@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from openerp import http
+from openerp.http import request
+from passlib.context import CryptContext
+import werkzeug.wrappers
+import jwt
+import json
+crypt_context = CryptContext(
+ ['pbkdf2_sha512', 'md5_crypt'],
+ deprecated=['md5_crypt'],
+ Class for manage authentication
+class Auth(http.Controller):
+ JWT_SECRET_KEY = '@MjSk$2016?'
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Generate JWT token based on username and password field
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ @http.route(['/api/jwt'], type = 'http', auth = 'none', methods = ['POST'])
+ def get_jwt(self, **args):
+ try:
+ user = request.env['res.users'].sudo().search([('login', '=', args['username']), ('active', '=', True)])
+ if len(user) != 0 and self.get_crypt_context().verify(args['password'], user.password_crypt):
+ payload = {
+ 'uid': user.id,
+ 'password': args['password']
+ }
+ encoded = jwt.encode(payload, self.JWT_SECRET_KEY, algorithm = 'HS256')
+ user.write({'jwt_token': encoded})
+ return json.dumps({'token': encoded})
+ else:
+ return json.dumps({'error': 'invalid user or password'})
+ except Exception, e:
+ return json.dumps({'error': 'fields required'})
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Check JWT token auth
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ @http.route(['/api/check'], type = 'http', auth = 'none')
+ def check_token(self, **args):
+ try:
+ user = request.env['res.users'].sudo().search([('jwt_token', '=', args['token'])])
+ if len(user) != 0:
+ decoded = jwt.decode(args['token'], self.JWT_SECRET_KEY, algorithms = ['HS256'])
+ if self.get_crypt_context().verify(decoded['password'], user.password_crypt):
+ return json.dumps({'token': 'valid'})
+ return json.dumps({'token': 'invalid'})
+ except Exception, e:
+ return json.dumps({'error': 'token required'})
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Get context for encryption
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def get_crypt_context(self):
+ return crypt_context
+ Class for manage rest api interaction
+class ApiManager(http.Controller):
+ @http.route(['/api/customers'], type = 'http', auth = 'none')
+ class customers(self):
+ print customers