association.go 13 KB

  1. package gorm
  2. import (
  3. "errors"
  4. "fmt"
  5. "reflect"
  6. )
  7. // Association Mode contains some helper methods to handle relationship things easily.
  8. type Association struct {
  9. Error error
  10. scope *Scope
  11. column string
  12. field *Field
  13. }
  14. // Find find out all related associations
  15. func (association *Association) Find(value interface{}) *Association {
  16. association.scope.related(value, association.column)
  17. return association.setErr(association.scope.db.Error)
  18. }
  19. // Append append new associations for many2many, has_many, replace current association for has_one, belongs_to
  20. func (association *Association) Append(values ...interface{}) *Association {
  21. if association.Error != nil {
  22. return association
  23. }
  24. if relationship := association.field.Relationship; relationship.Kind == "has_one" {
  25. return association.Replace(values...)
  26. }
  27. return association.saveAssociations(values...)
  28. }
  29. // Replace replace current associations with new one
  30. func (association *Association) Replace(values ...interface{}) *Association {
  31. if association.Error != nil {
  32. return association
  33. }
  34. var (
  35. relationship = association.field.Relationship
  36. scope = association.scope
  37. field = association.field.Field
  38. newDB = scope.NewDB()
  39. )
  40. // Append new values
  41. association.field.Set(reflect.Zero(association.field.Field.Type()))
  42. association.saveAssociations(values...)
  43. // Belongs To
  44. if relationship.Kind == "belongs_to" {
  45. // Set foreign key to be null when clearing value (length equals 0)
  46. if len(values) == 0 {
  47. // Set foreign key to be nil
  48. var foreignKeyMap = map[string]interface{}{}
  49. for _, foreignKey := range relationship.ForeignDBNames {
  50. foreignKeyMap[foreignKey] = nil
  51. }
  52. association.setErr(newDB.Model(scope.Value).UpdateColumn(foreignKeyMap).Error)
  53. }
  54. } else {
  55. // Polymorphic Relations
  56. if relationship.PolymorphicDBName != "" {
  57. newDB = newDB.Where(fmt.Sprintf("%v = ?", scope.Quote(relationship.PolymorphicDBName)), relationship.PolymorphicValue)
  58. }
  59. // Delete Relations except new created
  60. if len(values) > 0 {
  61. var associationForeignFieldNames, associationForeignDBNames []string
  62. if relationship.Kind == "many_to_many" {
  63. // if many to many relations, get association fields name from association foreign keys
  64. associationScope := scope.New(reflect.New(field.Type()).Interface())
  65. for idx, dbName := range relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames {
  66. if field, ok := associationScope.FieldByName(dbName); ok {
  67. associationForeignFieldNames = append(associationForeignFieldNames, field.Name)
  68. associationForeignDBNames = append(associationForeignDBNames, relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames[idx])
  69. }
  70. }
  71. } else {
  72. // If has one/many relations, use primary keys
  73. for _, field := range scope.New(reflect.New(field.Type()).Interface()).PrimaryFields() {
  74. associationForeignFieldNames = append(associationForeignFieldNames, field.Name)
  75. associationForeignDBNames = append(associationForeignDBNames, field.DBName)
  76. }
  77. }
  78. newPrimaryKeys := scope.getColumnAsArray(associationForeignFieldNames, field.Interface())
  79. if len(newPrimaryKeys) > 0 {
  80. sql := fmt.Sprintf("%v NOT IN (%v)", toQueryCondition(scope, associationForeignDBNames), toQueryMarks(newPrimaryKeys))
  81. newDB = newDB.Where(sql, toQueryValues(newPrimaryKeys)...)
  82. }
  83. }
  84. if relationship.Kind == "many_to_many" {
  85. // if many to many relations, delete related relations from join table
  86. var sourceForeignFieldNames []string
  87. for _, dbName := range relationship.ForeignFieldNames {
  88. if field, ok := scope.FieldByName(dbName); ok {
  89. sourceForeignFieldNames = append(sourceForeignFieldNames, field.Name)
  90. }
  91. }
  92. if sourcePrimaryKeys := scope.getColumnAsArray(sourceForeignFieldNames, scope.Value); len(sourcePrimaryKeys) > 0 {
  93. newDB = newDB.Where(fmt.Sprintf("%v IN (%v)", toQueryCondition(scope, relationship.ForeignDBNames), toQueryMarks(sourcePrimaryKeys)), toQueryValues(sourcePrimaryKeys)...)
  94. association.setErr(relationship.JoinTableHandler.Delete(relationship.JoinTableHandler, newDB))
  95. }
  96. } else if relationship.Kind == "has_one" || relationship.Kind == "has_many" {
  97. // has_one or has_many relations, set foreign key to be nil (TODO or delete them?)
  98. var foreignKeyMap = map[string]interface{}{}
  99. for idx, foreignKey := range relationship.ForeignDBNames {
  100. foreignKeyMap[foreignKey] = nil
  101. if field, ok := scope.FieldByName(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames[idx]); ok {
  102. newDB = newDB.Where(fmt.Sprintf("%v = ?", scope.Quote(foreignKey)), field.Field.Interface())
  103. }
  104. }
  105. fieldValue := reflect.New(association.field.Field.Type()).Interface()
  106. association.setErr(newDB.Model(fieldValue).UpdateColumn(foreignKeyMap).Error)
  107. }
  108. }
  109. return association
  110. }
  111. // Delete remove relationship between source & passed arguments, but won't delete those arguments
  112. func (association *Association) Delete(values ...interface{}) *Association {
  113. if association.Error != nil {
  114. return association
  115. }
  116. var (
  117. relationship = association.field.Relationship
  118. scope = association.scope
  119. field = association.field.Field
  120. newDB = scope.NewDB()
  121. )
  122. if len(values) == 0 {
  123. return association
  124. }
  125. var deletingResourcePrimaryFieldNames, deletingResourcePrimaryDBNames []string
  126. for _, field := range scope.New(reflect.New(field.Type()).Interface()).PrimaryFields() {
  127. deletingResourcePrimaryFieldNames = append(deletingResourcePrimaryFieldNames, field.Name)
  128. deletingResourcePrimaryDBNames = append(deletingResourcePrimaryDBNames, field.DBName)
  129. }
  130. deletingPrimaryKeys := scope.getColumnAsArray(deletingResourcePrimaryFieldNames, values...)
  131. if relationship.Kind == "many_to_many" {
  132. // source value's foreign keys
  133. for idx, foreignKey := range relationship.ForeignDBNames {
  134. if field, ok := scope.FieldByName(relationship.ForeignFieldNames[idx]); ok {
  135. newDB = newDB.Where(fmt.Sprintf("%v = ?", scope.Quote(foreignKey)), field.Field.Interface())
  136. }
  137. }
  138. // get association's foreign fields name
  139. var associationScope = scope.New(reflect.New(field.Type()).Interface())
  140. var associationForeignFieldNames []string
  141. for _, associationDBName := range relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames {
  142. if field, ok := associationScope.FieldByName(associationDBName); ok {
  143. associationForeignFieldNames = append(associationForeignFieldNames, field.Name)
  144. }
  145. }
  146. // association value's foreign keys
  147. deletingPrimaryKeys := scope.getColumnAsArray(associationForeignFieldNames, values...)
  148. sql := fmt.Sprintf("%v IN (%v)", toQueryCondition(scope, relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames), toQueryMarks(deletingPrimaryKeys))
  149. newDB = newDB.Where(sql, toQueryValues(deletingPrimaryKeys)...)
  150. association.setErr(relationship.JoinTableHandler.Delete(relationship.JoinTableHandler, newDB))
  151. } else {
  152. var foreignKeyMap = map[string]interface{}{}
  153. for _, foreignKey := range relationship.ForeignDBNames {
  154. foreignKeyMap[foreignKey] = nil
  155. }
  156. if relationship.Kind == "belongs_to" {
  157. // find with deleting relation's foreign keys
  158. primaryKeys := scope.getColumnAsArray(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames, values...)
  159. newDB = newDB.Where(
  160. fmt.Sprintf("%v IN (%v)", toQueryCondition(scope, relationship.ForeignDBNames), toQueryMarks(primaryKeys)),
  161. toQueryValues(primaryKeys)...,
  162. )
  163. // set foreign key to be null if there are some records affected
  164. modelValue := reflect.New(scope.GetModelStruct().ModelType).Interface()
  165. if results := newDB.Model(modelValue).UpdateColumn(foreignKeyMap); results.Error == nil {
  166. if results.RowsAffected > 0 {
  167. scope.updatedAttrsWithValues(foreignKeyMap)
  168. }
  169. } else {
  170. association.setErr(results.Error)
  171. }
  172. } else if relationship.Kind == "has_one" || relationship.Kind == "has_many" {
  173. // find all relations
  174. primaryKeys := scope.getColumnAsArray(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames, scope.Value)
  175. newDB = newDB.Where(
  176. fmt.Sprintf("%v IN (%v)", toQueryCondition(scope, relationship.ForeignDBNames), toQueryMarks(primaryKeys)),
  177. toQueryValues(primaryKeys)...,
  178. )
  179. // only include those deleting relations
  180. newDB = newDB.Where(
  181. fmt.Sprintf("%v IN (%v)", toQueryCondition(scope, deletingResourcePrimaryDBNames), toQueryMarks(deletingPrimaryKeys)),
  182. toQueryValues(deletingPrimaryKeys)...,
  183. )
  184. // set matched relation's foreign key to be null
  185. fieldValue := reflect.New(association.field.Field.Type()).Interface()
  186. association.setErr(newDB.Model(fieldValue).UpdateColumn(foreignKeyMap).Error)
  187. }
  188. }
  189. // Remove deleted records from source's field
  190. if association.Error == nil {
  191. if field.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
  192. leftValues := reflect.Zero(field.Type())
  193. for i := 0; i < field.Len(); i++ {
  194. reflectValue := field.Index(i)
  195. primaryKey := scope.getColumnAsArray(deletingResourcePrimaryFieldNames, reflectValue.Interface())[0]
  196. var isDeleted = false
  197. for _, pk := range deletingPrimaryKeys {
  198. if equalAsString(primaryKey, pk) {
  199. isDeleted = true
  200. break
  201. }
  202. }
  203. if !isDeleted {
  204. leftValues = reflect.Append(leftValues, reflectValue)
  205. }
  206. }
  207. association.field.Set(leftValues)
  208. } else if field.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
  209. primaryKey := scope.getColumnAsArray(deletingResourcePrimaryFieldNames, field.Interface())[0]
  210. for _, pk := range deletingPrimaryKeys {
  211. if equalAsString(primaryKey, pk) {
  212. association.field.Set(reflect.Zero(field.Type()))
  213. break
  214. }
  215. }
  216. }
  217. }
  218. return association
  219. }
  220. // Clear remove relationship between source & current associations, won't delete those associations
  221. func (association *Association) Clear() *Association {
  222. return association.Replace()
  223. }
  224. // Count return the count of current associations
  225. func (association *Association) Count() int {
  226. var (
  227. count = 0
  228. relationship = association.field.Relationship
  229. scope = association.scope
  230. fieldValue = association.field.Field.Interface()
  231. query = scope.DB()
  232. )
  233. if relationship.Kind == "many_to_many" {
  234. query = relationship.JoinTableHandler.JoinWith(relationship.JoinTableHandler, query, scope.Value)
  235. } else if relationship.Kind == "has_many" || relationship.Kind == "has_one" {
  236. primaryKeys := scope.getColumnAsArray(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames, scope.Value)
  237. query = query.Where(
  238. fmt.Sprintf("%v IN (%v)", toQueryCondition(scope, relationship.ForeignDBNames), toQueryMarks(primaryKeys)),
  239. toQueryValues(primaryKeys)...,
  240. )
  241. } else if relationship.Kind == "belongs_to" {
  242. primaryKeys := scope.getColumnAsArray(relationship.ForeignFieldNames, scope.Value)
  243. query = query.Where(
  244. fmt.Sprintf("%v IN (%v)", toQueryCondition(scope, relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames), toQueryMarks(primaryKeys)),
  245. toQueryValues(primaryKeys)...,
  246. )
  247. }
  248. if relationship.PolymorphicType != "" {
  249. query = query.Where(
  250. fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v = ?", scope.New(fieldValue).QuotedTableName(), scope.Quote(relationship.PolymorphicDBName)),
  251. relationship.PolymorphicValue,
  252. )
  253. }
  254. if err := query.Model(fieldValue).Count(&count).Error; err != nil {
  255. association.Error = err
  256. }
  257. return count
  258. }
  259. // saveAssociations save passed values as associations
  260. func (association *Association) saveAssociations(values ...interface{}) *Association {
  261. var (
  262. scope = association.scope
  263. field = association.field
  264. relationship = field.Relationship
  265. )
  266. saveAssociation := func(reflectValue reflect.Value) {
  267. // value has to been pointer
  268. if reflectValue.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
  269. reflectPtr := reflect.New(reflectValue.Type())
  270. reflectPtr.Elem().Set(reflectValue)
  271. reflectValue = reflectPtr
  272. }
  273. // value has to been saved for many2many
  274. if relationship.Kind == "many_to_many" {
  275. if scope.New(reflectValue.Interface()).PrimaryKeyZero() {
  276. association.setErr(scope.NewDB().Save(reflectValue.Interface()).Error)
  277. }
  278. }
  279. // Assign Fields
  280. var fieldType = field.Field.Type()
  281. var setFieldBackToValue, setSliceFieldBackToValue bool
  282. if reflectValue.Type().AssignableTo(fieldType) {
  283. field.Set(reflectValue)
  284. } else if reflectValue.Type().Elem().AssignableTo(fieldType) {
  285. // if field's type is struct, then need to set value back to argument after save
  286. setFieldBackToValue = true
  287. field.Set(reflectValue.Elem())
  288. } else if fieldType.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
  289. if reflectValue.Type().AssignableTo(fieldType.Elem()) {
  290. field.Set(reflect.Append(field.Field, reflectValue))
  291. } else if reflectValue.Type().Elem().AssignableTo(fieldType.Elem()) {
  292. // if field's type is slice of struct, then need to set value back to argument after save
  293. setSliceFieldBackToValue = true
  294. field.Set(reflect.Append(field.Field, reflectValue.Elem()))
  295. }
  296. }
  297. if relationship.Kind == "many_to_many" {
  298. association.setErr(relationship.JoinTableHandler.Add(relationship.JoinTableHandler, scope.NewDB(), scope.Value, reflectValue.Interface()))
  299. } else {
  300. association.setErr(scope.NewDB().Select(field.Name).Save(scope.Value).Error)
  301. if setFieldBackToValue {
  302. reflectValue.Elem().Set(field.Field)
  303. } else if setSliceFieldBackToValue {
  304. reflectValue.Elem().Set(field.Field.Index(field.Field.Len() - 1))
  305. }
  306. }
  307. }
  308. for _, value := range values {
  309. reflectValue := reflect.ValueOf(value)
  310. indirectReflectValue := reflect.Indirect(reflectValue)
  311. if indirectReflectValue.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
  312. saveAssociation(reflectValue)
  313. } else if indirectReflectValue.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
  314. for i := 0; i < indirectReflectValue.Len(); i++ {
  315. saveAssociation(indirectReflectValue.Index(i))
  316. }
  317. } else {
  318. association.setErr(errors.New("invalid value type"))
  319. }
  320. }
  321. return association
  322. }
  323. func (association *Association) setErr(err error) *Association {
  324. if err != nil {
  325. association.Error = err
  326. }
  327. return association
  328. }