@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from openerp.http import request
+ ██████ █████ ███ ██ ██ ██ ███████ ████████ █████ ████████ ███████ ███ ███ ███████ ███ ██ ████████
+ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ ████ ██ ████ ██ ██
+ ██████ ███████ ██ ██ ██ █████ ███████ ██ ███████ ██ █████ ██ ████ ██ █████ ██ ██ ██ ██
+ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
+ ██████ ██ ██ ██ ████ ██ ██ ██ ███████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ███████ ██ ██ ███████ ██ ████ ██
+_MODEL = 'account.bank.statement'
+ ██████ ███████ ████████
+ ██ ██ ██
+ ██ ███ █████ ██
+ ██ ██ ██ ██
+ ██████ ███████ ██
+def search_account_bank_statement(statementId):
+ casbox= []
+ statement = request.env['account.bank.statement'].browse(statementId)
+ if (statement):
+ casbox = {
+ 'id': statement.id,
+ 'name': statement.name,
+ 'accountId': statement.journal_id.internal_account_id.id,
+ 'journalId': statement.journal_id.id,
+ 'balanceEnd': statement.balance_end
+ }
+ return casbox
+ ██████ ██████ ███████ █████ ████████ ███████
+ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
+ ██ ██████ █████ ███████ ██ █████
+ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
+ ██████ ██ ██ ███████ ██ ██ ██ ███████ ██ Account Bank Statement
+def create_account_bank_statement(data):
+ from account_bank_statement_config import get_bank_statement_config
+ config = get_bank_statement_config()
+ if (not config):
+ return {
+ 'state': False,
+ 'message': 'No existe configuración de caja'
+ }
+ domain = [('journal_id', '=', data['journal_id']),('type_statement', '=', data['type_statement']),('user_id', '=', data['user_id']),('state', '=', 'open')]
+ statementVerify = request.env[_MODEL].search(domain)
+ if ((not config.statement_open_config) and (statementVerify)):
+ return {
+ 'state': False,
+ 'message': 'Ya existe una caja abierta con los mismos parámetros'
+ }
+ ''' Create CashBox '''
+ statement = request.env[_MODEL].sudo().create(data)
+ if(not statement):
+ return {
+ 'state': False,
+ 'message': 'No fue posible crear la caja'
+ }
+ ''' Open cashBox '''
+ openStatement = statement.sudo().button_open()
+ if (not openStatement):
+ return {
+ 'state': False,
+ 'message': 'No fue posible abrir la caja '
+ }
+ return {
+ 'state': openStatement,
+ 'message': 'Caja creada con éxito',
+ 'data' : {
+ 'id': statement.id,
+ 'name': statement.name,
+ 'date': statement.date,
+ 'state': statement.state,
+ 'balanceEnd': statement.balance_end,
+ 'user': {
+ 'id': statement.user_id.id,
+ 'name': statement.user_id.name,
+ 'displayName': statement.user_id.display_name
+ },
+ 'userSession': request.env.user.id,
+ 'journal': {
+ 'id': statement.journal_id.id,
+ 'name': statement.journal_id.name,
+ 'displayName': statement.journal_id.display_name,
+ 'code': statement.journal_id.code,
+ 'cashControl': statement.journal_id.cash_control,
+ 'type': statement.journal_id.type,
+ 'currency': {
+ 'id': statement.journal_id.currency.id,
+ 'name': statement.journal_id.currency.name,
+ 'displayName': statement.journal_id.currency.display_name
+ }
+ },
+ 'line': [{
+ 'id': line.id,
+ 'date': line.date,
+ 'name': line.name,
+ 'ref': line.ref,
+ 'amount': line.amount,
+ 'patner':{
+ 'id': line.partner_id.id,
+ 'name': line.partner_id.name,
+ 'displayName': line.partner_id.display_name
+ },
+ } for line in statement.line_ids],
+ 'typeStatement': {
+ 'id': statement.type_statement.id,
+ 'name': statement.type_statement.name,
+ 'code': statement.type_statement.code
+ },
+ 'currency':{
+ 'id': statement.currency.id,
+ 'name': statement.currency.display_name,
+ 'base': statement.currency.base,
+ 'symbol': statement.currency.symbol,
+ 'position': statement.currency.position,
+ 'rateSilent': statement.currency.rate_silent,
+ 'decimalSeparator': statement.currency.decimal_separator,
+ 'decimalPlaces': statement.currency.decimal_places,
+ 'thousandsSeparator': statement.currency.thousands_separator
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ██████ ██ ██████ ███████ ██ ███ ██ ██████
+ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ ██ ██
+ ██ ██ ██ ██ ███████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ███
+ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
+ ██████ ███████ ██████ ███████ ██ ██ ████ ██████ bank Statement
+def closing_statement(data):
+ from account_bank_statement_line import create_statement_line
+ from cashbox_confirm import get_cashbox_statement_confirm, create_cashbox_statement_confirm, write_cashbox_statement_confirm
+ from server_datetime import get_date
+ lineDifference = []
+ lineclosing = []
+ statement = request.env[_MODEL].browse(data['statementId'])
+ if (not statement):
+ return {
+ 'state': False,
+ 'message': 'No fue posible localizar la caja.'
+ }
+ amountStatement = statement.balance_end or 0.0
+ ''' Registrar Diferencia entre saldos '''
+ if (statement.balance_end != data['amount']):
+ lineDifference = create_statement_line({
+ 'statement_id': statement.id,
+ 'name': "Diferencia entre valor teórico de cierre y valor real de cierre.",
+ 'amount': data['amount'] - statement.balance_end,
+ 'ref': 'AJUSTE DE CIERRE',
+ 'account_id': statement.journal_id.internal_account_id.id,
+ 'journal_id': statement.journal_id.id,
+ # 'is_deleted': True
+ })
+ if (not lineDifference):
+ return {
+ 'state': False,
+ 'message': 'No fue posible registrar el ajuste de cierre.'
+ }
+ ''' Resgitro de saldo '''
+ if (statement.balance_end != 0):
+ lineclosing = create_statement_line({
+ 'statement_id': statement.id,
+ 'name': "Registro de saldo para próxima apertura.",
+ 'amount': - statement.balance_end if (statement.balance_end > 0) else abs(statement.balance_end),
+ 'ref': 'CIERRE DE CAJA',
+ 'account_id': statement.journal_id.internal_account_id.id,
+ 'journal_id': statement.journal_id.id,
+ # 'is_deleted': True
+ })
+ if (not lineclosing):
+ return {
+ 'state': False,
+ 'message': 'No fue posible registrar el cierre de caja.'
+ }
+ amountNexOpen = abs(lineclosing.amount) if (lineclosing.amount < 0 ) else - (lineclosing.amount)
+ # import web_pdb; web_pdb.set_trace()
+ ''' Registro de Cierre de caja '''
+ statementConfirm = get_cashbox_statement_confirm([('statement_id.id', '=', statement.id)])
+ cashboxConfirm = {
+ 'name': "CIERRE DE CAJA /"+str(statement.name),
+ 'date': get_date(),
+ 'ref': data['description'],
+ 'statement_id': statement.id,
+ 'user_statement': statement.user_id.id,
+ 'user_confirm': request.env.user.id,
+ 'journal_id' : statement.journal_id.id,
+ 'amount_statement': amountStatement,
+ 'amount_real': data['amount'],
+ 'line_difference': lineDifference.id if (lineDifference) else '',
+ 'amount_difference': lineDifference.amount if (lineDifference) else 0.0,
+ 'line_next_open': lineclosing.id if(lineclosing) else '',
+ 'amount_next_open': amountNexOpen if(lineclosing) else 0.0,
+ 'state_avaliable': True if(lineclosing and abs(lineclosing.amount) > 0) else False,
+ }
+ confirm = create_cashbox_statement_confirm(cashboxConfirm) if (not statementConfirm) else write_cashbox_statement_confirm(statementConfirm.id, cashboxConfirm)
+ if (not confirm):
+ return {
+ 'state': False,
+ 'message': 'No fue posible crear el cierre de caja'
+ }
+ response = statement.button_confirm_cash()
+ if (not response):
+ return {
+ 'state': False,
+ 'message': 'No fue posible cerrar la caja'
+ }
+ return {
+ 'state': True,
+ 'message': 'Cierre de caja, realizada con éxito.'
+ }