import os import re import logging from lxml import etree, html from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import openerp from openerp.osv import orm from import which from import AssetError, JavascriptAsset, QWebException _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class QWeb_less(orm.AbstractModel): _name = "website.qweb" _inherit = "website.qweb" def render_tag_call_assets(self, element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, qwebcontext): """ This special 't-call' tag can be used in order to aggregate/minify javascript and css assets""" if len(element): # An asset bundle is rendered in two differents contexts (when genereting html and # when generating the bundle itself) so they must be qwebcontext free # even '0' variable is forbidden template = qwebcontext.get('__template__') raise QWebException("t-call-assets cannot contain children nodes", template=template) xmlid = template_attributes['call-assets'] cr, uid, context = [getattr(qwebcontext, attr) for attr in ('cr', 'uid', 'context')] bundle = AssetsBundle(xmlid, cr=cr, uid=uid, context=context, registry=self.pool) css = self.get_attr_bool(template_attributes.get('css'), default=True) js = self.get_attr_bool(template_attributes.get('js'), default=True) return bundle.to_html(css=css, js=js, debug=bool(qwebcontext.get('debug'))) def render_tag_snippet(self, element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, qwebcontext): d = qwebcontext.copy() d[0] = self.render_element(element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, d) cr = d.get('request') and d['request'].cr or None uid = d.get('request') and d['request'].uid or None template = self.eval_format(template_attributes["snippet"], d) document = self.render(cr, uid, template, d) node = etree.fromstring(document) id = int(node.get('data-oe-id', self.pool[''].xmlid_to_res_id(cr, uid, template, raise_if_not_found=True))) node.set('data-oe-name', self.pool['ir.ui.view'].browse(cr, uid, id, context=qwebcontext.context).name) node.set('data-oe-type', "snippet") node.set('data-oe-thumbnail', template_attributes.get('thumbnail', "oe-thumbnail")) return html.tostring(node, encoding='UTF-8') class AssetsBundle( rx_preprocess_imports = re.compile("""(@import\s?['"]([^'"]+)['"](;?))""") def parse(self): fragments = html.fragments_fromstring(self.html) for el in fragments: if isinstance(el, basestring): self.remains.append(el) elif isinstance(el, html.HtmlElement): src = el.get('src', '') href = el.get('href', '') atype = el.get('type') media = el.get('media') if el.tag == 'style': if atype == 'text/sass' or src.endswith('.sass'): self.stylesheets.append(SassAsset(self, inline=el.text, media=media)) elif atype == 'text/less' or src.endswith('.less'): self.stylesheets.append(LessStylesheetAsset(self, inline=el.text, media=media)) else: self.stylesheets.append(StylesheetAsset(self, inline=el.text, media=media)) elif el.tag == 'link' and el.get('rel') == 'stylesheet' and self.can_aggregate(href): if href.endswith('.sass') or atype == 'text/sass': self.stylesheets.append(SassAsset(self, url=href, media=media)) elif href.endswith('.less') or atype == 'text/less': self.stylesheets.append(LessStylesheetAsset(self, url=href, media=media)) else: self.stylesheets.append(StylesheetAsset(self, url=href, media=media)) elif el.tag == 'script' and not src: self.javascripts.append(JavascriptAsset(self, inline=el.text)) elif el.tag == 'script' and self.can_aggregate(src): self.javascripts.append(JavascriptAsset(self, url=src)) else: self.remains.append(html.tostring(el)) else: try: self.remains.append(html.tostring(el)) except Exception: # notYETimplementederror raise NotImplementedError def to_html(self, sep=None, css=True, js=True, debug=False): if sep is None: sep = '\n ' response = [] if debug: if css and self.stylesheets: self.preprocess_css() if self.css_errors: msg = '\n'.join(self.css_errors) self.stylesheets.append(StylesheetAsset(self, inline=self.css_message(msg))) for style in self.stylesheets: response.append(style.to_html()) if js: for jscript in self.javascripts: response.append(jscript.to_html()) else: url_for = self.context.get('url_for', lambda url: url) if css and self.stylesheets: href = '/web/css/%s/%s' % (self.xmlid, self.version) response.append('' % url_for(href)) if js: src = '/web/js/%s/%s' % (self.xmlid, self.version) response.append('' % url_for(src)) response.extend(self.remains) return sep + sep.join(response) def css(self): content = self.get_cache('css') if content is None: content = self.preprocess_css() if self.css_errors: msg = '\n'.join(self.css_errors) content += self.css_message(msg) # move up all @import rules to the top matches = [] def push(matchobj): matches.append( return '' content = re.sub(self.rx_css_import, push, content) matches.append(content) content = u'\n'.join(matches) if self.css_errors: return content self.set_cache('css', content) return content def set_cache(self, type, content): ira = self.registry['ir.attachment'] ira.invalidate_bundle(, openerp.SUPERUSER_ID, type=type, xmlid=self.xmlid) url = '/web/%s/%s/%s' % (type, self.xmlid, self.version) ira.create(, openerp.SUPERUSER_ID, dict( datas=content.encode('utf8').encode('base64'), type='binary', name=url, url=url, ), context=self.context) def css_message(self, message): # '\A' == css content carriage return message = message.replace('\n', '\\A ').replace('"', '\\"') return """ body:before { background: #ffc; width: 100%%; font-size: 14px; font-family: monospace; white-space: pre; content: "%s"; } """ % message def preprocess_css(self): """ Checks if the bundle contains any sass/less content, then compiles it to css. Returns the bundle's flat css. """ for atype in (SassAsset, LessStylesheetAsset): assets = [asset for asset in self.stylesheets if isinstance(asset, atype)] if assets: cmd = assets[0].get_command() source = '\n'.join([asset.get_source() for asset in assets]) compiled = self.compile_css(cmd, source) fragments = self.rx_css_split.split(compiled) at_rules = fragments.pop(0) if at_rules: # Sass and less moves @at-rules to the top in order to stay css 2.1 compatible self.stylesheets.insert(0, StylesheetAsset(self, inline=at_rules)) while fragments: asset_id = fragments.pop(0) asset = next(asset for asset in self.stylesheets if == asset_id) asset._content = fragments.pop(0) return '\n'.join(asset.minify() for asset in self.stylesheets) def compile_sass(self): self.preprocess_css() def compile_css(self, cmd, source): """Sanitizes @import rules, remove duplicates @import rules, then compile""" imports = [] def sanitize(matchobj): ref = line = '@import "%s"%s' % (ref, if '.' not in ref and line not in imports and not ref.startswith(('.', '/', '~')): imports.append(line) return line msg = "Local import '%s' is forbidden for security reasons." % ref _logger.warning(msg) self.css_errors.append(msg) return '' source = re.sub(self.rx_preprocess_imports, sanitize, source) try: compiler = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) except Exception: msg = "Could not execute command %r" % cmd[0] _logger.error(msg) self.css_errors.append(msg) return '' result = compiler.communicate(input=source.encode('utf-8')) if compiler.returncode: error = self.get_preprocessor_error(''.join(result), source=source) _logger.warning(error) self.css_errors.append(error) return '' compiled = result[0].strip().decode('utf8') return compiled def get_preprocessor_error(self, stderr, source=None): """Improve and remove sensitive information from sass/less compilator error messages""" error = stderr.split('Load paths')[0].replace(' Use --trace for backtrace.', '') if 'Cannot load compass' in error: error += "Maybe you should install the compass gem using this extra argument:\n\n" \ " $ sudo gem install compass --pre\n" error += "This error occured while compiling the bundle '%s' containing:" % self.xmlid for asset in self.stylesheets: if isinstance(asset, (SassAsset, LessStylesheetAsset)): error += '\n - %s' % (asset.url if asset.url else '') return error class StylesheetAsset( @property def content(self): if self._content is None: self._content = self.inline or self._fetch_content() return self._content def _fetch_content(self): try: content = web_dir = os.path.dirname(self.url) if self.rx_import: content = self.rx_import.sub( r"""@import \1%s/""" % (web_dir,), content, ) if self.rx_url: content = self.rx_url.sub( r"url(\1%s/" % (web_dir,), content, ) if self.rx_charset: # remove charset declarations, we only support utf-8 content = self.rx_charset.sub('', content) return content except AssetError, e: self.bundle.css_errors.append(e.message) return '' class SassAsset(StylesheetAsset, def to_html(self): if self.url: ira = self.registry['ir.attachment'] url = self.html_url % self.url domain = [('type', '=', 'binary'), ('url', '=', url)] ira_id =, openerp.SUPERUSER_ID, domain, context=self.context) datas = self.content.encode('utf8').encode('base64') if ira_id: # TODO: update only if needed ira.write(, openerp.SUPERUSER_ID, ira_id, {'datas': datas}, context=self.context) else: ira.create(, openerp.SUPERUSER_ID, dict( datas=datas, mimetype='text/css', type='binary', name=url, url=url, ), context=self.context) return super(SassAsset, self).to_html() def get_command(self): defpath = os.environ.get('PATH', os.defpath).split(os.pathsep) sass = which('sass', path=os.pathsep.join(defpath)) return [sass, '--stdin', '-t', 'compressed', '--unix-newlines', '--compass', '-r', 'bootstrap-sass'] class LessStylesheetAsset(StylesheetAsset): html_url = '%s.css' rx_import = None def minify(self): return self.with_header() def to_html(self): if self.url: ira = self.registry['ir.attachment'] url = self.html_url % self.url domain = [('type', '=', 'binary'), ('url', '=', url)] ira_id =, openerp.SUPERUSER_ID, domain, context=self.context) datas = self.content.encode('utf8').encode('base64') if ira_id: # TODO: update only if needed ira.write(, openerp.SUPERUSER_ID, ira_id, {'datas': datas}, context=self.context) else: ira.create(, openerp.SUPERUSER_ID, dict( datas=datas, mimetype='text/css', type='binary', name=url, url=url, ), context=self.context) return super(LessStylesheetAsset, self).to_html() def get_source(self): content = self.inline or self._fetch_content() return "/*! %s */\n%s" % (, content) def get_command(self): defpath = os.environ.get('PATH', os.defpath).split(os.pathsep) if == 'nt': lessc = which('lessc.cmd', path=os.pathsep.join(defpath)) else: lessc = which('lessc', path=os.pathsep.join(defpath)) webpath = openerp.http.addons_manifest['web']['addons_path'] lesspath = os.path.join(webpath, 'web', 'static', 'lib', 'bootstrap', 'less') return [lessc, '-', '--clean-css', '--no-js', '--no-color', '--include-path=%s' % lesspath]