@@ -4,77 +4,100 @@ from openerp import models, fields, tools, api
class AccountBankStatement(models.Model):
_inherit = 'account.bank.statement'
- type_statement = fields.Selection([('normal', 'Normal'),('general', 'General')],'Tipo de Caja ', default="normal", help="Tipo de caja")
- def get_statement_point_of_sale(self, id):
- accountStatement = self.env['account.bank.statement'].browse(id)
- decimal_precision = self.env['decimal.precision'].precision_get('Account')
- if (not accountStatement):
- return False
- statementPointOfSale = self._get_statement_point_of_sale(accountStatement)
- if (not statementPointOfSale):
- return False
- statementLine = []
- for line in statementPointOfSale:
- lineStatement = self.env['account.bank.statement.line'].search([('name', '=', line['name'])])
- if (not lineStatement):
- amount = line['amount']
+ def _default_type_statement(self):
+ typeStatement = self.env['account.bank.statement.type'].search([('is_default', '=', True)],limit=1)
+ return typeStatement.id if (typeStatement) else ''
- statementLine.append([0, False, {
- 'name': line['name'],
- 'ref' : 'Responsable/'+line['userName'],
- 'amount': round(float(amount), decimal_precision),
- 'journal_id': accountStatement.journal_id.id,
- 'account_id': accountStatement.journal_id.internal_account_id.id,
- 'statement_id': accountStatement.id,
- 'date': line['date'],
- }])
+ type_statement = fields.Many2one('account.bank.statement.type', string='Tipo de Caja', ondelete='restrict')
- line = []
+ _defaults = {
+ 'type_statement': _default_type_statement,
+ }
- if (not statementLine):
- return False
- line = accountStatement.write({'line_ids': statementLine})
- if (not line):
+ @api.model
+ def update_statement_type_defualt(self):
+ type = self.env['account.bank.statement.type'].search([('is_default', '=', True)],limit=1)
+ statement = self.env['account.bank.statement'].search([('type_statement', '=', False)])
+ if (not statement):
return False
- return len(statementLine)
- '''
- Get Account Bank Statement Point of Sale
- '''
- def _get_statement_point_of_sale(self, statement):
- statementPoint = self.env['account.bank.statement'].search([
- ('date','=',statement.date),
- ('journal_id.id', '=',statement.journal_id.id),
- ('period_id.id', '=', statement.period_id.id),
- ('type_statement', '=', 'normal'),
- ('state', '=', 'confirm')], order='id')
- pointSatatement = []
- for statementP in statementPoint:
- amount = 0.0
- for line in statementP.line_ids:
- amount += line.amount
- if (statementP.balance_start > 0):
- amount += statementP.balance_start
+ for statementUpdate in statement:
+ statementUpdate.write({
+ 'type_statement': type.id
+ })
- if (amount > 0):
- pointSatatement.append({
- 'name': statementP.name,
- 'date': statementP.date,
- 'journalId': statementP.journal_id.id,
- 'periodId': statementP.period_id.id,
- 'userId': statementP.user_id.id,
- 'userName': statementP.user_id.name,
- 'posSessionId': statementP.pos_session_id.id,
- 'posSessionName': statementP.pos_session_id.name,
- 'amount': amount
- })
- return pointSatatement
+ # @api.model
+ # def get_statement_point_of_sale(self, id):
+ # accountStatement = self.env['account.bank.statement'].browse(id)
+ # decimal_precision = self.env['decimal.precision'].precision_get('Account')
+ # if (not accountStatement):
+ # return False
+ #
+ # statementPointOfSale = self._get_statement_point_of_sale(accountStatement)
+ # if (not statementPointOfSale):
+ # return False
+ #
+ # statementLine = []
+ #
+ # for line in statementPointOfSale:
+ # lineStatement = self.env['account.bank.statement.line'].search([('name', '=', line['name'])])
+ # if (not lineStatement):
+ # amount = line['amount']
+ #
+ # statementLine.append([0, False, {
+ # 'name': line['name'],
+ # 'ref' : 'Responsable/'+line['userName'],
+ # 'amount': round(float(amount), decimal_precision),
+ # 'journal_id': accountStatement.journal_id.id,
+ # 'account_id': accountStatement.journal_id.internal_account_id.id,
+ # 'statement_id': accountStatement.id,
+ # 'date': line['date'],
+ # }])
+ #
+ # line = []
+ #
+ # if (not statementLine):
+ # return False
+ #
+ # line = accountStatement.write({'line_ids': statementLine})
+ # if (not line):
+ # return False
+ #
+ # return len(statementLine)
+ #
+ # '''
+ # Get Account Bank Statement Point of Sale
+ # '''
+ # def _get_statement_point_of_sale(self, statement):
+ # statementPoint = self.env['account.bank.statement'].search([
+ # ('date','=',statement.date),
+ # ('journal_id.id', '=',statement.journal_id.id),
+ # ('period_id.id', '=', statement.period_id.id),
+ # ('type_statement', '=', 'normal'),
+ # ('state', '=', 'confirm')], order='id')
+ # pointSatatement = []
+ #
+ # for statementP in statementPoint:
+ # amount = 0.0
+ # for line in statementP.line_ids:
+ # amount += line.amount
+ #
+ # if (statementP.balance_start > 0):
+ # amount += statementP.balance_start
+ #
+ # if (amount != 0):
+ # pointSatatement.append({
+ # 'name': statementP.name,
+ # 'date': statementP.date,
+ # 'journalId': statementP.journal_id.id,
+ # 'periodId': statementP.period_id.id,
+ # 'userId': statementP.user_id.id,
+ # 'userName': statementP.user_id.name,
+ # # 'posSessionId': statementP.pos_session_id.id,
+ # # 'posSessionName': statementP.pos_session_id.name,
+ # 'amount': amount
+ # })
+ #
+ # return pointSatatement