@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+$(document).ready(function () {
+function malformedJSON2Array (tar) {
+ var dict = {}
+ tar = tar.replace(/^\{|\}$/g,'').split(',');
+ for(var i=0,cur,pair;cur=tar[i];i++){
+ var pair = cur.split(':');
+ dict[pair[0].trim()] = pair[1].trim();
+ }
+ return dict;
+$('.oe_website_sale').each(function () {
+ var oe_website_sale = this;
+ $(oe_website_sale).find('#cart_products').find('tbody tr').each(function () {
+ var prod = $(this).find('strong').text();
+ stock = $(this).find('#stock_available_line').text();
+ value = parseInt($(this).find('input.js_quantity').val(), 10);
+ if(value>parseInt(stock))
+ {
+ showDialog('Error','You can\'t enter more than Available Quanity ('+parseInt(stock)+' for product : '+prod+') .','error',5);
+ $( "div.oe_cart a.btn-primary" ).addClass("disabled");
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $( "div.oe_cart a.btn-primary" ).removeClass("disabled");
+ }
+ });
+ $( "input[name='add_qty']" ).addClass('tooltipt');
+ var stock = $( "span[name='stock_available']" ).text();
+ if(stock!='' && stock !=NaN && stock!=undefined)
+ {
+ if(stock<=0)
+ {
+ $( ".fa-plus" ).addClass('hidden');
+ $( ".fa-minus" ).addClass("hidden");
+ $( "input[name='add_qty']" ).prop("readonly",true);
+ }
+ else{
+ $( "i.fa-plus" ).removeClass("hidden");
+ $( "i.fa-minus" ).removeClass("hidden");
+ $( "input[name='add_qty']" ).prop("readonly",false);
+ }
+ }
+ $(oe_website_sale).on("change", "div.css_quantity input.js_quantity", function () {
+ var $input = $(this);
+ var value = parseInt($input.val(), 10);
+ var stock = $( "span[name='stock_available']" ).text();
+ var variant_qty = $( "#qty_avail_variant" ).attr('value');
+ if(variant_qty==undefined){
+ if(value>stock)
+ {
+ showDialog('Error','You can\'t enter more than Available Quanity ('+parseInt(stock)+').','error',4);
+ $( "#add_to_cart" ).addClass("disabled");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $( "#add_to_cart" ).removeClass("disabled");
+ }
+ }
+ if(variant_qty!=undefined){
+ if(variant_qty>0){
+ if(value>variant_qty)
+ {
+ showDialog('Error','You can\'t enter more than Available Quanity ('+parseInt(variant_qty)+').','error',4);
+ $( "#add_to_cart" ).addClass("disabled");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $( "#add_to_cart" ).removeClass("disabled");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(variant_qty<=0){
+ $( "#add_to_cart" ).addClass("disabled");
+ }
+ }
+ });
+$(oe_website_sale).on("change", "table#cart_products input.js_quantity", function () {
+ var $input = $(this);
+ var value = parseInt($input.val(), 10);
+ var line_id = parseInt($input.data('line-id'),10);
+ var product_id = parseInt($input.data('product-id'),10);
+ var stock = $( "span[name='stock_available_line'][data-line-id="+line_id+"]" ).text();
+ if(value>stock)
+ {
+ showDialog('Error','You can\'t enter more than Available Quanity ('+parseInt(stock)+').','error',4);
+ $( "div.oe_cart a.btn-primary" ).addClass("disabled");
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $( "div.oe_cart a.btn-primary" ).removeClass("disabled");
+ }
+ $input.closest('#cart_products').find('tbody tr').each(function () {
+ var prod = $(this).find('strong').text();
+ stock = $(this).find('#stock_available_line').text();
+ value = parseInt($(this).find('input.js_quantity').val(), 10);
+ if(value>parseInt(stock))
+ {
+ showDialog('Error','You can\'t enter more than Available Quanity ('+parseInt(stock)+' for product : '+prod+') .','error',5);
+ $( "div.oe_cart a.btn-primary" ).addClass("disabled");
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $( "div.oe_cart a.btn-primary" ).removeClass("disabled");
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ $('div.oe_cart a.btn-primary', oe_website_sale).off('click').on('click', function () {
+ $(oe_website_sale).find('#cart_products').find('tbody tr').each(function () {
+ var prod = $(this).find('strong').text();
+ stock = $(this).find('#stock_available_line').text();
+ value = parseInt($(this).find('input.js_quantity').val(), 10);
+ if(value>parseInt(stock))
+ {
+ showDialog('Error','You can\'t enter more than Available Quanity ('+parseInt(stock)+' for product : '+prod+') .','error',5);
+ $( "div.oe_cart a.btn-primary" ).addClass("disabled");
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $( "div.oe_cart a.btn-primary" ).removeClass("disabled");
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ $(oe_website_sale).on('change', 'input.js_variant_change, select.js_variant_change', function (ev) {
+ var $ul = $(this).parents('ul.js_add_cart_variants:first');
+ var $parent = $ul.closest('.js_product');
+ var $product_id = $parent.find('input.product_id').first();
+ var $price = $parent.find(".oe_price:first .oe_currency_value");
+ var $default_price = $parent.find(".oe_default_price:first .oe_currency_value");
+ var variant_ids = $ul.data("attribute_value_ids");
+ var values = [];
+ $parent.find('input.js_variant_change:checked, select.js_variant_change').each(function () {
+ values.push(+$(this).val());
+ });
+ $parent.find("label").removeClass("text-muted css_not_available");
+ var product_id = false;
+ var product_qty = false;
+ for (var k in variant_ids) {
+ if (_.isEmpty(_.difference(variant_ids[k][1], values))) {
+ product_id = variant_ids[k][0];
+ product_qty = variant_ids[k][4];
+ //$( "#prod_variant_id" ).attr('value', product_id);
+ //$( "#prod_variant_id" ).text(product_id);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ var $input_qty = $( "input[name='add_qty']" );
+ $input_qty.val(1);
+ $( "div.stock_label_div" ).addClass("hidden");
+ $( "div.stock_label_variant_in" ).addClass("hidden");
+ $( "div.stock_label_variant_out" ).addClass("hidden");
+ if (product_id) {
+ if(product_qty<=0){
+ $( "div.stock_label_variant_out" ).removeClass("hidden");
+ $( "div.stock_label_variant_in" ).addClass("hidden");
+ $( "#qty_avail_variant" ).attr('value', product_qty);
+ $( "#qty_avail_variant" ).text(product_qty);
+ $( "#add_to_cart" ).addClass("disabled");
+ $( ".fa-plus" ).addClass('hidden');
+ $( ".fa-minus" ).addClass("hidden");
+ $( "input[name='add_qty']" ).prop("readonly",true);
+ }
+ if(product_qty>0){
+ $( "div.stock_label_variant_in" ).removeClass("hidden");
+ $( "div.stock_label_variant_out" ).addClass("hidden");
+ $( "#qty_avail_variant" ).attr('value', product_qty);
+ $( "#qty_avail_variant" ).text(product_qty);
+ $( "#add_to_cart" ).removeClass("disabled");
+ $( "i.fa-plus" ).removeClass("hidden");
+ $( "i.fa-minus" ).removeClass("hidden");
+ $( "input[name='add_qty']" ).prop("readonly",false);
+ }
+ }
+ if (product_id) {
+ var $img = $(this).closest('tr.js_product, .oe_website_sale').find('span[data-oe-model^="product."][data-oe-type="image"] img:first, img.product_detail_img');
+ $img.attr("src", "/website/image/product.product/" + product_id + "/image");
+ $img.parent().attr('data-oe-model', 'product.product').attr('data-oe-id', product_id)
+ .data('oe-model', 'product.product').data('oe-id', product_id);
+ }
+ $parent.find("input.js_variant_change:radio, select.js_variant_change").each(function () {
+ var $input = $(this);
+ var id = +$input.val();
+ var values = [id];
+ $parent.find("ul:not(:has(input.js_variant_change[value='" + id + "'])) input.js_variant_change:checked, select").each(function () {
+ values.push(+$(this).val());
+ });
+ for (var k in variant_ids) {
+ if (!_.difference(values, variant_ids[k][1]).length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ $input.closest("label").addClass("css_not_available");
+ $input.find("option[value='" + id + "']").addClass("css_not_available");
+ });
+ if (product_id) {
+ $parent.removeClass("css_not_available");
+ $product_id.val(product_id);
+ $parent.find(".js_check_product").removeAttr("disabled");
+ } else {
+ $parent.addClass("css_not_available");
+ $product_id.val(0);
+ $parent.find(".js_check_product").attr("disabled", "disabled");
+ }
+ });
+$('ul.js_add_cart_variants', oe_website_sale).each(function () {
+ $('input.js_variant_change, select.js_variant_change', this).first().trigger('change');
+ });
+$('.a-submit', oe_website_sale).off('click').on('click', function () {
+ var product_added_Dict = $( "#product_added_qty" ).text();
+ var $parent = $(this).closest('.js_product');
+ var $product_id = $parent.find('input.product_id').first();
+ var product_id = $product_id.val();
+ var product_added_list = malformedJSON2Array(product_added_Dict);
+ var product_added_qty = product_added_list[product_id];
+ var stock = $( "span[name='stock_available']" ).text();
+ var $input_qty = $( "input[name='add_qty']" );
+ var value = parseInt($input_qty.val(), 10);
+ var variant_qty = $( "#qty_avail_variant" ).attr('value');
+ if(variant_qty!=undefined)
+ stock = parseInt(variant_qty);
+ //alert(product_added_qty);alert(value);alert(stock);alert(parseInt(product_added_qty) + parseInt(value));
+ if((parseInt(product_added_qty) + parseInt(value))>parseInt(stock))
+ {
+ showDialog('Error','As you already added some of the Products, You can\'t add more than '+parseInt(stock-product_added_qty)+'.','error',6);
+ return false;
+ }
+ $(this).closest('form').submit();
+ });
+$('form.js_attributes input, form.js_attributes select', oe_website_sale).on('change', function () {
+ $(this).closest("form").submit();
+ });