@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ 'use strict';
+ var website = openerp.website;
+ website.snippet.animationRegistry.js_get_posts = website.snippet.Animation.extend({
+ selector : ".js_get_posts",
+ start: function(){
+ this.redrow();
+ },
+ stop: function(){
+ this.clean();
+ },
+ redrow: function(debug){
+ this.clean(debug);
+ this.build(debug);
+ },
+ clean:function(debug){
+ this.$target.empty();
+ },
+ build: function(debug){
+ var self = this,
+ limit = self.$target.data("posts_limit"),
+ blog_id = self.$target.data("filter_by_blog_id"),
+ template = self.$target.data("template"),
+ loading = self.$target.data("loading");
+ // prevent user's editing
+ self.$target.attr("contenteditable","False");
+ // if no data, then use defaults values
+ if(!limit)limit = 3;
+ if(!template) template = 'snippet_latest_posts.media_list_template';
+ // create the domain
+ var domain = [['website_published', '=', true]]
+ if (blog_id) {domain.push(['blog_id', '=', parseInt(blog_id)]); }
+ // call posts
+ openerp.jsonRpc('/snippet_latest_posts/render', 'call', {
+ 'template': template,
+ 'domain': domain,
+ 'limit': limit,
+ }).then(function(posts) {
+ if (loading && loading == true) {
+ // perfrorm an intro animation
+ self.loading(posts, debug);
+ } else {
+ // just print the posts
+ $(posts).appendTo(self.$target);
+ }
+ })
+ .fail(function(e) {
+ // debug in js console
+ return;
+ });
+ },
+ loading: function(posts, debug){
+ var self = this,
+ $posts = $(posts);
+ if(!$posts.first().find(".loading_container") && !$posts.first().is(".loading_container")){
+ console.log("loading_container dont exist??")
+ if(debug) {
+ console.info("No '.loading_container' defined \n Please, add a 'loading_container' class to the element that must be filled by the loading bar");
+ }
+ } else if(!$posts.first().is(".thumb") && !$posts.first().find(".thumb")) {
+ console.log("thumb dont exist??")
+ if(debug) {
+ console.info("No '.thumb' defined \n Please, add a 'thumb' class to your thumbnail div");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $posts.each(function(){
+ var $post = $(this),
+ $load_c = $post.find(".loading_container"),
+ $thumb = $post.find(".thumb"),
+ $progress = $('<div class="progress js-loading"><div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="0" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width:0;" /></div>')
+ // prevent precessing empty post
+ if ($post.html() == undefined) {return;}
+ // if can't find loading container or thumb inside the post, then they are the post itself
+ if($load_c.length == 0) { $load_c = $post }
+ if($thumb.length == 0) { $thumb = $post }
+ $post.addClass("js-loading");
+ $progress.appendTo($load_c);
+ $post.appendTo(self.$target);
+ var bg = $thumb.css('background-image').replace('url(','').replace(')',''),
+ loaded = false;
+ $progress.find(".progress-bar").css("width","50%").attr("aria-valuenow","50");
+ var dummyImg = $('<img/>').attr('src', bg)
+ .load(function() {
+ // The post's background image is loaded, let's perform a gracefull intro animation
+ $progress.find(".progress-bar").find(".progress-bar").css("width","100%").attr("aria-valuenow","100");
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ self.showPost($post, $progress);
+ },500);
+ $(this).remove();
+ loaded = true;
+ });
+ // Show the post after 5sec without wait for thumb loading
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ if(loaded == false) {
+ dummyImg.remove();
+ self.showPost($post, $progress)
+ }
+ },5000);
+ })
+ }
+ },
+ showPost: function($post, $progress){
+ $post.removeClass("js-loading");
+ $progress.fadeOut(500);
+ }
+ })