@@ -6,7 +6,14 @@ function report_ventas_pos_orders(reporting){
reporting.ReportVentasPosOrdersWidget = reporting.Base.extend({
reporting.ReportVentasPosOrdersWidget = reporting.Base.extend({
template: 'ReportVentasPosOrders',
template: 'ReportVentasPosOrders',
rowsData :[],
rowsData :[],
+ modules:[],
PosOrderLine: [],
PosOrderLine: [],
+ accountJournal:[],
+ productProduct:[],
+ productInvoice:[],
+ invoices: [],
+ invoiceLines: [],
+ PosOrder: [],
@@ -17,12 +24,9 @@ function report_ventas_pos_orders(reporting){
'click #C' : 'fectSearch',
'click #C' : 'fectSearch',
'click #D' : 'fectSearch',
'click #D' : 'fectSearch',
'click #Z' : 'fectSearch',
'click #Z' : 'fectSearch',
+ 'change #current-store': 'fectSearch',
'change #from' : 'fectSearch',
'change #from' : 'fectSearch',
'change #to': 'fectSearch',
'change #to': 'fectSearch',
- 'change #current-category' : 'fectSearch',
- 'change #current-floor': 'fectSearch',
- 'change #current-table': 'fectSearch',
- 'change #current-store': 'fectSearch',
'click-row.bs.table #table' : 'clickAnalysisDetail',
'click-row.bs.table #table' : 'clickAnalysisDetail',
@@ -37,18 +41,79 @@ function report_ventas_pos_orders(reporting){
+ // Redirecionar
+ renderReport: function () {
+ var self = this;
+ var container = this.$el.closest('.oe_form_sheet.oe_form_sheet_width');
+ this.$el.closest('.report_view').remove();
+ container.find('.report_view').show({
+ effect: 'fade',
+ duration: 200,
+ });
+ },
+ // Verificar el modelo
+ checkModel : function(model){
+ var self = this;
+ return _.filter(self.modules,function(item){return item.name === model});
+ },
+ // Lanzar el mensaje
+ showMensaje : function(modelos){
+ var self = this;
+ $("#dialog" ).dialog({
+ autoOpen: true,
+ resizable: false,
+ modal: true,
+ title: 'Atención',
+ width: 500,
+ open: function() {
+ $(this).html('Reporte in-disponible, contacte con el administrador del sistema ref : '+modelos);
+ },
+ show: {
+ effect: "fade",
+ duration: 200
+ },
+ hide: {
+ effect: "fade",
+ duration: 200
+ },
+ buttons: {
+ Aceptar: function() {
+ $(this).dialog('close');
+ self.renderReport()
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return
+ },
clickAnalysisDetail: function(e, row, $element, field){
clickAnalysisDetail: function(e, row, $element, field){
+ if (field == 'ref'){
+ this.do_action({
+ name:"Factura de cliente",
+ type: 'ir.actions.act_window',
+ res_model: "account.invoice",
+ views: [[false,'form']],
+ target: 'new',
+ domain: [['type', '=', 'out_invoice'],['id','=', row.order_id]],
+ context: {},
+ flags: {'form': {'action_buttons': false, 'options': {'mode': 'view'}}},
+ res_id: row.order_id,
+ });
+ }
if (field == 'order_name'){
if (field == 'order_name'){
- name : "Pedido",
- type : 'ir.actions.act_window',
- res_model : "pos.order",
- views : [[false,'form']],
- target : 'new',
- domain : [['id','=', row.order_id]],
- context : {},
- flags : {'form': {'action_buttons': false, 'options': {'mode': 'view'}}},
- res_id : row.order_id,
+ name:"Pos",
+ type: 'ir.actions.act_window',
+ res_model: "pos.order",
+ views: [[false,'form']],
+ target: 'new',
+ domain: [['id','=', row.id]],
+ context: {},
+ flags: {'form': {'action_buttons': false, 'options': {'mode': 'view'}}},
+ res_id: row.id,
if (field == 'product_name'){
if (field == 'product_name'){
@@ -111,22 +176,40 @@ function report_ventas_pos_orders(reporting){
// Consultar
// Consultar
submitForm: function () {
submitForm: function () {
var self = this;
var self = this;
- this.fetchPosOrder().then(function(PosOrder) {
+ self.fecthIrModuleModule().then(function(modules){
+ self.modules = modules;
+ return modules;
+ }).then(function(modules){
+ return self.fetchPosOrder();
+ }).then(function(PosOrder) {
self.PosOrder = PosOrder;
self.PosOrder = PosOrder;
return PosOrder;
return PosOrder;
}).then(function (PosOrder) {
}).then(function (PosOrder) {
- return self.fetchPosOrderLine(PosOrder);
+ return self.fetchPosOrderLine();
}).then(function (PosOrderLine) {
}).then(function (PosOrderLine) {
self.PosOrderLine = PosOrderLine;
self.PosOrderLine = PosOrderLine;
- return self.fetchProductProduct(PosOrderLine);
+ return self.fetchProductProduct();
}).then(function (ProductProduct) {
}).then(function (ProductProduct) {
self.ProductProduct = ProductProduct;
self.ProductProduct = ProductProduct;
- return self.fecthSalesOrder();
- }).then(function (SalesOrder) {
- self.SalesOrder = SalesOrder;
- return self.fecthSalesOrderLine(SalesOrder);
- }).then(function (SalesOrderLine) {
- self.SalesOrderLine = SalesOrderLine;
+ return self.fecthResStore();
+ }).then(function(ResStore){
+ self.ResStore = ResStore;
+ self.$el.find('#current-store').append('<option value="9999999">Todas las SUC.</option>');
+ _.each(ResStore,function(item){
+ self.$el.find('#current-store').append('<option value="' + item.id + '">' + item.name + '</option>');
+ });
+ return self.fecthAccountJournal();
+ }).then(function(AccountJournal){
+ self.AccountJournal = AccountJournal;
+ return self.fetchInvoiceV2();
+ }).then(function (invoices){
+ self.invoices = invoices;
+ return self.fetchInvoiceLine(invoices);
+ }).then(function (invoiceLines) {
+ self.invoiceLines = invoiceLines;
+ return self.fecthProduct(invoiceLines);
+ }).then(function(ProductInvoice){
+ self.ProductInvoice = ProductInvoice;
return self.fetchResPartner();
return self.fetchResPartner();
}).then(function (ResPartner){
}).then(function (ResPartner){
self.ResPartner = ResPartner;
self.ResPartner = ResPartner;
@@ -135,33 +218,105 @@ function report_ventas_pos_orders(reporting){
- // fecthResStore: function(){
- // var self = this;
- // var defer = $.Deferred();
- // var field=['id', 'name'];
- // var ResStore = new model.web.Model('res.store');
- // ResStore.query(field).all().then(function(results){
- // defer.resolve(results);
- // });
- // return defer;
- // },
- // fecthAccountJournal: function(){
- // var self = this;
- // var defer = $.Deferred();
- // var field = ['id', 'name','store_ids'];
- // var domain = [['active','=',true],['type','in',['sale','purchase']]];
- // var AccountJournal = new model.web.Model('account.journal');
- // AccountJournal.query(field).filter(domain).all().then(function(results){
- // defer.resolve(results);
- // });
- // return defer;
- // },
+ // Modelos instalados
+ fecthIrModuleModule: function(){
+ var self = this;
+ var defer = $.Deferred();
+ var fields = ['name','id'];
+ var domain=[['state','=','installed']];
+ var irModule = new model.web.Model('ir.module.module');
+ irModule.query(fields).filter(domain).all().then(function(results){
+ defer.resolve(results);
+ });
+ return defer;
+ },
+ fecthAccountJournal: function(){
+ var self = this;
+ var defer = $.Deferred();
+ var field = ['id', 'name','store_ids'];
+ var domain = [['active','=',true],['type','in',['sale','purchase']]];
+ var AccountJournal = new model.web.Model('account.journal');
+ AccountJournal.query(field).filter(domain).all().then(function(results){
+ defer.resolve(results);
+ });
+ return defer;
+ },
+ // Invoice (FACTURAS)
+ fetchInvoiceV2: function () {
+ var self = this;
+ var filter ="[['state', 'in',['open','paid']],['type', '=', 'out_invoice']";
+ var journal_ids = _.flatten(_.map(self.AccountJournal, function (item) {
+ return item.id;
+ }));
+ if (journal_ids){
+ filter=filter.concat(",['journal_id', 'in',["+journal_ids+"]]");
+ }
+ filter=filter.concat("]");
+ var field =['id', 'type', 'number', 'origin', 'state', 'journal_id', 'currency_id', 'invoice_line','date_invoice','partner_id'];
+ var defer = $.Deferred();
+ var Invoice = new model.web.Model('account.invoice');
+ Invoice.query(field).filter(filter).all().then(function (results) {
+ defer.resolve(results);
+ });
+ return defer;
+ },
+ // Invoice line (Linea de Factura)
+ fetchInvoiceLine: function (invoices) {
+ var self = this;
+ var defer = $.Deferred();
+ var linesIds = _.flatten(_.map(self.invoices, function (item) {
+ return item.invoice_line;
+ }));
+ var InvoiceLine = new model.web.Model('account.invoice.line');
+ InvoiceLine.query(['id', 'quantity', 'price_unit', 'discount', 'name', 'product_id', 'origin','invoice_id']).filter([['id', 'in', linesIds]]).all().then(function (results) {
+ defer.resolve(results)
+ });
+ return defer;
+ },
+ // clientes
+ fetchResPartner: function () {
+ var self = this;
+ var defer = $.Deferred();
+ var fields = ['id','name','ruc'];
+ var domain = [['active', '=', true],['customer', '=', true]];
+ var ResPartner = new model.web.Model('res.partner');
+ ResPartner.query(fields).filter(domain).all().then(function(results){
+ defer.resolve(results);
+ });
+ return defer;
+ },
+ // Product Product
+ fecthProduct: function(invoiceLines){
+ var self = this;
+ var defer = $.Deferred();
+ var porductIDS = _.flatten(_.map(self.invoiceLines, function (item) {
+ return item.product_id[0];
+ }));
+ var ProductInvoice = new model.web.Model('product.product');
+ var fields = ['id','name', 'default_code', 'name_template','ean13', 'standard_price','type','attribute_str'];
+ ProductInvoice.query(fields).filter([['id', 'in', porductIDS]]).all().then(function (results) {
+ defer.resolve(results)
+ });
+ return defer;
+ },
// Ventas (Point Of Sale)
// Ventas (Point Of Sale)
fetchPosOrder: function () {
fetchPosOrder: function () {
var self = this;
var self = this;
var defer = $.Deferred();
var defer = $.Deferred();
+ var modules = self.checkModel('point_of_sale');
+ if (modules.length <= 0){
+ self.showMensaje('point_of_sale');
+ return defer;
+ }
var fields = ['id','name','date_order','lines','table_id','sale_journal'];
var fields = ['id','name','date_order','lines','table_id','sale_journal'];
var domain = [['state', 'not in', ['draft','cancel']]];
var domain = [['state', 'not in', ['draft','cancel']]];
var PosOrder = new model.web.Model('pos.order');
var PosOrder = new model.web.Model('pos.order');
@@ -182,19 +337,6 @@ function report_ventas_pos_orders(reporting){
var domain = [['order_id', 'in', ids]];
var domain = [['order_id', 'in', ids]];
var PosOrderLine = new model.web.Model('pos.order.line');
var PosOrderLine = new model.web.Model('pos.order.line');
PosOrderLine.query().filter(domain).all().then(function (results) {
PosOrderLine.query().filter(domain).all().then(function (results) {
- defer.resolve(results)
- });
- return defer;
- },
- // clientes
- fetchResPartner: function () {
- var self = this;
- var defer = $.Deferred();
- var fields = ['id','name','ruc'];
- var domain = [['active', '=', true],['customer', '=', true]];
- var ResPartner = new model.web.Model('res.partner');
- ResPartner.query(fields).filter(domain).all().then(function(results){
return defer;
return defer;
@@ -216,41 +358,6 @@ function report_ventas_pos_orders(reporting){
return defer;
return defer;
- // fecthPosCategory: function(){
- // var self = this;
- // var defer = $.Deferred();
- // var fields = ['id','name'];
- // var PosCategory = new model.web.Model('pos.category');
- // PosCategory.query(fields).filter().all().then(function (results) {
- // defer.resolve(results)
- // });
- // return defer;
- // },
- // Mesa o delivery
- // fetchPosTable: function(){
- // var self = this;
- // var defer = $.Deferred();
- // var fields = ['id','name', 'floor_id'];
- // var ProductProduct = new model.web.Model('pos.table');
- // ProductProduct.query(fields).filter().all().then(function (results) {
- // defer.resolve(results);
- // });
- // return defer;
- // },
- // Salon o Delivery
- // fetchPosFloor: function(){
- // var self = this;
- // var defer = $.Deferred();
- // var fields = ['id','name', 'table_ids'];
- // var ProductProduct = new model.web.Model('pos.floor');
- // ProductProduct.query(fields).filter().all().then(function (results) {
- // defer.resolve(results);
- // });
- // return defer;
- // },
getPosOrder: function(id){
getPosOrder: function(id){
var self = this;
var self = this;
return _.filter(self.PosOrder,function (item) {
return _.filter(self.PosOrder,function (item) {
@@ -258,81 +365,54 @@ function report_ventas_pos_orders(reporting){
- getSaleOrder: function(id){
+ // Obtener las lineas de las Facturas
+ getProductProduct: function(id){
var self = this;
var self = this;
- return _.filter(self.SaleOrder,function (item) {
- return item.id == id;
+ return _.filter(self.ProductProduct, function(item){
+ return item.id === id;
- // getPosTable: function(id){
- // var self = this;
- // return _.filter(self.PosTable,function (item) {
- // return item.id == id;
- // });
- // },
// Obtener las lineas de las Facturas
// Obtener las lineas de las Facturas
- getProductProduct: function(id){
+ getProductInvoice: function(id){
var self = this;
var self = this;
- //return _.find(self.ProductProduct, function(item){
- // return item.id == id;
- //});
- return _.filter(self.ProductProduct, function(item){
+ return _.filter(self.ProductInvoice, function(item){
return item.id === id;
return item.id === id;
- // getPosCategory: function(id){
- // var self = this;
- // return _.filter(self.PosCategory, function(item){
- // return item.id == id;
- // });
- // },
- // getAccountJournal: function (id) {
- // var self = this;
- // return _.filter(self.AccountJournal,function (item) {
- // return item.id === id;
- // });
- // },
+ getAccountJournal: function (id) {
+ var self = this;
+ return _.filter(self.AccountJournal,function (item) {
+ return item.id === id;
+ });
+ },
// Obtener Pedido
// Obtener Pedido
- fecthSalesOrder: function() {
+ fecthResStore: function(){
var self = this;
var self = this;
var defer = $.Deferred();
var defer = $.Deferred();
- var modules = self.checkModel('sale');
- if (modules.length <= 0){
- self.showMensaje('sale');
- return defer;
- }
- var fields = ['id', 'order_line', 'date_order'];
- // var domain = [['date_order', '>=', desde], ['date_order', '<', hasta], ['state', 'in', ['paid','done','invoiced']]];
- var domain = [ ['state', 'in', ['done', 'progress']]];
- var SalesOrder = new instance.web.Model('sale.order');
- SalesOrder.query(fields).filter(domain).all().then(function (results) {
+ var field=['id', 'name'];
+ var ResStore = new model.web.Model('res.store');
+ ResStore.query(field).all().then(function(results){
return defer;
return defer;
- // Obtener linea de la factura
- fecthSalesOrderLine: function(SalesOrder) {
- var self = this;
- var defer = $.Deferred();
- var order_line = _.flatten(_.map(SalesOrder, function (item) {
- return item.order_line;
- }));
- var fields = ['id', 'product_id', 'create_date', 'product_uom_qty', 'price_unit'];
- var domain = [['id','in', order_line]];
- var SalesOrderLine = new instance.web.Model('sale.order.line');
- SalesOrderLine.query(fields).filter(domain).all().then(function (results) {
- defer.resolve(results);
+ // Obtener la Detalles de la Factura
+ getInvoice: function (id_line){
+ return _.find(this.invoices, function (inv) {
+ return _.contains(inv.invoice_line, id_line);
+ },
- return defer;
+ getAccountJournalVentas: function (id) {
+ var self = this;
+ return _.filter(self.AccountJournal,function (item) {
+ return item.id === id;
+ });
BuildTable: function(){
BuildTable: function(){
@@ -343,20 +423,20 @@ function report_ventas_pos_orders(reporting){
var itemsale;
var itemsale;
var producto = [];
var producto = [];
var saleproducto = [];
var saleproducto = [];
- var category;
var item;
var item;
- var category_name;
- var category_id;
- var store;
for (var i = 0; i < this.PosOrderLine.length; i++) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.PosOrderLine.length; i++) {
item = this.PosOrderLine[i];
item = this.PosOrderLine[i];
producto = self.getProductProduct(item.product_id[0]);
producto = self.getProductProduct(item.product_id[0]);
order = self.getPosOrder(item.order_id[0]).shift();
order = self.getPosOrder(item.order_id[0]).shift();
- if(producto.length > 0){
+ var store = self.getAccountJournal(order.sale_journal[0]);
+ if(store.length > 0 && producto.length > 0){
id : item.id,
id : item.id,
order_id : item.order_id[0],
order_id : item.order_id[0],
+ ref: "",
order_name : item.order_id[1],
order_name : item.order_id[1],
date : order.date_order,
date : order.date_order,
date_order : moment(order.date_order).format("DD/MM/YYYY"),
date_order : moment(order.date_order).format("DD/MM/YYYY"),
@@ -372,56 +452,53 @@ function report_ventas_pos_orders(reporting){
price_tot_tot : ((item.qty * item.price_unit)),
price_tot_tot : ((item.qty * item.price_unit)),
standar_tot_tot : ((item.qty * producto[0].standard_price)),
standar_tot_tot : ((item.qty * producto[0].standard_price)),
utility_tot : (((item.qty * item.price_unit) - (item.qty * producto[0].standard_price))),
utility_tot : (((item.qty * item.price_unit) - (item.qty * producto[0].standard_price))),
+ store_id : store[0].store_ids[0],
- // for (var k = 0; k < this.SaleOrderLine.length; k++) {
- // itemsale = this.SaleOrderLine[k];
- // console.log(itemsale);
- // saleproducto = self.getProductProduct(itemsale.product_id[0]);
- // sale = self.getSaleOrder(itemsale.order_id[0]).shift();
- // store = self.getAccountJournal(order.sale_journal[0]);
- // category = self.getPosCategory(item.product_id[0]);
- // if(category.length > 0){
- // category_name = category[0].name;
- // category_id = category[0].id;
- // }else {
- // category_name = '';
- // category_id = '';
- // }
- // var place_id;
- // var place_name;
- // var floor;
- // if(order.table_id){
- // floor = self.getPosTable(order.table_id[0]).shift();
- // floor = floor.floor_id[0];
- // place_id = order.table_id[0];
- // place_name = order.table_id[1];
- // }
- // }
- // if(saleproducto.length > 0){
- // data.push({
- // id : itemsale.id,
- // order_id : itemsale.order_id[0],
- // order_name : itemsale.order_id[1],
- // date : sale.create_date,
- // date_order : moment(sale.create_date).format("DD/MM/YYYY"),
- // product_id : itemsale.product_id[0],
- // product_name : itemsale.product_id[1],
- // qty : accounting.formatNumber(itemsale.product_uom_qty,0,".",","),
- // price_unit : accounting.formatNumber(itemsale.price_unit,0,".",","),
- // standard_price : accounting.formatNumber((saleproducto[0].standard_price),0, ".", ","),
- // price_tot : accounting.formatNumber((itemsale.product_uom_qty * itemsale.price_unit),0, ".", ","),
- // standar_tot : accounting.formatNumber((itemsale.product_uom_qty * saleproducto[0].standard_price),0, ".", ","),
- // utility : accounting.formatNumber(((itemsale.product_uom_qty * itemsale.price_unit) - (itemsale.product_uom_qty * saleproducto[0].standard_price)),0, ".", ","),
- // qty_total : itemsale.product_uom_qty,
- // price_tot_tot : ((itemsale.product_uom_qty * itemsale.price_unit)),
- // standar_tot_tot : ((itemsale.product_uom_qty * saleproducto[0].standard_price)),
- // utility_tot : (((itemsale.product_uom_qty * itemsale.price_unit) - (itemsale.product_uom_qty * saleproducto[0].standard_price))),
- // });
- // }
- // }
+ for (var k = 0; k < this.invoiceLines.length; k++) {
+ itemsale = this.invoiceLines[k];
+ sale = this.getInvoice(itemsale.id);
+ saleproducto = this.getProductInvoice(itemsale.product_id[0]);
+ if (!saleproducto){
+ saleproducto={};
+ saleproducto.standard_price=0;
+ }
+ var storeVenta = self.getAccountJournalVentas(sale.journal_id[0]);
+ if (!storeVenta){
+ storeVenta={};
+ storeVenta.standard_price=0;
+ }
+ if(storeVenta.length > 0 && saleproducto.length > 0){
+ data.push({
+ id : itemsale.id,
+ order_id : itemsale.invoice_id[0],
+ ref: itemsale.invoice_id[1],
+ order_name : "",
+ date : sale.create_date,
+ date_order : moment(sale.create_date).format("DD/MM/YYYY"),
+ product_id : itemsale.product_id[0],
+ product_name : itemsale.product_id[1],
+ qty : accounting.formatNumber(itemsale.quantity,0,".",","),
+ price_unit : accounting.formatNumber(itemsale.price_unit,0,".",","),
+ standard_price : accounting.formatNumber((saleproducto[0].standard_price),0, ".", ","),
+ price_tot : accounting.formatNumber((itemsale.quantity * itemsale.price_unit),0, ".", ","),
+ standar_tot : accounting.formatNumber((itemsale.quantity * saleproducto[0].standard_price),0, ".", ","),
+ utility : accounting.formatNumber(((itemsale.quantity * itemsale.price_unit) - (itemsale.quantity * saleproducto[0].standard_price)),0, ".", ","),
+ qty_total : itemsale.quantity,
+ price_tot_tot : ((itemsale.quantity * itemsale.price_unit)),
+ standar_tot_tot : ((itemsale.quantity * saleproducto[0].standard_price)),
+ utility_tot : (((itemsale.quantity * itemsale.price_unit) - (itemsale.quantity * saleproducto[0].standard_price))),
+ store_id : storeVenta[0].store_ids[0],
+ });
+ }
+ }
@@ -429,58 +506,35 @@ function report_ventas_pos_orders(reporting){
fectSearch: function(){
fectSearch: function(){
var self = this;
var self = this;
- var hoy = moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD');
- var floor =this.$el.find('#current-floor').val();
- var table =this.$el.find('#current-table').val();
- var category = this.$el.find('#current-category').val();
- var store =this.$el.find('#current-store').val();
+ var today = moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD');
+ var yesterday = moment().add(-1, 'days').format('YYYY-MM-DD');
+ var month = moment().format('YYYY-MM');
+ var last_month = moment().add(-1, 'months').format('YYYY-MM');
var desde =this.$el.find('#from').val();
var desde =this.$el.find('#from').val();
var hasta =this.$el.find('#to').val();
var hasta =this.$el.find('#to').val();
+ var store = this.$el.find('#current-store').val();
var product = this.$el.find('#product').val().split('-');
var product = this.$el.find('#product').val().split('-');
var content = self.content;
var content = self.content;
// Hoy
// Hoy
if ($('#A').is(":checked")){
if ($('#A').is(":checked")){
content = _.filter(content, function (inv){
content = _.filter(content, function (inv){
- return inv.date == hoy;
+ return moment(inv.date).format('YYYY-MM-DD') == today;
if ($('#B').is(":checked")){
if ($('#B').is(":checked")){
- var date = hoy.split('-');
- var ayer = date[2] - 1;
- date.splice(2,0);
- date[2] = '0'+ayer;
content = _.filter(content, function (inv){
content = _.filter(content, function (inv){
- return inv.date == date[0]+'-'+date[1]+'-'+date[2];
+ return moment(inv.date).format('YYYY-MM-DD') == yesterday;
if ($('#C').is(":checked")){
if ($('#C').is(":checked")){
- var date = hoy.split('-');
content = _.filter(content, function (inv){
content = _.filter(content, function (inv){
- var mes = inv.date.split('-');
- return mes[0]+'-'+mes[1] == date[0]+'-'+date[1];
+ return moment(inv.date).format('YYYY-MM') == month;
if ($('#D').is(":checked")){
if ($('#D').is(":checked")){
- var date = hoy.split('-');
- var mes = date[1] - 1;
- var year;
- date.splice(1,0);
- if(date[1] == 1){
- date[1] = '12';
- year = date[0] - 1;
- date[0] = year;
- }else{
- if(date[1] < 10){
- date[1] = '0'+mes;
- }else{
- date[1] = mes;
- }
- }
content = _.filter(content, function (inv){
content = _.filter(content, function (inv){
- var mes = inv.date.split('-');
- return mes[0]+'-'+mes[1] == date[0]+'-'+date[1];
+ return moment(inv.date).format('YYYY-MM') == last_month;
if ($('#Z').is(":checked")){
if ($('#Z').is(":checked")){
@@ -501,20 +555,6 @@ function report_ventas_pos_orders(reporting){
- // Filtrar por piso o delivery
- // if (floor != 9999999){
- // content=_.filter(content, function (inv){
- // return inv.floor_id == floor;
- // });
- // }
- // Filtrar por mesa o delivery
- // if (table != 9999999){
- // content=_.filter(content, function (inv){
- // return inv.table_id == table;
- // });
- // }
// Buscar Producto
// Buscar Producto
if (product != ""){
if (product != ""){
content = _.filter(content, function(inv){
content = _.filter(content, function(inv){
@@ -528,11 +568,11 @@ function report_ventas_pos_orders(reporting){
// });
// });
// }
// }
- // if (store != 9999999){
- // content=_.filter(content, function (inv){
- // return inv.store_id == store;
- // });
- // }
+ if (store != 9999999){
+ content=_.filter(content, function (inv){
+ return inv.store_id == store;
+ });
+ }
var qty_total_total = _.reduce(_.map(content,function(map){
var qty_total_total = _.reduce(_.map(content,function(map){
@@ -682,6 +722,7 @@ function report_ventas_pos_orders(reporting){
styles: { overflow: 'linebreak', fontSize: 8, columnWidth: 'wrap'},
styles: { overflow: 'linebreak', fontSize: 8, columnWidth: 'wrap'},
columnStyles: {
columnStyles: {
order_name: {halign:'left', fontStyle: 'bold'},
order_name: {halign:'left', fontStyle: 'bold'},
+ ref: {halign:'left', fontStyle: 'bold'},
date_order :{halign:'left'},
date_order :{halign:'left'},
product_name :{halign:'left' },
product_name :{halign:'left' },
qty :{halign:'right' },
qty :{halign:'right' },