusal, data.settings.margin.left, 10);
+                    if(desde.length > 0 || hasta.length > 0){
+                        var fecha='';
+                        if(desde){
+                            fecha=fecha.concat(' Desde '+desde);
+                        }
+                        if (hasta){
+                            fecha=fecha.concat(' Hasta '+hasta);
+                        }
+                        pdfDoc.setFontSize(10);
+                        pdfDoc.setFontStyle('bold');
+                        pdfDoc.setTextColor(40)
+                        pdfDoc.text(fecha, data.settings.margin.left,14);
+                    }
+                    // FOOTER
+                    var str = "Pagina  " + data.pageCount;
+                    // Total page number plugin only available in jspdf v1.0+
+                    if (typeof pdfDoc.putTotalPages === 'function') {
+                        str = str + " de " + totalPagesExp;
+                    }
+                    pdfDoc.setFontSize(9);
+                    pdfDoc.setFontStyle('bold');
+                    pdfDoc.setTextColor(40);
+                    pdfDoc.text(str, data.settings.margin.left, pdfDoc.internal.pageSize.height - 5);
+                    }
+            });
+            if (typeof pdfDoc.putTotalPages === 'function') {
+                pdfDoc.putTotalPages(totalPagesExp);
+            }
+  'Listado de Compras.pdf')
+        },
+    });
+    // ReposrtExpenses Listado de Gastos
+    local.ReposrtExpensesWidget = instance.Widget.extend({
+        template: 'ReposrtExpenses',
+        invoice: [],
+        Currency:[],
+        resCurrency :[],
+        resCompany:[],
+        accountJournal:[],
+        supplier:[],
+        newInvoice:[],
+        rowsData :[],
+        // event
+        events:{
+            'click #toolbar > button' : 'clickOnAction',
+            'change #current-journal' : 'factSearch',
+            'change #current-currency' : 'factSearch',
+            'change #from' : 'factSearch',
+            'change #to' : 'factSearch',
+            'click  #volver_btn' : 'volver',
+        },
+        // Initil
+        init : function(parent){
+            this._super(parent);
+        },
+        // start
+        start: function () {
+            var self = this;
+            var table = this.$el.find('#table');
+            table.bootstrapTable({data : self.rowsData});
+            this.fecthFecha();
+            this.submitForm();
+        },
+        // volver
+        volver: function(){
+            this.$el.find('#volver').empty();
+            this.$el.find('.bootstrap-table').show({
+                effect: 'drop',
+                direction: 'down',
+                duration: 200,
+            });
+        },
+        // Consultar
+        submitForm: function () {
+            var self = this;
+            self.fetchResCurency().then(function(resCurrency) {
+                return resCurrency;
+            }).then(function (resCurrency) {
+                self.resCurrency = resCurrency;
+                self.$el.find('#current-currency').append('<option value="9999999">Todas las monedas</option>');
+               _.each(resCurrency, function (item) {
+                   self.$el.find('#current-currency').append('<option value="' + + '">' + + '</option>');
+               });
+                return self.fetchCurency(resCurrency);
+            }).then(function(Currency){
+                self.Currency = Currency;
+                return self.fetchJournal();
+            }).then(function (journal) {
+                self.accountJournal =journal;
+                self.$el.find('#current-journal').append('<option value="9999999">TODAS LAS SUC.</option>');
+                _.each(journal, function (item) {
+                    self.$el.find('#current-journal').append('<option value="' + + '">' + + '</option>');
+                });
+                return self.fetchInvoiceP2();
+            }).then(function (invoice){
+                self.invoice = invoice;
+                return self.fetchSupplier(invoice);
+            }).then(function(supplier){
+                self.supplier=supplier;
+                return self.fecthComanyCurrency();
+            }).then(function(resCompany){
+                self.resCompany = resCompany;
+                self.inicializarBuscadorsup();
+                return self.fect_generar(self.invoice);
+            });
+        },
+        // Fecha
+        fecthFecha: function() {
+            var to;
+            var dateFormat1 = "mm/dd/yy",
+            from = $( "#from" )
+            .datepicker({
+                dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy",
+                changeMonth: true,
+                numberOfMonths: 1,
+            })
+            .on( "change", function() {
+                to.datepicker( "option", "minDate", getDate(this), "dd/mm/yyyy");
+            });
+            to = $( "#to" ).datepicker({
+                dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy",
+                defaultDate: "+7d",
+                changeMonth: true,
+                numberOfMonths: 1,
+            })
+            .on( "change", function() {
+                from.datepicker( "option", "maxDate", getDate(this));
+            });
+            function getDate( element ) {
+                var fechaSel =element.value.split('/');
+                var date;
+                try {
+                    date = $.datepicker.parseDate( dateFormat1, (fechaSel[1]+"/"+fechaSel[0]+"/"+fechaSel[2]));
+                } catch( error ) {
+                    date = null;
+                }
+                return date;
+            }
+        },
+        // Buscar Diario
+        fetchJournal: function () {
+            var self = this;
+            var defer = $.Deferred();
+            var Journal = new instance.web.Model('account.journal');
+            Journal.query(['id', 'name']).filter([['type', '=', 'purchase']]).all().then(function(results){
+                defer.resolve(results);
+            });
+            return defer;
+        },
+        // Buscar Cambio de Monedas USD,PYG,ARG,BRL
+        fetchCurency: function (currency) {
+            var defer = $.Deferred();
+            var currency_id = _.flatten(,function(map){
+                return;
+            }))
+            var currency_Rate = new instance.web.Model('res.currency.rate');
+            var fields = ['id', 'name', 'currency_id', 'rate', 'create_date'];
+            var domain = [['currency_id', '=', currency_id]];
+            currency_Rate.query(fields).filter(domain).all().then(function (results) {
+                defer.resolve(results);
+            });
+            return defer;
+        },
+        // Moneda
+        fetchResCurency: function () {
+            var defer = $.Deferred();
+            var currency = new instance.web.Model('res.currency');
+            var fields = ['id', 'name'];
+            var domain = [['active', '=', true]];
+            currency.query(fields).filter(domain).all().then(function (results) {
+                defer.resolve(results);
+            });
+            return defer;
+        },
+        // Invoice (FACTURAS)
+        fetchInvoiceP2: function () {
+            var journal_ids = _.flatten(, function (item) {
+                return;
+            }));
+            var filter =[['state', '=',['open','paid']],['type', '=', 'in_invoice'],['origin', '=', false],['journal_id', '=',journal_ids]];
+            var field =['id', 'type', 'number', 'origin', 'state', 'journal_id', 'currency_id', 'supplier_invoice_number','date_invoice','partner_id','amount_total','user_id'];
+            var defer = $.Deferred();
+            var Invoice = new instance.web.Model('account.invoice');
+            Invoice.query(field).filter(filter).all().then(function (results) {
+                defer.resolve(results);
+            });
+            return defer;
+        },
+        // company_curency
+        fecthComanyCurrency: function(){
+            var self = this;
+            var defer = $.Deferred();
+            var currency = new instance.web.Model('');
+            var field=['id', 'currency_id'];
+            var domain=[['id','=',1]];
+            currency.query(field).filter(domain).all().then(function(results){
+                defer.resolve(results);
+            });
+            return defer;
+        },
+        // Partner (Proveeedor)
+        fetchSupplier: function() {
+            var self = this;
+            var defer = $.Deferred();
+            var supplier = new instance.web.Model('res.partner');
+            supplier.query(['id', 'name', 'ruc', 'active', 'supplier']).filter([['active', '=', true], ['supplier', '=', true]]).all().then(function (results) {
+                defer.resolve(results);
+            });
+            return defer;
+        },
+        // Obtener el Cambio de la Moneda
+        getCurrency: function (id){
+            return _.find(this.Currency,function (curr) {
+                return _.contains(curr.currency_id,id);
+            });
+        },
+        // Verificar si los Valores no son nulos
+        valorNull:function(dato){
+            var valor ="";
+            if (dato){
+                valor=dato;
+            }
+            return valor;
+        },
+        // Buscador
+        inicializarBuscadorsup: function () {
+            var self = this;
+            var results = self.supplier;
+            results =, function (item) {
+                return {
+                        label: + '-'+ + ' ' + self.valorNull(item.ruc),
+                        value: + '-'+ + ' ' + self.valorNull(item.ruc)
+                }
+            });
+            self.$('#customer').autocomplete({
+                source: results,
+                minLength:0,
+                search: function(event, ui) {
+                    if (!(self.$('#customer').val())){
+                        self.factSearch();
+                    }
+                },
+                select: function(event, ui) {
+                    self.factSearch();
+                }
+            });
+        },
+        // unir los objetos
+        fect_generar: function(invoices){
+            var self = this;
+            var data = [];
+            _.each(invoices, function(invoice){
+                data.push({
+                        number: invoice.number,
+                        supplier_invoice_number: self.valorNull(invoice.supplier_invoice_number),
+                        partner: invoice.partner_id[1],
+                        date: moment(invoice.date_invoice).format("DD/MM/YYYY"),
+                        date_invoice: invoice.date_invoice,
+                        user: invoice.user_id[1],
+                        currency: invoice.currency_id[1],
+                        amount_total: accounting.formatNumber(invoice.amount_total,2,".",","),
+                        amount: invoice.amount_total,
+                        journal_id : invoice.journal_id[0],
+                        currency_id : invoice.currency_id[0],
+                        partner_id : invoice.partner_id[0]
+                    });
+            });
+            self.newInvoice = data;
+            this.loadTable(data);
+        },
+        // Buscar
+        factSearch: function(){
+            var self = this;
+            var desde =this.$el.find('#from').val();
+            var hasta =this.$el.find('#to').val();
+            var suc =this.$el.find('#current-journal').val();
+            var currency =this.$el.find('#current-currency').val();
+            var prov= this.$el.find('#customer').val().split('-');
+            var newInvoice = self.newInvoice;
+            // Buscar por Sucursales
+            if (suc != 9999999){
+                newInvoice=_.filter(newInvoice, function (inv){
+                    return inv.journal_id == suc;
+                });
+            }
+            // Buscar por fecha Desde
+            if (desde.length > 0){
+                var date= desde.split('/');
+                newInvoice = _.filter(newInvoice, function (inv){
+                    return inv.date_invoice >= (date[2]+"-"+date[1]+"-"+date[0]);
+                });
+            }
+            // Buscar por Fechas Hasta
+            if (hasta.length > 0){
+                var date= hasta.split('/');
+                newInvoice = _.filter(newInvoice, function (inv){
+                    return inv.date_invoice <= (date[2]+"-"+date[1]+"-"+date[0]);
+                });
+            }
+            // Busacar por moneda
+            if(currency != 9999999){
+                newInvoice = _.filter(newInvoice,function(inv){
+                    return inv.currency_id == currency;
+                });
+            }
+            // Busacara por proveedor
+            if (prov != ""){
+                newInvoice = _.filter(newInvoice, function(inv){
+                    return inv.partner_id == prov[0];
+                });
+            }
+            self.loadTable(newInvoice)
+        },
+        // cargara la tabla
+        loadTable:function(rowsTable){
+            var self = this;
+            self.rowsData = rowsTable;
+            var table = this.$el.find('#table');
+            table.bootstrapTable('load',rowsTable);
+        },
+        // Obtener Invoice por Monedad
+        getInvoice : function(currency_id){
+            var self = this;
+            return _.filter(self.rowsData, function(item){
+                return item.currency_id === currency_id;
+            });
+        },
+        // Crear Objete PDF
+        getObjetPdf: function(rowsTable){
+            var self = this;
+            var rowsPdf=[];
+            var rows=[];
+            var itemCurrecy;
+            var itenRow;
+            var item;
+            var curreRate;
+            var amount_total=0;
+            var amount=0;
+            var company =,function(map){return map.currency_id[1]});
+            for (var i = 0; i < self.resCurrency.length; i++) {
+                itemCurrecy = self.resCurrency[i];
+                itenRow = self.getInvoice(;
+                rowsPdf=[];
+                if (itenRow.length > 0){
+                    rowsPdf.push({number:, supplier_invoice_number: "", partner: "", date: "", date_invoice: "", user: "", currency: "", amount_total: "", journal_id : "", currency_id : "", partner_id : ""});
+                    _.each(itenRow, function(item){
+                        rowsPdf.push({
+                                    number: item.number,
+                                    supplier_invoice_number: self.valorNull(item.supplier_invoice_number),
+                                    partner: item.partner,
+                                    date: moment(item.date_invoice).format("DD/MM/YYYY"),
+                                    date_invoice: item.date_invoice,
+                                    user: item.user,
+                                    currency: item.currency,
+                                    amount_total: accounting.formatNumber((item.amount),2,".",","),
+                                    amount: item.amount,
+                                    journal_id : item.journal_id,
+                                    currency_id : item.currency_id,
+                                    partner_id : item.partner_id
+                                });
+                    });
+                    curreRate = self.getCurrency(;
+                    if (!curreRate){
+                        curreRate={};
+                        curreRate.rate=1;
+                    }
+                    amount_total= _.reduce(,function(map){
+                                    return(map.amount);
+                            }),function(memo, num){
+                                return memo + num;
+                            },0);
+                    amount = amount+(amount_total/curreRate.rate);
+                    rowsPdf.push({
+                            number: "Sub - Total ",
+                            supplier_invoice_number: "",
+                            partner: "",
+                            date: "",
+                            date_invoice: "",
+                            user: "",
+                            currency: "",
+                            amount_total: accounting.formatNumber((amount_total),2,".",","),
+                            journal_id : "",
+                            currency_id : "",
+                            partner_id : ""
+                        });
+                }
+                if (rowsPdf.length >0){
+                    rows = rows.concat(rowsPdf);
+                }
+            }
+            if (rows.length > 0){
+                rows.push({
+                            number: "Total en "+company,
+                            supplier_invoice_number: "",
+                            partner: "",
+                            date: "",
+                            date_invoice: "",
+                            user: "",
+                            currency: "",
+                            amount_total: accounting.formatNumber((amount),2,".",","),
+                            journal_id : "",
+                            currency_id : "",
+                            partner_id : ""
+                        });
+            }
+            return rows;
+        },
+        // imprimir PDF
+        clickOnAction: function (e) {
+            var self = this;
+            var rowsNew;
+            var action = self.$el.find(;
+            var table = self.$el.find("#table");
+            var data2 = table.bootstrapTable('getVisibleColumns');
+            var getColumns=[];
+            var rows=[];
+            rowsNew = self.getObjetPdf();
+            if (action === 'pdf') {
+                var dataNEW =, function (val){
+                    return val.field;
+                });
+                _.each(rowsNew,function (item){
+                    rows.push(_.pick(item, dataNEW));
+                });
+                // Obtener los nombre de la Cabezera
+                _.each(,function(val){
+                        return val;
+                    }), function(item){
+                            getColumns.push([{
+                                        title: item.title,
+                                        dataKey: item.field
+                                    }]);
+                });
+                this.drawPDF(_.flatten(getColumns),rows);
+            }
+        },
+        // Generar pdfDoc
+        drawPDF: function (getColumns,rows) {
+            var self = this;
+            var sucusal = this.sucDescrip = this.$el.find('#current-journal option:selected').text();
+            var desde =(this.$el.find('#from').val());
+            var hasta =(this.$el.find('#to').val());
+            var totalPagesExp = "{total_pages_count_string}";
+            var pdfDoc = new jsPDF();
+            pdfDoc.autoTable(getColumns, rows, {
+                styles: { overflow: 'linebreak', fontSize: 8, columnWidth: 'wrap'},
+                columnStyles: {
+                    number : {columnWidth: '8px'},
+                    supplier_invoice_number : {columnWidth: '8px'},
+                    partner : {columnWidth: '8px'},
+                    date : {columnWidth: '8px'},
+                    user : {columnWidth: '8px'},
+                    currency : {columnWidth: '8px'},
+                    amount_total: {halign:'right',columnWidth: '8px'},
+                },
+                margin: { top: 16, horizontal: 7},
+                addPageContent: function (data) {
+                    pdfDoc.setFontSize(12);
+                    pdfDoc.setFontStyle('bold');
+                    pdfDoc.setTextColor(40);
+                    pdfDoc.text('Listado de Compras '+ sucusal, data.settings.margin.left, 10);
+                    if(desde.length > 0 || hasta.length > 0){
+                        var fecha='';
+                        if(desde){
+                            fecha=fecha.concat(' Desde '+desde);
+                        }
+                        if (hasta){
+                            fecha=fecha.concat(' Hasta '+hasta);
+                        }
+                        pdfDoc.setFontSize(10);
+                        pdfDoc.setFontStyle('bold');
+                        pdfDoc.setTextColor(40)
+                        pdfDoc.text(fecha, data.settings.margin.left,14);
+                    }
+                    // FOOTER
+                    var str = "Pagina  " + data.pageCount;
+                    // Total page number plugin only available in jspdf v1.0+
+                    if (typeof pdfDoc.putTotalPages === 'function') {
+                        str = str + " de " + totalPagesExp;
+                    }
+                    pdfDoc.setFontSize(9);
+                    pdfDoc.setFontStyle('bold');
+                    pdfDoc.setTextColor(40);
+                    pdfDoc.text(str, data.settings.margin.left, pdfDoc.internal.pageSize.height - 5);
+                    }
+            });
+            if (typeof pdfDoc.putTotalPages === 'function') {
+                pdfDoc.putTotalPages(totalPagesExp);
+            }
+  'Listado de Gastos.pdf')
+        },
+    });
+    // Proximo Report
     instance.web.client_actions.add('eiru_reporting.action_report', 'instance.eiru_reporting.ReportingWidget');

+ 54 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
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+    <t t-name="AllPurchases">
+        <div class="report_view">
+            <div class="reporting_page_header">
+                <h1>LIstado de Compras</h1>
+                <div id="volver"></div>
+            </div>
+            <div id="toolbar">
+                <label for="current-journal">Sucursal: </label>
+                <select id="current-journal" class="ui-autocomplete-input"  name="journal"></select>
+                <label for="current-currency">Moneda: </label>
+                <select id="current-currency" class="ui-autocomplete-input"  name="currency"></select>
+                <label for="from">Desde: </label>
+                <input type="text"  id="from" name="from"/>
+                <label for="to" >Hasta: </label>
+                <input type="text"  id="to" name="to" />
+                <label for="customer">Proveedor:</label>
+                <input id="customer" type="text" class="ui-autocomplete-input" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Nombre o número de cédula"/>
+                <!-- <input id="customer-id" type="hidden" name="customer"/> -->
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+                data-classes="table table-hover table-condensed"
+                data-row-style="rowStyle"
+                data-search="true">
+                <thead>
+                    <tr>
+                        <th data-field="number" data-sortable="true">Factura</th>
+                        <th data-field="supplier_invoice_number">Referencia</th>
+                        <th data-field="partner">Proveedor</th>
+                        <th data-field="date">Fecha</th>
+                        <th data-field="user">Responsable</th>
+                        <th data-field="currency">Moneda</th>
+                        <th data-field="amount_total" data-sortable="true" data-align="right">Total</th>
+                    </tr>
+                </thead>
+            </table>
+            <canvas></canvas>
+            <div id="dialog"></div>
+        </div>
+    </t>

+ 54 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
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+    <t t-name="ReposrtExpenses">
+        <div class="report_view">
+            <div class="reporting_page_header">
+                <h1>Listado de Gastos</h1>
+                <div id="volver"></div>
+            </div>
+            <div id="toolbar">
+                <label for="current-journal">Sucursal: </label>
+                <select id="current-journal" class="ui-autocomplete-input"  name="journal"></select>
+                <label for="current-currency">Moneda: </label>
+                <select id="current-currency" class="ui-autocomplete-input"  name="currency"></select>
+                <label for="from">Desde: </label>
+                <input type="text"  id="from" name="from"/>
+                <label for="to" >Hasta: </label>
+                <input type="text"  id="to" name="to" />
+                <label for="customer">Proveedor:</label>
+                <input id="customer" type="text" class="ui-autocomplete-input" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Nombre o número de cédula"/>
+                <!-- <input id="customer-id" type="hidden" name="customer"/> -->
+                <button class="oe_button oe_form_button oe_highlight btn-block" value="pdf">Exportar a PDF</button>
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+                        <th data-field="supplier_invoice_number">Referencia</th>
+                        <th data-field="partner">Proveedor</th>
+                        <th data-field="date">Fecha</th>
+                        <th data-field="user">Responsable</th>
+                        <th data-field="currency">Moneda</th>
+                        <th data-field="amount_total" data-sortable="true" data-align="right">Total</th>
+                    </tr>
+                </thead>
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+            <div id="dialog"></div>
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+    </t>