__openerp__.py 778 B

  1. {
  2. 'name': 'Theme Support Engine',
  3. 'category': 'Website',
  4. 'summary': 'Support layer for Themes in 8.0',
  5. 'version': '1.1',
  6. 'description': """
  7. Support layer for themes in 8.0.
  8. This module requires `lessc` and its `clean-css` plugin to be installed on your system. Please refer to the `Less CSS via nodejs` section of https://www.odoo.com/documentation/8.0/setup/install.html#setup-install-source for installation instructions.
  9. """,
  10. 'author': 'Odoo SA',
  11. 'depends': ['website'],
  12. 'data': [
  13. 'views/snippets.xml',
  14. 'views/themes.xml',
  15. 'views/website_templates.xml',
  16. 'views/website_backend_navbar.xml',
  17. ],
  18. 'qweb': ['static/src/xml/website.backend.xml'],
  19. 'installable': True,
  20. 'application': False,
  21. }