15 KB

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. # Part of Biztech Consultancy. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
  3. import re
  4. from openerp import http
  5. from openerp.http import request
  6. from import slug
  7. from openerp.addons.website_sale.controllers import main
  8. from openerp.addons.website_sale.controllers import main as main_shop
  9. from openerp.addons.website_sale.controllers.main import QueryURL
  10. from openerp.addons.website_sale.controllers.main import website_sale
  11. from openerp.addons.website_sale.controllers.main import table_compute
  12. class KingfisherProSliderSettings(http.Controller):
  13. @http.route(['/kingfisher_pro/pro_get_options'], type='json', auth="public", website=True)
  14. def get_slider_options(self):
  15. slider_options = []
  16. option = request.env['product.category.slider.config'].search(
  17. [('active', '=', True)], order="name asc")
  18. for record in option:
  19. slider_options.append({'id':,
  20. 'name':})
  21. return slider_options
  22. @http.route(['/kingfisher_pro/pro_get_dynamic_slider'], type='http', auth='public', website=True)
  23. def get_dynamic_slider(self, **post):
  24. if post.get('slider-type'):
  25. slider_header = request.env['product.category.slider.config'].sudo().search(
  26. [('id', '=', int(post.get('slider-type')))])
  27. values = {
  28. 'slider_header': slider_header
  29. }
  30. if slider_header.prod_cat_type == 'product':
  31. values.update({'slider_details': slider_header.collections_product})
  32. if slider_header.prod_cat_type == 'category':
  33. values.update({'slider_details': slider_header.collections_category})
  34. values.update({'slider_type': slider_header.prod_cat_type})
  35. return"kingfisher_pro.kingfisher_pro_pro_cat_slider_view", values)
  36. @http.route(['/kingfisher_pro/pro_image_effect_config'], type='json', auth='public', website=True)
  37. def product_image_dynamic_slider(self, **post):
  38. slider_data = request.env['product.category.slider.config'].search(
  39. [('id', '=', int(post.get('slider_type')))])
  40. values = {
  41. 's_id': slider_data.prod_cat_type + str(,
  42. 'counts': slider_data.no_of_counts,
  43. 'auto_rotate': slider_data.auto_rotate,
  44. 'auto_play_time': slider_data.sliding_speed,
  45. }
  46. return values
  47. @http.route(['/kingfisher_pro/blog_get_options'], type='json', auth="public", website=True)
  48. def king_blog_get_slider_options(self):
  49. slider_options = []
  50. option = request.env['blog.slider.config'].search(
  51. [('active', '=', True)], order="name asc")
  52. for record in option:
  53. slider_options.append({'id':,
  54. 'name':})
  55. return slider_options
  56. @http.route(['/kingfisher_pro/blog_get_dynamic_slider'], type='http', auth='public', website=True)
  57. def king_blog_get_dynamic_slider(self, **post):
  58. if post.get('slider-type'):
  59. slider_header = request.env['blog.slider.config'].sudo().search(
  60. [('id', '=', int(post.get('slider-type')))])
  61. values = {
  62. 'slider_header': slider_header,
  63. 'blog_slider_details': slider_header.collections_blog_post,
  64. }
  65. return"kingfisher_pro.kingfisher_pro_blog_slider_view", values)
  66. @http.route(['/kingfisher_pro/blog_image_effect_config'], type='json', auth='public', website=True)
  67. def king_blog_product_image_dynamic_slider(self, **post):
  68. slider_data = request.env['blog.slider.config'].search(
  69. [('id', '=', int(post.get('slider_type')))])
  70. values = {
  71. 's_id': slider_data.no_of_counts + '-' + str(,
  72. 'counts': slider_data.no_of_counts,
  73. 'auto_rotate': slider_data.auto_rotate,
  74. 'auto_play_time': slider_data.sliding_speed,
  75. }
  76. return values
  77. # Multi image gallery
  78. @http.route(['/kingfisher_pro/multi_image_effect_config'], type='json', auth="public", website=True)
  79. def get_multi_image_effect_config(self):
  80. cur_website =
  81. values = {
  82. 'no_extra_options': cur_website.no_extra_options,
  83. 'theme_panel_position': cur_website.thumbnail_panel_position,
  84. 'interval_play': cur_website.interval_play,
  85. 'enable_disable_text': cur_website.enable_disable_text,
  86. 'color_opt_thumbnail': cur_website.color_opt_thumbnail,
  87. 'change_thumbnail_size': cur_website.change_thumbnail_size,
  88. 'thumb_height': cur_website.thumb_height,
  89. 'thumb_width': cur_website.thumb_width,
  90. }
  91. return values
  92. # For multi product slider
  93. @http.route(['/kingfisher_pro/product_multi_get_options'], type='json', auth="public", website=True)
  94. def product_multi_get_slider_options(self):
  95. slider_options = []
  96. option = request.env['multi.slider.config'].search(
  97. [('active', '=', True)], order="name asc")
  98. for record in option:
  99. slider_options.append({'id':,
  100. 'name':})
  101. return slider_options
  102. @http.route(['/kingfisher_pro/product_multi_get_dynamic_slider'], type='http', auth='public', website=True)
  103. def product_multi_get_dynamic_slider(self, **post):
  104. if post.get('slider-type'):
  105. slider_header = request.env['multi.slider.config'].sudo().search(
  106. [('id', '=', int(post.get('slider-type')))])
  107. values = {
  108. 'slider_details': slider_header,
  109. 'slider_header': slider_header
  110. }
  111. return"kingfisher_pro.kingfisher_pro_multi_cat_slider_view", values)
  112. @http.route(['/kingfisher_pro/product_multi_image_effect_config'], type='json', auth='public', website=True)
  113. def product_multi_product_image_dynamic_slider(self, **post):
  114. slider_data = request.env['multi.slider.config'].search(
  115. [('id', '=', int(post.get('slider_type')))])
  116. values = {
  117. 's_id': slider_data.no_of_collection + '-' + str(,
  118. 'counts': slider_data.no_of_collection,
  119. 'auto_rotate': slider_data.auto_rotate,
  120. 'auto_play_time': slider_data.sliding_speed,
  121. }
  122. return values
  123. class KingfisherProBrandSlider(website_sale):
  124. @http.route(['/shop/pager_selection/<model(""):pl_id>'], type='http', auth="public", website=True)
  125. def product_page_change(self, pl_id, **post):
  126. request.session['default_paging_no'] =
  127. main.PPG =
  128. return request.redirect('/shop' or request.httprequest.referrer)
  129. @http.route(['/shop',
  130. '/shop/page/<int:page>',
  131. '/shop/category/<model("product.public.category"):category>',
  132. """/shop/category/<model("product.public.category"):category>
  133. /page/<int:page>""",
  134. '/shop/brands'],
  135. type='http',
  136. auth='public',
  137. website=True)
  138. def shop(self, page=0, category=None, brand=None, search='', ppg=False, **post):
  139. cr, uid, context, pool =, request.uid, request.context, request.registry
  140. if brand:
  141. request.context.setdefault('brand_id', int(brand))
  142. result = super(KingfisherProBrandSlider, self).shop(
  143. page=page, category=category, brand=brand, search=search, **post)
  144. sort_order = ""
  145. cat_id = []
  146. ppg = main_shop.PPG
  147. product = []
  148. newproduct = []
  149. # product template object
  150. product_obj = pool.get('product.template')
  151. attrib_list = request.httprequest.args.getlist('attrib')
  152. attrib_values = [map(int, v.split("-")) for v in attrib_list if v]
  153. attributes_ids = set([v[0] for v in attrib_values])
  154. attrib_set = set([v[1] for v in attrib_values])
  155. domain =
  156. domain += self._get_search_domain(search, category, attrib_values)
  157. url = "/shop"
  158. # For Product tags
  159. if post:
  160. request.session.update(post)
  161. prevurl = request.httprequest.referrer
  162. if prevurl:
  163. if not'/shop', prevurl, re.IGNORECASE):
  164. request.session['tag'] = ""
  165. request.session['sort_id'] = ""
  166. request.session['sortid'] = ""
  167. request.session['pricerange'] = ""
  168. request.session['min1'] = ""
  169. request.session['max1'] = ""
  170. session = request.session
  171. # for category filter
  172. if category != None:
  173. for ids in category:
  174. cat_id.append(
  175. domain += ['|', ('', 'in', cat_id),
  176. ('public_categ_ids.parent_id', 'in', cat_id)]
  177. # for tag filter
  178. if session.get('tag'):
  179. session_tag = session.get('tag')
  180. tag = session_tag[0]
  181. tags_obj = pool['biztech.product.tags']
  182. tags_ids =, uid, [], context=context)
  183. tags = tags_obj.browse(cr, uid, tags_ids, context=context)
  184. if tag:
  185. tag = pool['biztech.product.tags'].browse(cr, uid, int(tag), context=context)
  186. domain += [('tag_ids', '=', int(tag))]
  187. request.session["tag"] = [,]
  188. # For Product Sorting
  189. if session.get('sort_id'):
  190. session_sort = session.get('sort_id')
  191. sort = session_sort
  192. sorts_obj = pool['biztech.product.sortby']
  193. sorts_ids =, uid, [], context=context)
  194. sorts = sorts_obj.browse(cr, uid, sorts_ids, context=context)
  195. sort_field = pool['biztech.product.sortby'].browse(cr, uid, int(sort), context=context)
  196. request.session['product_sort_name'] =
  197. order_field =
  198. order_type = sort_field.sort_type
  199. sort_order = '%s %s' % (order_field, order_type)
  200. if post.get("sort_id"):
  201. request.session["sortid"] = [sort, sort_order,, order_type]
  202. # For Price slider
  203. product_slider_ids =, uid, [], context=context)
  204. products_slider = product_obj.browse(cr, uid, product_slider_ids, context=context)
  205. product_withprice = products_slider._product_template_price(products_slider, domain)
  206. if product_withprice:
  207. if post.get("range1") or post.get("range2") or not post.get("range1") or not post.get("range2"):
  208. range1 = min(product_withprice.values())
  209. range2 = max(product_withprice.values())
  210. result.qcontext['range1'] = range1
  211. result.qcontext['range2'] = range2
  212. if session.get("min1") and session["min1"]:
  213. post["min1"] = session["min1"]
  214. if session.get("max1") and session["max1"]:
  215. post["max1"] = session["max1"]
  216. if range1:
  217. post["range1"] = range1
  218. if range1:
  219. post["range2"] = range1
  220. if request.session.get('min1') or request.session.get('max1'):
  221. if request.session.get('min1'):
  222. if request.session['min1'] != None:
  223. for prod_id in product_withprice:
  224. if product_withprice.get(prod_id) >= float(request.session['min1']) and product_withprice.get(prod_id) <= float(request.session['max1']):
  225. product.append(prod_id)
  226. request.session["pricerange"] = str(
  227. request.session['min1'])+"-To-"+str(request.session['max1'])
  228. newproduct = product
  229. domain += [('id', 'in', newproduct)]
  230. if session.get('min1') and session['min1']:
  231. result.qcontext['min1'] = session["min1"]
  232. result.qcontext['max1'] = session["max1"]
  233. if request.session.get('default_paging_no'):
  234. ppg = int(request.session.get('default_paging_no'))
  235. # For Collascpe category
  236. parent_category_ids = []
  237. if category:
  238. parent_category_ids = []
  239. current_category = category
  240. while current_category.parent_id:
  241. parent_category_ids.append(
  242. current_category = current_category.parent_id
  243. result.qcontext['parent_category_ids'] = parent_category_ids
  244. product_count = product_obj.search_count(cr, uid, domain, context=context)
  245. pager =
  246. url=url, total=product_count, page=page, step=ppg, scope=7, url_args=post)
  247. product_ids =
  248. cr, uid, domain, limit=ppg, offset=pager['offset'], order=sort_order, context=context)
  249. products = product_obj.browse(cr, uid, product_ids, context=context)
  250. result.qcontext.update({'product_count': product_count})
  251. result.qcontext.update({'products': products})
  252. result.qcontext.update({'category': category})
  253. result.qcontext.update({'pager': pager})
  254. result.qcontext.update({'bins': table_compute().process(products)})
  255. result.qcontext['brand'] = brand
  256. result.qcontext['brand_obj'] = request.env['product.brands'].search([('id', '=', brand)])
  257. return result
  258. @http.route()
  259. def cart_update_json(self, product_id, line_id=None, add_qty=None, set_qty=None, display=True):
  260. result = super(KingfisherProBrandSlider, self).cart_update_json(
  261. product_id=product_id, line_id=line_id, add_qty=add_qty, set_qty=set_qty, display=display)
  262. result.update({'kingfisher_pro.hover_total':"kingfisher_pro.hover_total", {
  263. 'website_sale_order':
  264. })
  265. })
  266. return result
  267. @http.route(['/king_pro/get_brand_slider'], type='http', auth='public', website=True)
  268. def get_brand_slider(self, **post):
  269. keep = QueryURL('/king_pro/get_brand_slider', brand_id=[])
  270. value = {
  271. 'website_brands': False,
  272. 'brand_header': False,
  273. 'keep': keep
  274. }
  275. if post.get('product_count'):
  276. brand_data = request.env['product.brands'].search(
  277. [], limit=int(post.get('product_count')))
  278. if brand_data:
  279. value['website_brands'] = brand_data
  280. if post.get('product_label'):
  281. value['brand_header'] = post.get('product_label')
  282. return"kingfisher_pro.kingfisher_pro_brand_slider_view", value)
  283. @http.route(['/kingfisher_pro/removeattribute'], type='json', auth='public', website=True)
  284. def remove_selected_attribute(self, **post):
  285. if post.get("attr_remove"):
  286. remove = post.get("attr_remove")
  287. if remove == "pricerange":
  288. del request.session['min1']
  289. del request.session['max1']
  290. request.session[remove] = ''
  291. return True
  292. elif remove == "sortid":
  293. request.session[remove] = ''
  294. request.session["sort_id"] = ''
  295. return True
  296. elif remove == "tag":
  297. request.session[remove] = ''
  298. return True