This website works better with JavaScript
build v0.2.5
bug: revert UMD support due to breaking changes (#288 , #289 , #290 )
bug: fix extend (PR #286 )
chore: fix typos in CHANGELOG
build v0.2.4
Fixed jshint isuses
added UMD support #273
fixed broken tests
updated bower and npm dependencies
added .editorconfig file
updated LICENSE #268
build v0.2.3
Fixed jshint issues
Updated mixed-up dates in change log
build v0.2.2
fix(localStorage): parsing safety #230
build v0.2.1
refac(common): remove deprecated code
fix(localStorage): load/save objects #225
Fix for bug introduced in 0.2.0 boolean values that not in objects are not converted properly
build v0.2.0
fromJson was replaced by JSON.parse with reviver fn
Allow multiple keys for .remove()
Fixed wrong angular dependence version.
docs(README): Video Tutorial
Update Documentation
Set individual expiry for cookies
docs( get started
docs( gitter badge
Added Gitter badge
refa(src): remove duplicated stringification of value while storing
style(src): indentation
fixed issue noted in issue #193
Changes to clearAll function - accept RegExp
add --save argument to install with bower
docs( cookie.clearAll hash/title
docs( expand cookie.clearAll
fix(LICENSE): update copyright year
fix( add \n just for aesthetic
docs(demo): better example and clearAll
fix( add badges
Improved documentation for setStorageCookieDomain.
Fix a minor typo in a comment
docs( version
update your index.html
file to reference angular-local-storage at its new
path inside the dist
directory /angular-local-storage/dist/angular-local-storage.js