(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
module.exports = factory((function webpackLoadOptionalExternalModule() { try { return require("angular"); } catch(e) {} }()));
else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
define(["angular"], factory);
else if(typeof exports === 'object')
exports["ionicMaterial"] = factory((function webpackLoadOptionalExternalModule() { try { return require("angular"); } catch(e) {} }()));
root["ionicMaterial"] = factory(root["angular"]);
})(this, function(__WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_1__) {
return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
/******/ // Check if module is in cache
/******/ if(installedModules[moduleId])
/******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
/******/ exports: {},
/******/ id: moduleId,
/******/ loaded: false
/******/ };
/******/ // Execute the module function
/******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
/******/ module.loaded = true;
/******/ // Return the exports of the module
/******/ return module.exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
/******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules;
/******/ // expose the module cache
/******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(0);
/******/ })
/******/ ([
/* 0 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
* Ionic Material
* "Bundle Index" / "Entryfile"
* https://github.com/zachsoft/ionic-material
* Recommended: use a compiled version, especially in production!
'use strict';
module.exports = (function(){
var angular;
try {
angular = __webpack_require__(1);
} catch(err){ }
if(!angular || !angular.version){
/*global window: true*/
angular = window.angular;
/*global window: false*/
if(!angular || !angular.version){
throw new Error('ionic-material could not load angular module :(');
// set up angular module
var app = angular.module('ionic-material', ['ionic']);
// Import Dependencies
return 'ionic-material';
/***/ },
/* 1 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
if(typeof __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_1__ === 'undefined') {var e = new Error("Cannot find module \"angular\""); e.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'; throw e;}
module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_1__;
/***/ },
/* 2 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
* Fork by Zach Fitzgerald and other contributors of Ionic Material
* Waves v0.5.4
* http://fian.my.id/Waves
* Copyright 2014 Alfiana E. Sibuea and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license
* https://github.com/fians/Waves/blob/master/LICENSE
module.exports = function (angularApp) {
angularApp.factory('ionicMaterialInk', ink);
function ink (){
/*global document*/
var Ink = Ink || {};
// all DOM nodes
var $$;
// phantomJS throws an error when you try to use document.querySelectorAll.bind
if(document && document.querySelectorAll && document.querySelectorAll.bind){
// all DOM nodes
$$ = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document);
} catch(e){}
} else if (window && window.angular && window.angular.element) {
// we can use angular.element instead
$$ = window.angular.element;
} else {
* mout.js 0.11.0 bind and slice polyfills (substitutes?)
* TODO: pull out mout.js bind and slice molyfills and inject into material.ink
* Create slice of source array or array-like object
var slicePolyfill = function moutslicePolyfill(arr, start, end){
var len = arr.length;
/*jshint eqnull:true */
if (start == null) {
start = 0;
} else if (start < 0) {
start = Math.max(len + start, 0);
} else {
start = Math.min(start, len);
if (end == null) {
end = len;
} else if (end < 0) {
end = Math.max(len + end, 0);
} else {
end = Math.min(end, len);
var result = [];
while (start < end) {
return result;
* Return a function that will execute in the given context, optionally adding any additional supplied parameters to the beginning of the arguments collection.
* @param {Function} fn Function.
* @param {object} context Execution context.
* @param {rest} args Arguments (0...n arguments).
* @return {Function} Wrapped Function.
var bindPolyfill = function moutBind(fn, context, args){
var argsArr = slicePolyfill(arguments, 2); //curried args
return function(){
return fn.apply(context, argsArr.concat(slicePolyfill(arguments)));
$$ = bindPolyfill(document.querySelectorAll, document);
/*jshint ignore:end */
if (!$$){
throw new Error('ionic material ink module could not create reference of DOM nodes');
// Find exact position of element
function isWindow(obj) {
return obj !== null && obj === obj.window;
function getWindow(elem) {
return isWindow(elem) ? elem : elem.nodeType === 9 && elem.defaultView;
function offset(elem) {
var docElem, win,
box = {
top: 0,
left: 0
doc = elem && elem.ownerDocument;
docElem = doc.documentElement;
if (typeof elem.getBoundingClientRect !== typeof undefined) {
box = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
win = getWindow(doc);
return {
top: box.top + win.pageYOffset - docElem.clientTop,
left: box.left + win.pageXOffset - docElem.clientLeft
function hexToRgb(hex) {
var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex);
return result ? {
r: parseInt(result[1], 16),
g: parseInt(result[2], 16),
b: parseInt(result[3], 16)
} : null;
function convertStyle(obj) {
var style = '';
for (var a in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(a)) {
style += (a + ':' + obj[a] + ';');
return style;
var Effect = {
// Effect delay
duration: 500,
show: function(e) {
// Disable right click
if (e.button === 2) {
return false;
var el = this;
// Create ripple
var ripple = document.createElement('div');
var customColor = this.dataset.inkColor;
var customOpacity = this.dataset.inkOpacity;
var hasCustomRipple = customColor || customOpacity;
ripple.className = 'ink-ripple';
// Get click coordinate and element witdh
var pos = offset(el);
var relativeY = (e.pageY - pos.top);
var relativeX = (e.pageX - pos.left);
var scale = 'scale(' + ((el.clientWidth / 100) * 2.5) + ')';
// Support for touch devices
if ('touches' in e) {
relativeY = (e.touches[0].pageY - pos.top);
relativeX = (e.touches[0].pageX - pos.left);
// Attach data to element
ripple.setAttribute('data-hold', Date.now());
ripple.setAttribute('data-scale', scale);
ripple.setAttribute('data-x', relativeX);
ripple.setAttribute('data-y', relativeY);
// Set ripple position
var rippleStyle = {
'top': relativeY + 'px',
'left': relativeX + 'px'
ripple.className = ripple.className + ' ink-notransition';
if (hasCustomRipple) {
var colorRgb;
if (customColor) {
var fromHex = hexToRgb(customColor);
colorRgb = fromHex.r + ',' + fromHex.g + ',' + fromHex.b;
} else {
colorRgb = '0,0,0';
if (!customOpacity) {
customOpacity = 0.2;
var bg = 'rgba(' + colorRgb + ',' + customOpacity + ')';
rippleStyle['background-color'] = bg;
ripple.setAttribute('style', convertStyle(rippleStyle));
ripple.className = ripple.className.replace('ink-notransition', '');
// Scale the ripple
rippleStyle['-webkit-transform'] = scale;
rippleStyle['-moz-transform'] = scale;
rippleStyle['-ms-transform'] = scale;
rippleStyle['-o-transform'] = scale;
rippleStyle.transform = scale;
rippleStyle.opacity = '1';
rippleStyle['-webkit-transition-duration'] = Effect.duration + 'ms';
rippleStyle['-moz-transition-duration'] = Effect.duration + 'ms';
rippleStyle['-o-transition-duration'] = Effect.duration + 'ms';
rippleStyle['transition-duration'] = Effect.duration + 'ms';
ripple.setAttribute('style', convertStyle(rippleStyle));
hide: function() {
var el = this;
var width = el.clientWidth * 1.4;
// Get first ripple
var ripple = null;
var childrenLength = el.children.length;
for (var a = 0; a < childrenLength; a++) {
if (el.children[a].className.indexOf('ink-ripple') !== -1) {
ripple = el.children[a];
if (!ripple) {
return false;
var relativeX = ripple.getAttribute('data-x');
var relativeY = ripple.getAttribute('data-y');
var scale = ripple.getAttribute('data-scale');
// Get delay beetween mousedown and mouse leave
var diff = Date.now() - Number(ripple.getAttribute('data-hold'));
var delay = 500 - diff;
if (delay < 0) {
delay = 0;
// Fade out ripple after delay
setTimeout(function() {
var style = {
'top': relativeY + 'px',
'left': relativeX + 'px',
'opacity': '0',
// Duration
'-webkit-transition-duration': Effect.duration + 'ms',
'-moz-transition-duration': Effect.duration + 'ms',
'-o-transition-duration': Effect.duration + 'ms',
'transition-duration': Effect.duration + 'ms',
'-webkit-transform': scale,
'-moz-transform': scale,
'-ms-transform': scale,
'-o-transform': scale,
'transform': scale,
ripple.setAttribute('style', convertStyle(style));
setTimeout(function() {
try {
} catch (e) {
return false;
}, Effect.duration);
}, delay);
// Little hack to make can perform ink effect
wrapInput: function(elements) {
for (var a = 0; a < elements.length; a++) {
var el = elements[a];
if (el.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input') {
var parent = el.parentNode;
// If input already have parent just pass through
if (parent.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'i' &&
parent.className.indexOf('ink') !== -1 &&
parent.className.indexOf('tab-item') !== -1 &&
parent.className.indexOf('button-fab') !== -1 &&
parent.className.indexOf('button-raised') !== -1 &&
parent.className.indexOf('button-flat') !== -1 &&
parent.className.indexOf('button-clear') !== -1 &&
parent.className.indexOf('button') !== -1 &&
parent.className.indexOf('item') !== -1) {
return false;
// Put element class and style to the specified parent
var wrapper = document.createElement('i');
wrapper.className = el.className + ' ink-input-wrapper';
var elementStyle = el.getAttribute('style');
if (!elementStyle) {
elementStyle = '';
wrapper.setAttribute('style', elementStyle);
el.className = 'ink-button-input';
// Put element as child
parent.replaceChild(wrapper, el);
Ink.displayEffect = function(options) {
options = options || {};
if ('duration' in options) {
Effect.duration = options.duration;
//Wrap input inside tag
var selectors = '.ink,.tab-item,.button-fab,.button-raised,.button-flat,.button-clear,a.item,.popup .button';
Array.prototype.forEach.call($$(selectors), function(i) {
if ('ontouchstart' in window) {
i.addEventListener('touchstart', Effect.show, false);
i.addEventListener('touchend', Effect.hide, false);
i.addEventListener('touchcancel', Effect.hide, false);
} else {
i.addEventListener('mousedown', Effect.show, false);
i.addEventListener('mouseup', Effect.hide, false);
i.addEventListener('mouseleave', Effect.hide, false);
return Ink;
ink.inject = [];
/***/ },
/* 3 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module.exports = function(angularApp) {
angularApp.factory('ionicMaterialMotion', Motion);
function Motion() {
/*global document, window*/
'use strict';
/* HELPERS (non-exports)
/ Abstract common lookups and manipulations in case better alternatives
/ arise or future cross-platform differences warrant separate handling
function getViewportHeight() {
return window.innerHeight;
function getBoundingClientRect(domNode) {
return domNode.getBoundingClientRect;
function showNotAnimatedElements(elements, total) {
// Load the elements without effect
for (var i = 0; i < total; i++) {
var child = elements[i];
child.className += ' in';
child.className += ' done';
/ Animation methods for the library
var motion = {
blinds: blinds,
fadeSlideIn: fadeSlideIn,
fadeSlideInRight: fadeSlideInRight,
panInLeft: panInLeft,
pushDown: pushDown,
ripple: ripple,
slideUp: slideUp
function blinds(options) {
// Declare our defaults
var defaults = {
finishDelayThrottle: 2,
finishSpeedPercent: 0.5,
leftOffsetPercentage: 0.8,
selector: '.animate-blinds .item',
startVelocity: 1100
// Apply defaults if properties are not passed
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
options.finishDelayThrottle = options.finishDelayThrottle || defaults.finishDelayThrottle;
options.finishSpeedPercent = options.finishSpeedPercent || defaults.finishSpeedPercent;
options.leftOffsetPercentage = options.leftOffsetPercentage || defaults.leftOffsetPercentage;
options.startVelocity = options.startVelocity || defaults.startVelocity;
if (typeof options.selector == 'undefined') {
options.selector = defaults.selector;
// Fail early & silently log
var isInvalidSelector = typeof options.selector === 'undefined' || options.selector === '';
if (isInvalidSelector) {
console.log('invalid blinds selector');
return false;
var animateBlindsDom = document.querySelectorAll(options.selector);
var elementsCount = animateBlindsDom.length;
var elementAnimationCount = 0;
// Count the elements within the starting viewport so we're not exacting
// more effort than required...
// We use css visiblity: hidden instead of display: none so the elements
// maintain their DOM flow
var viewportHeight = getViewportHeight();
for (var i = 0; i < elementsCount; i++) {
if (animateBlindsDom[i].offsetTop < viewportHeight) {
elementAnimationCount += 1;
// Sequentially animate with a delay based on proximity
var speed = options.startVelocity;
for (var i = 0; i < elementAnimationCount; i++) {
var child = animateBlindsDom[i];
var childOffset = child.getBoundingClientRect();
var offset = childOffset.left * options.leftOffsetPercentage + childOffset.top;
var delay = parseFloat(offset / speed).toFixed(2);
child.style.webkitTransitionDelay = delay + "s";
child.style.transitionDelay = delay + "s";
child.className += ' in';
// When we're done animating, switch the class to 'done'
setTimeout(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < elementAnimationCount; i++) {
var child = animateBlindsDom[i];
var childOffset = child.getBoundingClientRect();
var offset = childOffset.left * options.leftOffsetPercentage + childOffset.top;
var delay = parseFloat(offset / speed / options.finishDelayThrottle).toFixed(2);
//child.querySelector('img').style.webkitTransitionDelay = delay + "s";
//child.querySelector('img').style.transitionDelay = delay + "s";
//child.querySelector('img').className += ' in';
animateBlindsDom[i].className += ' done';
}, speed * options.finishSpeedPercent);
// Load the elements without effect
showNotAnimatedElements(animateBlindsDom, elementsCount);
function fadeSlideIn(options) {
// Declare our defaults
var defaults = {
finishDelayThrottle: 2,
finishSpeedPercent: 0.72,
leftOffsetPercentage: 0.8,
selector: '.animate-fade-slide-in .item',
startVelocity: 1100
// Apply defaults if properties are not passed
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
options.finishDelayThrottle = options.finishDelayThrottle || defaults.finishDelayThrottle;
options.finishSpeedPercent = options.finishSpeedPercent || defaults.finishSpeedPercent;
options.leftOffsetPercentage = options.leftOffsetPercentage || defaults.leftOffsetPercentage;
options.startVelocity = options.startVelocity || defaults.startVelocity;
if (typeof options.selector == 'undefined') {
options.selector = defaults.selector;
// Fail early & silently log
var isInvalidSelector = typeof options.selector === 'undefined' || options.selector === '';
if (isInvalidSelector) {
console.log('invalid fadeSlideIn selector');
return false;
var animateFadeSlideInDom = document.querySelectorAll(options.selector);
var elementsCount = animateFadeSlideInDom.length;
var elementAnimationCount = 0;
// Count the elements within the starting viewport so we're not exacting
// more effort than required...
// We use css visiblity: hidden instead of display: none so the elements
// maintain their DOM flow
var viewportHeight = getViewportHeight();
for (var i = 0; i < elementsCount; i++) {
if (animateFadeSlideInDom[i].offsetTop < viewportHeight) {
elementAnimationCount += 1;
// Sequentially animate with a delay based on proximity
var speed = options.startVelocity;
for (var i = 0; i < elementAnimationCount; i++) {
var child = animateFadeSlideInDom[i];
var childOffset = child.getBoundingClientRect();
var offset = childOffset.left * options.leftOffsetPercentage + childOffset.top;
var delay = parseFloat(offset / speed).toFixed(2);
child.style.webkitTransitionDelay = delay + "s";
child.style.transitionDelay = delay + "s";
child.className += ' in';
// When we're done animating, switch the class to 'done'
setTimeout(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < elementAnimationCount; i++) {
var child = animateFadeSlideInDom[i];
var childOffset = child.getBoundingClientRect();
var offset = childOffset.left * options.leftOffsetPercentage + childOffset.top;
var delayValue = offset / speed / options.finishDelayThrottle;
var delay = parseFloat(delayValue).toFixed(2);
animateFadeSlideInDom[0].className += ' done';
}, speed * options.finishSpeedPercent);
// Load the elements without effect
showNotAnimatedElements(animateFadeSlideInDom, elementsCount);
function fadeSlideInRight(options) {
// Declare our defaults
var defaults = {
finishDelayThrottle: 2,
finishSpeedPercent: 0.72,
leftOffsetPercentage: 0.8,
selector: '.animate-fade-slide-in-right .item',
startVelocity: 1100
// Apply defaults if properties are not passed
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
options.finishDelayThrottle = options.finishDelayThrottle || defaults.finishDelayThrottle;
options.finishSpeedPercent = options.finishSpeedPercent || defaults.finishSpeedPercent;
options.leftOffsetPercentage = options.leftOffsetPercentage || defaults.leftOffsetPercentage;
options.startVelocity = options.startVelocity || defaults.startVelocity;
if (typeof options.selector == 'undefined') {
options.selector = defaults.selector;
// Fail early & silently log
var isInvalidSelector = typeof options.selector === 'undefined' || options.selector === '';
if (isInvalidSelector) {
console.log('invalid fadeSlideInRight selector');
return false;
var animateSlideInRightDom = document.querySelectorAll(options.selector);
var elementsCount = animateSlideInRightDom.length;
var elementAnimationCount = 0;
// Count the elements within the starting viewport so we're not
// exacting more effort than required...
// We use css visiblity: hidden instead of display: none so the
// elements maintain their DOM flow
var viewportHeight = getViewportHeight();
for (var i = 0; i < elementsCount; i++) {
if (animateSlideInRightDom[i].offsetTop < viewportHeight) {
elementAnimationCount += 1;
// Sequentially animate with a delay based on proximity
var speed = options.startVelocity;
for (var i = 0; i < elementAnimationCount; i++) {
var child = animateSlideInRightDom[i];
var childOffset = child.getBoundingClientRect();
var offset = childOffset.left * options.leftOffsetPercentage + childOffset.top;
var delay = parseFloat(offset / speed).toFixed(2);
child.style.webkitTransitionDelay = delay + "s";
child.style.transitionDelay = delay + "s";
child.className += ' in';
// When we're done animating, switch the class to 'done'
setTimeout(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < elementAnimationCount; i++) {
var child = animateSlideInRightDom[i];
var childOffset = child.getBoundingClientRect();
var offset = childOffset.left * options.leftOffsetPercentage + childOffset.top;
var delayValue = offset / speed / options.finishDelayThrottle;
var delay = parseFloat(delayValue).toFixed(2);
animateSlideInRightDom[0].className += ' done';
}, speed * options.finishSpeedPercent);
// Load the elements without effect
showNotAnimatedElements(animateSlideInRightDom, elementsCount);
function ripple(options) {
// Declare our defaults
var defaults = {
finishDelayThrottle: 2,
finishSpeedPercent: 0.72,
leftOffsetPercentage: 0.8,
selector: '.animate-ripple .item',
startVelocity: 1100
// Apply defaults if properties are not passed
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
options.finishDelayThrottle = options.finishDelayThrottle || defaults.finishDelayThrottle;
options.finishSpeedPercent = options.finishSpeedPercent || defaults.finishSpeedPercent;
options.leftOffsetPercentage = options.leftOffsetPercentage || defaults.leftOffsetPercentage;
options.startVelocity = options.startVelocity || defaults.startVelocity;
if (typeof options.selector == 'undefined') {
options.selector = defaults.selector;
// Fail early & silently log
var isInvalidSelector = typeof options.selector === 'undefined' || options.selector === '';
if (isInvalidSelector) {
console.log('invalid ripple selector');
return false;
var animateRippleDom = document.querySelectorAll(options.selector);
var elementsCount = animateRippleDom.length;
var elementAnimationCount = 0;
// Count the elements within the starting viewport so we're not
// exacting more effort than required...
// We use css visiblity: hidden instead of display: none so the
// elements maintain their DOM flow
var viewportHeight = getViewportHeight();
for (var i = 0; i < animateRippleDom.length; i++) {
if (animateRippleDom[i].offsetTop < viewportHeight) {
elementAnimationCount += 1;
// Sequentially animate with a delay based on proximity
var speed = options.startVelocity;
for (var i = 0; i < elementAnimationCount; i++) {
var child = animateRippleDom[i];
var childOffset = child.getBoundingClientRect();
var offset = childOffset.left * options.leftOffsetPercentage + childOffset.top;
var delay = parseFloat(offset / speed).toFixed(2);
child.style.webkitTransitionDelay = delay + "s";
child.style.transitionDelay = delay + "s";
child.className += ' in';
// When we're done animating, switch the class to 'done'
setTimeout(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < elementAnimationCount; i++) {
var child = animateRippleDom[i];
var childOffset = child.getBoundingClientRect();
var offset = childOffset.left * options.leftOffsetPercentage + childOffset.top;
var delayValue = offset / speed / options.finishDelayThrottle;
var delay = parseFloat(delayValue).toFixed(2);
animateRippleDom[0].className += ' done';
}, speed * options.finishSpeedPercent);
// Load the elements without effect
showNotAnimatedElements(animateRippleDom, elementsCount);
function panInLeft(options) {
// We have a single option, so it may be passed as a string or property
if (typeof options === 'string') {
options = {
selector: options
// Fail early & silently log
var isInvalidSelector = typeof options.selector === 'undefined' || options.selector === '';
if (isInvalidSelector) {
console.log('invalid pushDown selector');
return false;
var animatePanInLeftDom = document.querySelectorAll(options.selector);
var elementAnimationCount = animatePanInLeftDom.length;
for (var i = 0; i < elementAnimationCount; i++) {
var element = animatePanInLeftDom[i];
var classNameToRemove = 'animate-pan-in-left';
var indexOfClassNameToRemove = element.className.lastIndexOf(classNameToRemove);
element.className = element.className.substr(0, indexOfClassNameToRemove);
function pushDown(options) {
// We have a single option, so it may be passed as a string or property
if (typeof options === 'string') {
options = {
selector: options
// Fail early & silently log
var isInvalidSelector = typeof options.selector === 'undefined' || options.selector === '';
if (isInvalidSelector) {
console.log('invalid pushDown selector');
return false;
var animatePushDownDom = document.querySelectorAll(options.selector);
var elementAnimationCount = animatePushDownDom.length;
for (var i = 0; i < elementAnimationCount; i++) {
var element = animatePushDownDom[i];
var classNameToRemove = options.selector.split('.')[1];
var indexOfClassNameToRemove = element.className.lastIndexOf(classNameToRemove);
element.className = element.className.substr(0, indexOfClassNameToRemove);
function slideUp(options) {
// We have a single option, so it may be passed as a string or property
if (typeof options === 'string') {
options = {
selector: options
// Fail early & silently log
var isInvalidSelector = typeof options.selector === 'undefined' || options.selector === '';
if (isInvalidSelector) {
console.log('invalid pushDown selector');
return false;
var animateSlideUpDom = document.querySelectorAll(options.selector);
var elementAnimationCount = animateSlideUpDom.length;
for (var i = 0; i < elementAnimationCount; i++) {
var element = animateSlideUpDom[i];
var classNameToRemove = options.selector.split('.')[1];
var indexOfClassNameToRemove = element.className.lastIndexOf(classNameToRemove);
element.className = element.className.substr(0, indexOfClassNameToRemove);
/* Export object
return motion;
Motion.$inject = [];
/***/ }
/******/ ])
//# sourceMappingURL=ionic.material.min.js.map