// Generated by typings // Source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/637e7d6df755e785387d5269cb9287cdc51b8cb7/moment/moment.d.ts declare namespace moment { type MomentComparable = Moment | string | number | Date | number[]; interface MomentDateObject { years?: number; /* One digit */ months?: number; /* Day of the month */ date?: number; hours?: number; minutes?: number; seconds?: number; milliseconds?: number; } interface MomentInput { /** Year */ years?: number; /** Year */ year?: number; /** Year */ y?: number; /** Month */ months?: number; /** Month */ month?: number; /** Month */ M?: number; /** Week */ weeks?: number; /** Week */ week?: number; /** Week */ w?: number; /** Day/Date */ days?: number; /** Day/Date */ day?: number; /** Day/Date */ date?: number; /** Day/Date */ d?: number; /** Hour */ hours?: number; /** Hour */ hour?: number; /** Hour */ h?: number; /** Minute */ minutes?: number; /** Minute */ minute?: number; /** Minute */ m?: number; /** Second */ seconds?: number; /** Second */ second?: number; /** Second */ s?: number; /** Millisecond */ milliseconds?: number; /** Millisecond */ millisecond?: number; /** Millisecond */ ms?: number; } interface Duration { humanize(withSuffix?: boolean): string; as(units: string): number; milliseconds(): number; asMilliseconds(): number; seconds(): number; asSeconds(): number; minutes(): number; asMinutes(): number; hours(): number; asHours(): number; days(): number; asDays(): number; weeks(): number; asWeeks(): number; months(): number; asMonths(): number; years(): number; asYears(): number; add(n: number, p: string): Duration; add(n: number): Duration; add(d: Duration): Duration; subtract(n: number, p: string): Duration; subtract(n: number): Duration; subtract(d: Duration): Duration; toISOString(): string; toJSON(): string; } interface MomentLocale { ordinal(n: number): string; } interface MomentCreationData { input?: string; format?: string; locale: MomentLocale; isUTC: boolean; strict?: boolean; } interface Moment { format(format: string): string; format(): string; fromNow(withoutSuffix?: boolean): string; startOf(unitOfTime: string): Moment; endOf(unitOfTime: string): Moment; /** * Mutates the original moment by adding time. (deprecated in 2.8.0) * * @param unitOfTime the unit of time you want to add (eg "years" / "hours" etc) * @param amount the amount you want to add */ add(unitOfTime: string, amount: number): Moment; /** * Mutates the original moment by adding time. * * @param amount the amount you want to add * @param unitOfTime the unit of time you want to add (eg "years" / "hours" etc) */ add(amount: number, unitOfTime: string): Moment; /** * Mutates the original moment by adding time. Note that the order of arguments can be flipped. * * @param amount the amount you want to add * @param unitOfTime the unit of time you want to add (eg "years" / "hours" etc) */ add(amount: string, unitOfTime: string): Moment; /** * Mutates the original moment by adding time. * * @param objectLiteral an object literal that describes multiple time units {days:7,months:1} */ add(objectLiteral: MomentInput): Moment; /** * Mutates the original moment by adding time. * * @param duration a length of time */ add(duration: Duration): Moment; /** * Mutates the original moment by subtracting time. (deprecated in 2.8.0) * * @param unitOfTime the unit of time you want to subtract (eg "years" / "hours" etc) * @param amount the amount you want to subtract */ subtract(unitOfTime: string, amount: number): Moment; /** * Mutates the original moment by subtracting time. * * @param unitOfTime the unit of time you want to subtract (eg "years" / "hours" etc) * @param amount the amount you want to subtract */ subtract(amount: number, unitOfTime: string): Moment; /** * Mutates the original moment by subtracting time. Note that the order of arguments can be flipped. * * @param amount the amount you want to add * @param unitOfTime the unit of time you want to subtract (eg "years" / "hours" etc) */ subtract(amount: string, unitOfTime: string): Moment; /** * Mutates the original moment by subtracting time. * * @param objectLiteral an object literal that describes multiple time units {days:7,months:1} */ subtract(objectLiteral: MomentInput): Moment; /** * Mutates the original moment by subtracting time. * * @param duration a length of time */ subtract(duration: Duration): Moment; calendar(): string; calendar(start: Moment): string; calendar(start: Moment, formats: MomentCalendar): string; clone(): Moment; /** * @return Unix timestamp, or milliseconds since the epoch. */ valueOf(): number; local(): Moment; // current date/time in local mode utc(): Moment; // current date/time in UTC mode isValid(): boolean; invalidAt(): number; year(y: number): Moment; year(): number; quarter(): number; quarter(q: number): Moment; month(M: number): Moment; month(M: string): Moment; month(): number; day(d: number): Moment; day(d: string): Moment; day(): number; date(d: number): Moment; date(): number; hour(h: number): Moment; hour(): number; hours(h: number): Moment; hours(): number; minute(m: number): Moment; minute(): number; minutes(m: number): Moment; minutes(): number; second(s: number): Moment; second(): number; seconds(s: number): Moment; seconds(): number; millisecond(ms: number): Moment; millisecond(): number; milliseconds(ms: number): Moment; milliseconds(): number; weekday(): number; weekday(d: number): Moment; isoWeekday(): number; isoWeekday(d: number): Moment; weekYear(): number; weekYear(d: number): Moment; isoWeekYear(): number; isoWeekYear(d: number): Moment; week(): number; week(d: number): Moment; weeks(): number; weeks(d: number): Moment; isoWeek(): number; isoWeek(d: number): Moment; isoWeeks(): number; isoWeeks(d: number): Moment; weeksInYear(): number; isoWeeksInYear(): number; dayOfYear(): number; dayOfYear(d: number): Moment; from(f: MomentComparable, suffix?: boolean): string; to(f: MomentComparable, suffix?: boolean): string; toNow(withoutPrefix?: boolean): string; diff(b: MomentComparable): number; diff(b: MomentComparable, unitOfTime: string): number; diff(b: MomentComparable, unitOfTime: string, round: boolean): number; toArray(): number[]; toDate(): Date; toISOString(): string; toJSON(): string; unix(): number; isLeapYear(): boolean; zone(): number; zone(b: number): Moment; zone(b: string): Moment; utcOffset(): number; utcOffset(b: number): Moment; utcOffset(b: string): Moment; daysInMonth(): number; isDST(): boolean; isBefore(): boolean; isBefore(b: MomentComparable, granularity?: string): boolean; isAfter(): boolean; isAfter(b: MomentComparable, granularity?: string): boolean; isSame(b: MomentComparable, granularity?: string): boolean; isBetween(a: MomentComparable, b: MomentComparable, granularity?: string, inclusivity?: string): boolean; /** * @since 2.10.7+ */ isSameOrBefore(b: MomentComparable, granularity?: string): boolean; isSameOrAfter(b: MomentComparable, granularity?: string): boolean; /** * @deprecated since version 2.8.0 */ lang(language: string): Moment; lang(reset: boolean): Moment; lang(): MomentLanguage; locale(language: string): Moment; locale(reset: boolean): Moment; locale(): string; /** * @since 2.12.0+ */ locales() : string[]; localeData(language: string): Moment; localeData(reset: boolean): Moment; localeData(): MomentLanguageData; /** * @deprecated since version 2.7.0 */ max(date: Moment | string | number | Date | any[]): Moment; max(date: string, format: string): Moment; /** * @deprecated since version 2.7.0 */ min(date: Moment | string | number | Date | any[]): Moment; min(date: string, format: string): Moment; get(unit: string): number; set(unit: string, value: number): Moment; set(objectLiteral: MomentInput): Moment; /** * This returns an object containing year, month, day-of-month, hour, minute, seconds, milliseconds. * @since 2.10.5+ */ toObject(): MomentDateObject; /** * @since 2.10.7+ */ creationData(): MomentCreationData; } type formatFunction = () => string; interface MomentCalendar { lastDay?: string | formatFunction; sameDay?: string | formatFunction; nextDay?: string | formatFunction; lastWeek?: string | formatFunction; nextWeek?: string | formatFunction; sameElse?: string | formatFunction; } interface BaseMomentLanguage { months?: any; monthsShort?: any; weekdays?: any; weekdaysShort?: any; weekdaysMin?: any; relativeTime?: MomentRelativeTime; meridiem?: (hour: number, minute: number, isLowercase: boolean) => string; calendar?: MomentCalendar; ordinal?: (num: number) => string; week?: MomentLanguageWeek; } interface MomentLanguage extends BaseMomentLanguage { longDateFormat?: MomentLongDateFormat; } interface MomentLanguageWeek { dow?: number; doy?: number; } interface MomentLanguageData { /** * Get the full localized month name of a moment object * @param {Moment} aMoment a moment object * @return {string} full month name */ months(aMoment: Moment): string; /** * Get the short localized month name of a moment object * @param {Moment} aMoment a moment object * @return {string} short month name */ monthsShort(aMoment: Moment): string; /** * Parses a month name and returns the month id (0-11) * @param {string} longOrShortMonthString string of month to parse * @return {number} month id (0 to 11) of input */ monthsParse(longOrShortMonthString: string): number; /** * Gets the full weekday name of a moment object (eg. Monday) * @param {Moment} aMoment a moment object * @return {string} full weekday name */ weekdays(aMoment: Moment): string; /** * Gets the short weekday name of a moment object (eg. Mon) * @param {Moment} aMoment a moment object * @return {string} short weekday name */ weekdaysShort(aMoment: Moment): string; /** * Gets the min weekday name of a moment object (eg. Mo) * @param {Moment} aMoment a moment object * @return {string} min weekday name */ weekdaysMin(aMoment: Moment): string; /** * Parses a weekday name and returns the weekday id (0-6) * @param {string} longOrShortMonthString string of weekday to parse * @return {number} weekday id (0 to 6) of input */ weekdaysParse(longOrShortMonthString: string): number; /** * Returns the full format of abbreviated date-time formats * @param {string} dateFormat date-time format such as LT, L, LL and so on * @return {string} full date format string */ longDateFormat(dateFormat: string): string; /** * Returns whether a string represents PM * @param {string} amPmString date string to check * @return {boolean} true if string represents PM */ isPM(amPmString: string): boolean; /** * Returns am/pm string for particular time-of-day in upper/lower case * @param {number} hour hour * @param {number} minute minute * @param {boolean} isLowercase whether to return in lowercase * @return {string} 'am' or 'pm' */ meridiem(hour: number, minute: number, isLowercase: boolean): string; /** * Returns a format that would be used for calendar representation. * @param {string} key one of 'sameDay', 'nextDay', 'lastDay', 'nextWeek', 'prevWeek', 'sameElse' * @param {Moment} aMoment a moment object * @return {string} date format string */ calendar(key: string, aMoment: Moment): string; /** * Returns relative time string (eg. a year ago) * @param {number} number the relative number * @param {boolean} withoutSuffix whether to drop the suffix * @param {string} key one of 's', 'm', 'mm', 'h', 'hh', 'd', 'dd', 'M', 'MM', 'y', 'yy'. Single letter when number is 1. * @param {boolean} isFuture whether this represents a future date * @return {string} humanized representation of relative time */ relativeTime(number: number, withoutSuffix: boolean, key: string, isFuture: boolean): string; /** * Converts relative time string to past or future string depending on difference * @param {number} diff positive or negative number * @param {string} relTime relative time string * @return {string} humanized representation of relative time */ pastFuture(diff: number, relTime: string): string; /** * Convert number to ordinal string 1 -> 1st * @param {number} number the number * @return {string} ordinal string */ ordinal(number: number): string; /** * Called before parsing every input string */ preparse(str: string): string; /** * Called after formatting on every string */ postformat(str: string): string; /** * Returns week-of-year of a moment object * @param {Moment} aMoment a moment object * @return {number} number of the week */ week(aMoment: Moment): number; /** * Returns a translation of 'Invalid date' * @return {string} translation of 'Invalid date' */ invalidDate(): string; /** * Returns the first day of the week (0-6, Sunday to Saturday) * @return {number} first day of the week */ firstDayOfWeek(): number; /** * This and the first day of week are used to determine which is * the first week of the year. dow == 1 and doy == 4 means week starts * Monday and first week that has Thursday is the first week of the * year (but doy is NOT simply Thursday). * @return {number} number between 0-15 */ firstDayOfYear(): number; } interface MomentLongDateFormat { L: string; LL: string; LLL: string; LLLL: string; LT: string; LTS: string; l?: string; ll?: string; lll?: string; llll?: string; lt?: string; lts?: string; } interface MomentRelativeTime { future: any; past: any; s: any; m: any; mm: any; h: any; hh: any; d: any; dd: any; M: any; MM: any; y: any; yy: any; } interface MomentBuiltinFormat { __momentBuiltinFormatBrand: any; } type MomentFormatSpecification = string | MomentBuiltinFormat | (string | MomentBuiltinFormat)[]; interface MomentStatic { version: string; fn: Moment; (): Moment; (date: number): Moment; (date: number[]): Moment; (date: string, format?: MomentFormatSpecification, strict?: boolean): Moment; (date: string, format?: MomentFormatSpecification, language?: string, strict?: boolean): Moment; (date: Date): Moment; (date: Moment): Moment; (date: Object): Moment; utc(): Moment; utc(date: number): Moment; utc(date: number[]): Moment; utc(date: string, format?: string, strict?: boolean): Moment; utc(date: string, format?: string, language?: string, strict?: boolean): Moment; utc(date: string, formats: string[], strict?: boolean): Moment; utc(date: string, formats: string[], language?: string, strict?: boolean): Moment; utc(date: Date): Moment; utc(date: Moment): Moment; utc(date: Object): Moment; unix(timestamp: number): Moment; invalid(parsingFlags?: Object): Moment; isMoment(): boolean; isMoment(m: any): m is Moment; isDate(m: any): m is Date; isDuration(): boolean; isDuration(d: any): d is Duration; /** * @deprecated since version 2.8.0 */ lang(language?: string): string; lang(language?: string, definition?: MomentLanguage): string; locale(language?: string): string; locale(language?: string[]): string; locale(language?: string, definition?: MomentLanguage): string; localeData(language?: string): MomentLanguageData; longDateFormat: any; relativeTime: any; meridiem: (hour: number, minute: number, isLowercase: boolean) => string; calendar: any; ordinal: (num: number) => string; duration(milliseconds: Number): Duration; duration(num: Number, unitOfTime: string): Duration; duration(input: MomentInput): Duration; duration(object: any): Duration; duration(): Duration; parseZone(date: string): Moment; months(): string[]; months(index: number): string; months(format: string): string[]; months(format: string, index: number): string; monthsShort(): string[]; monthsShort(index: number): string; monthsShort(format: string): string[]; monthsShort(format: string, index: number): string; weekdays(): string[]; weekdays(index: number): string; weekdays(format: string): string[]; weekdays(format: string, index: number): string; weekdaysShort(): string[]; weekdaysShort(index: number): string; weekdaysShort(format: string): string[]; weekdaysShort(format: string, index: number): string; weekdaysMin(): string[]; weekdaysMin(index: number): string; weekdaysMin(format: string): string[]; weekdaysMin(format: string, index: number): string; min(...moments: Moment[]): Moment; min(moments: Moment[]): Moment; max(...moments: Moment[]): Moment; max(moments: Moment[]): Moment; normalizeUnits(unit: string): string; relativeTimeThreshold(threshold: string): number | boolean; relativeTimeThreshold(threshold: string, limit: number): boolean; /** * @since 2.10.7+ */ now(): number; /** * Constant used to enable explicit ISO_8601 format parsing. */ ISO_8601: MomentBuiltinFormat; defaultFormat: string; } } declare module 'moment' { var moment: moment.MomentStatic; export = moment; } declare module 'moment/moment' { var moment: moment.MomentStatic; export = moment; } declare var moment: moment.MomentStatic;