angular.module('odoo') /** * */ .controller('OpportunitiesController', function ( $scope, $ionicActionSheet, $ionicPopup, $ionicScrollDelegate, crmStagesDataFactory, opportunitiesDataFactory, ionicToast ) { $scope.loading = false; $scope.stages = []; $scope.opportunities = []; $scope.currentStage = {}; $scope.stageToMove = {}; $scope.selected = -1; /** * */ $scope.$on("$ionicSlides.sliderInitialized", function (event, data){ $scope.slider = data.slider; }); /** * */ $scope.$on("$ionicSlides.slideChangeEnd", function (event, data) { $scope.stageChanged(data.slider.activeIndex); }); /** * */ $scope.$on("$ionicView.enter", function () { $scope.initialize(); }); /** * */ $scope.initialize = function () { $scope.loading = true; $scope.getStages(function (stages) { $scope.slider.updateLoop(); $scope.getOpportunities(function (opportunities) { console.log(opportunities); $scope.loading = false; console.log($ionicScrollDelegate.$getByHandle('mainScroll').getScrollView()); $scope.$apply(); }, function (err) { $scope.loading = false; }); }, function (err) { $scope.loading = false; }); } /** * */ $scope.getStages = function (success, error) { crmStagesDataFactory.sync(function (stages) { $scope.stages = stages; $scope.stageChanged(0); success(stages); }, function (syncErr) { crmStagesDataFactory.getAll(function (stages) { $scope.stages = stages; $scope.stageChanged(0); success(stages); }, function (getAllErr) { error(getAllErr); }); }); } /** * */ $scope.getOpportunities = function (success, error) { opportunitiesDataFactory.sync(function (opportunities) { $scope.opportunities = opportunities; success(opportunities); }, function (syncErr) { opportunitiesDataFactory.getAll(function (opportunities) { $scope.opportunities = opportunities; success(opportunities); }, function (getAllErr) { error(getAllErr); }); }); } /** * Change the state */ $scope.changeStage = function (mode) { $scope.loading = true; if (mode) { $scope.slider.slideNext(); } else { $scope.slider.slidePrev(); } $scope.loading = false; } /** * Change stage name on title */ $scope.stageChanged = function (index) { if (!$scope.stages.length) { return; } $scope.currentStage = $scope.stages[index]; if(!$scope.$$phase) { $scope.$apply(); } } /** * Show availables stages to move */ $scope.showStagesToMove = function () { ${ scope: $scope, title: 'Mover a', templateUrl: 'templates/sales/crm-stages.html', buttons: [ { text: 'Mover', type: 'button-positive', onTap: function (e) { // console.log(e); $scope.moveOpportunity(); } }, { text: 'Cancelar', type: 'button-default', onTap: function (e) { // e.preventDefault(); } } ] }); } /** * */ $scope.selectStageToMove = function (index) { $scope.stageToMove = $scope.stages[index]; } /** * Move opportunity to stage */ $scope.moveOpportunity = function () { console.log($scope.stageToMove);'Se moviĆ³ la oportunidad ', 'bottom', false, 1500); } /** * Open the actionsheet action options */ $scope.openOptions = function (index) { $scope.selected = index; ${ titleText: 'Acciones', buttons: [ { text: ' Abrir' }, { text: ' Mover a' } ], destructiveText: ' Eliminar', cancel: function() { $scope.customer = {}; $scope.selected = -1; }, buttonClicked: function(index) { switch (index) { case 0: $; break; case 1: $scope.showStagesToMove(); break; default: $; } return true; }, destructiveButtonClicked: function() { $scope.delete(); return true; } }); } });