@@ -16,6 +16,24 @@ class Purchases(http.Controller):
def get_server_date(self):
return datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
+ '''
+ Get current user information
+ '''
+ def get_user(self):
+ user = request.env.user
+ return {
+ 'id': user.id,
+ 'name': user.name,
+ 'displayName': user.display_name,
+ 'currency': {
+ 'id': user.company_id.currency_id.id,
+ 'name': user.company_id.currency_id.name,
+ 'displayName': user.company_id.currency_id.display_name,
+ 'symbol': user.company_id.currency_id.symbol
+ }
+ }
def get_currencies(self):
return [{
'id': currency.id,
@@ -127,26 +145,62 @@ class Purchases(http.Controller):
} for variant in product.product_variant_ids if variant.active]
} for product in request.env['product.template'].search([('purchase_ok', '=', True), ('active', '=', True)])]
+ '''
+ Get all incoming and active picking types
+ '''
+ def get_picking_types(self):
+ return [{
+ 'id': picking_type.id,
+ 'name': picking_type.name,
+ 'displayName': picking_type.display_name
+ } for picking_type in request.env['stock.picking.type'].search([('code', '=', 'incoming'), ('active', '=', True)])]
+ '''
+ Get all active payment terms
+ '''
+ def get_payment_terms(self):
+ return [{
+ 'id': payment_term.id,
+ 'name': payment_term.name,
+ 'displayName': payment_term.display_name,
+ 'lines': [{
+ 'id': line.id,
+ 'days': line.days,
+ 'days2': line.days2,
+ 'value': line.value,
+ 'value_amount': line.value_amount
+ } for line in payment_term.line_ids]
+ } for payment_term in request.env['account.payment.term'].search([('active', '=', True)])]
Make JSON response to send
def make_response(self, data, status=200):
return Response(json.dumps(data), status=status, content_type='application/json')
+ '''
+ '''
+ def make_info_log(self, log):
+ LOGGER.info(log)
New purchase resource route
@http.route('/eiru_purchases/new', auth='user', methods=['GET'], cors='*')
def new_purchase(self, **kw):
+ self.make_info_log('sending json response')
return self.make_response({
'date': self.get_server_date(),
+ 'user': self.get_user(),
'currencies': self.get_currencies(),
'journals': self.get_journals(),
'suppliers': self.get_suppliers(),
- 'products': self.get_products()
+ 'products': self.get_products(),
+ 'pickingTypes': self.get_picking_types(),
+ 'paymentTerms': self.get_payment_terms()
Create purchase resource route