from typing import Tuple import psycopg2 import psutil import os import signal import time SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT = 5 PGCAT_HOST = "" PGCAT_PORT = "6432" def pgcat_start(): pg_cat_send_signal(signal.SIGTERM) os.system("./target/debug/pgcat .circleci/pgcat.toml &") time.sleep(2) def pg_cat_send_signal(signal: signal.Signals): try: for proc in psutil.process_iter(["pid", "name"]): if "pgcat" == os.kill(, signal) except Exception as e: # The process can be gone when we send this signal print(e) if signal == signal.SIGTERM: # Returns 0 if pgcat process exists time.sleep(2) if not os.system('pgrep pgcat'): raise Exception("pgcat not closed after SIGTERM") def connect_db( autocommit: bool = True, admin: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[psycopg2.extensions.connection, psycopg2.extensions.cursor]: if admin: user = "admin_user" password = "admin_pass" db = "pgcat" else: user = "sharding_user" password = "sharding_user" db = "sharded_db" conn = psycopg2.connect( f"postgres://{user}:{password}@{PGCAT_HOST}:{PGCAT_PORT}/{db}?application_name=testing_pgcat", connect_timeout=2, ) conn.autocommit = autocommit cur = conn.cursor() return (conn, cur) def cleanup_conn(conn: psycopg2.extensions.connection, cur: psycopg2.extensions.cursor): cur.close() conn.close() def test_normal_db_access(): conn, cur = connect_db(autocommit=False) cur.execute("SELECT 1") res = cur.fetchall() print(res) cleanup_conn(conn, cur) def test_admin_db_access(): conn, cur = connect_db(admin=True) cur.execute("SHOW POOLS") res = cur.fetchall() print(res) cleanup_conn(conn, cur) def test_shutdown_logic(): # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # NO ACTIVE QUERIES SIGINT HANDLING # Start pgcat pgcat_start() # Create client connection and send query (not in transaction) conn, cur = connect_db() cur.execute("BEGIN;") cur.execute("SELECT 1;") cur.execute("COMMIT;") # Send sigint to pgcat pg_cat_send_signal(signal.SIGINT) time.sleep(1) # Check that any new queries fail after sigint since server should close with no active transactions try: cur.execute("SELECT 1;") except psycopg2.OperationalError as e: pass else: # Fail if query execution succeeded raise Exception("Server not closed after sigint") cleanup_conn(conn, cur) pg_cat_send_signal(signal.SIGTERM) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # NO ACTIVE QUERIES ADMIN SHUTDOWN COMMAND # Start pgcat pgcat_start() # Create client connection and begin transaction conn, cur = connect_db() admin_conn, admin_cur = connect_db(admin=True) cur.execute("BEGIN;") cur.execute("SELECT 1;") cur.execute("COMMIT;") # Send SHUTDOWN command pgcat while not in transaction admin_cur.execute("SHUTDOWN;") time.sleep(1) # Check that any new queries fail after SHUTDOWN command since server should close with no active transactions try: cur.execute("SELECT 1;") except psycopg2.OperationalError as e: pass else: # Fail if query execution succeeded raise Exception("Server not closed after sigint") cleanup_conn(conn, cur) cleanup_conn(admin_conn, admin_cur) pg_cat_send_signal(signal.SIGTERM) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # HANDLE TRANSACTION WITH SIGINT # Start pgcat pgcat_start() # Create client connection and begin transaction conn, cur = connect_db() cur.execute("BEGIN;") cur.execute("SELECT 1;") # Send sigint to pgcat while still in transaction pg_cat_send_signal(signal.SIGINT) time.sleep(1) # Check that any new queries succeed after sigint since server should still allow transaction to complete try: cur.execute("SELECT 1;") except psycopg2.OperationalError as e: # Fail if query fails since server closed raise Exception("Server closed while in transaction", e.pgerror) cleanup_conn(conn, cur) pg_cat_send_signal(signal.SIGTERM) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # HANDLE TRANSACTION WITH ADMIN SHUTDOWN COMMAND # Start pgcat pgcat_start() # Create client connection and begin transaction conn, cur = connect_db() admin_conn, admin_cur = connect_db(admin=True) cur.execute("BEGIN;") cur.execute("SELECT 1;") # Send SHUTDOWN command pgcat while still in transaction admin_cur.execute("SHUTDOWN;") if admin_cur.fetchall()[0][0] != "t": raise Exception("PgCat unable to send signal") time.sleep(1) # Check that any new queries succeed after SHUTDOWN command since server should still allow transaction to complete try: cur.execute("SELECT 1;") except psycopg2.OperationalError as e: # Fail if query fails since server closed raise Exception("Server closed while in transaction", e.pgerror) cleanup_conn(conn, cur) cleanup_conn(admin_conn, admin_cur) pg_cat_send_signal(signal.SIGTERM) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # NO NEW NON-ADMIN CONNECTIONS DURING SHUTDOWN # Start pgcat pgcat_start() # Create client connection and begin transaction transaction_conn, transaction_cur = connect_db() transaction_cur.execute("BEGIN;") transaction_cur.execute("SELECT 1;") # Send sigint to pgcat while still in transaction pg_cat_send_signal(signal.SIGINT) time.sleep(1) start = time.perf_counter() try: conn, cur = connect_db() cur.execute("SELECT 1;") cleanup_conn(conn, cur) except psycopg2.OperationalError as e: time_taken = time.perf_counter() - start if time_taken > 0.1: raise Exception( "Failed to reject connection within 0.1 seconds, got", time_taken, "seconds") pass else: raise Exception("Able connect to database during shutdown") cleanup_conn(transaction_conn, transaction_cur) pg_cat_send_signal(signal.SIGTERM) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # ALLOW NEW ADMIN CONNECTIONS DURING SHUTDOWN # Start pgcat pgcat_start() # Create client connection and begin transaction transaction_conn, transaction_cur = connect_db() transaction_cur.execute("BEGIN;") transaction_cur.execute("SELECT 1;") # Send sigint to pgcat while still in transaction pg_cat_send_signal(signal.SIGINT) time.sleep(1) try: conn, cur = connect_db(admin=True) cur.execute("SHOW DATABASES;") cleanup_conn(conn, cur) except psycopg2.OperationalError as e: raise Exception(e) cleanup_conn(transaction_conn, transaction_cur) pg_cat_send_signal(signal.SIGTERM) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # ADMIN CONNECTIONS CONTINUING TO WORK AFTER SHUTDOWN # Start pgcat pgcat_start() # Create client connection and begin transaction transaction_conn, transaction_cur = connect_db() transaction_cur.execute("BEGIN;") transaction_cur.execute("SELECT 1;") admin_conn, admin_cur = connect_db(admin=True) admin_cur.execute("SHOW DATABASES;") # Send sigint to pgcat while still in transaction pg_cat_send_signal(signal.SIGINT) time.sleep(1) try: admin_cur.execute("SHOW DATABASES;") except psycopg2.OperationalError as e: raise Exception("Could not execute admin command:", e) cleanup_conn(transaction_conn, transaction_cur) cleanup_conn(admin_conn, admin_cur) pg_cat_send_signal(signal.SIGTERM) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # HANDLE SHUTDOWN TIMEOUT WITH SIGINT # Start pgcat pgcat_start() # Create client connection and begin transaction, which should prevent server shutdown unless shutdown timeout is reached conn, cur = connect_db() cur.execute("BEGIN;") cur.execute("SELECT 1;") # Send sigint to pgcat while still in transaction pg_cat_send_signal(signal.SIGINT) # pgcat shutdown timeout is set to SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT seconds, so we sleep for SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT + 1 seconds time.sleep(SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT + 1) # Check that any new queries succeed after sigint since server should still allow transaction to complete try: cur.execute("SELECT 1;") except psycopg2.OperationalError as e: pass else: # Fail if query execution succeeded raise Exception("Server not closed after sigint and expected timeout") cleanup_conn(conn, cur) pg_cat_send_signal(signal.SIGTERM) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - test_normal_db_access() test_admin_db_access() test_shutdown_logic()