@@ -7,96 +7,96 @@ from openerp import api, fields, models
class ProductCategorySlider(models.Model):
_name = 'product.category.slider.config'
- name = fields.Char(string="Slider name", default='Trending', required=True,
+ name = fields.Char(string="Nombre del Slider", default='Ultimas Tendencias de la Moda', required=True,
- help="Slider title to be displayed on website like Best products, Latest and etc...")
- active = fields.Boolean(string="Active", default=True)
- no_of_counts = fields.Selection([('3', '3'), ('4', '4'), ('5', '5'), ('6', '6')], string="Counts",
+ help="Nombre del Titulo que sera mostrado en la página web...")
+ active = fields.Boolean(string="Activo", default=True)
+ no_of_counts = fields.Selection([('3', '3'), ('4', '4'), ('5', '5'), ('6', '6')], string="Cantidad",
default='4', required=True,
- help="No of products to be displayed in slider.")
- prod_cat_type = fields.Selection([('product', 'Product'), ('category', 'Category')],
- string="Type of slider", default='product', required=True,
- help="Select product or category for whom you want to show a slider.")
- auto_rotate = fields.Boolean(string='Auto Rotate Slider', default=True)
- sliding_speed = fields.Integer(string="Slider sliding speed", default='5000',
- help='Sliding speed of a slider can be set from here and it will be in milliseconds.')
+ help="Cantidad de Productos que seran mostrados en el slide.")
+ prod_cat_type = fields.Selection([('product', 'Producto'), ('category', 'Categoria')],
+ string="Tipo de Slider", default='product', required=True,
+ help="Elija Producto o Categoira para mostrar en este slider.")
+ auto_rotate = fields.Boolean(string='Auto Rotar Slider', default=True)
+ sliding_speed = fields.Integer(string="Velocidad del Slider", default='5000',
+ help='Velocidad del Slide en milisegundos.')
collections_product = fields.Many2many('product.template', 'king_pro_product_slider_rel', 'slider_id',
- 'prod_id', string="Collections of product")
+ 'prod_id', string="Colecciones de Productos")
collections_category = fields.Many2many('product.public.category', 'king_pro_category_slider_rel',
- 'slider_id', 'cat_id', string="Collections of category")
+ 'slider_id', 'cat_id', string="Colecciones de Categorias")
class BlogSlider(models.Model):
_name = 'blog.slider.config'
- name = fields.Char(string="Slider name", default='Blogs', translate=True,
- help="Slider title to be displayed on website like Our Blogs, Latest Blog Post and etc...",
+ name = fields.Char(string="Nombre de Slider", default='Blogs', translate=True,
+ help="Nombre del Slide que sera mostrado en la página web..",
- active = fields.Boolean(string="Active", default=True)
- no_of_counts = fields.Selection([('1', '1'), ('2', '2'), ('3', '3')], string="Counts",
- default='3', help="No of blogs to be displayed in slider.", required=True)
- auto_rotate = fields.Boolean(string='Auto Rotate Slider', default=True)
- sliding_speed = fields.Integer(string="Slider sliding speed", default='5000',
- help='Sliding speed of a slider can be set from here and it will be in milliseconds.')
+ active = fields.Boolean(string="Activo", default=True)
+ no_of_counts = fields.Selection([('1', '1'), ('2', '2'), ('3', '3')], string="Cantidad",
+ default='3', help="Cantidad de Blogs que seran mostrados en la página web.", required=True)
+ auto_rotate = fields.Boolean(string='Auto Rotar Slider', default=True)
+ sliding_speed = fields.Integer(string="Velocidad del Slider", default='5000',
+ help='Velocidad del Slider en milisegundos.')
collections_blog_post = fields.Many2many('blog.post', 'blogpost_slider_rel', 'slider_id',
- 'post_id', string="Collections of blog posts", required=True)
+ 'post_id', string="Colecciones de publicaciones del blog", required=True)
class MultiSlider(models.Model):
_name = 'multi.slider.config'
- name = fields.Char(string="Slider name", default='Trending',
+ name = fields.Char(string="Nombre del Slider", default='Lanzamientos',
required=True, translate=True,
help="Slider title to be displayed on website like Best products, Latest and etc...")
- active = fields.Boolean(string="Active", default=True)
+ active = fields.Boolean(string="Activo", default=True)
- auto_rotate = fields.Boolean(string='Auto Rotate Slider', default=True)
- sliding_speed = fields.Integer(string="Slider sliding speed", default='5000',
- help='Sliding speed of a slider can be set from here and it will be in milliseconds.')
+ auto_rotate = fields.Boolean(string='Auto-rotar Slide', default=True)
+ sliding_speed = fields.Integer(string="Velocidad de deslizamiento", default='5000',
+ help='Velocidad del Slider en milisegundos.')
no_of_collection = fields.Selection([('2', '2'), ('3', '3'), ('4', '4'), ('5', '5')],
- string="No. of collections to show", default='2',
+ string="No. de Pestañas a Mostrar", default='2',
- help="No of collections to be displayed on slider.")
+ help="Numero de Colecciones a mostrar.")
- label_collection_1 = fields.Char(string="1st collection name", default='First collection',
+ label_collection_1 = fields.Char(string="1er pestaña a Motrar", default='First collection',
required=True, translate=True,
help="Collection label to be displayed in website like Men, Women, Kids, etc...")
collection_1_ids = fields.Many2many('product.template', 'product_slider_collection_1_rel', 'slider_id',
- string="1st product collection")
+ string="1ro Seleccionar Productos")
- label_collection_2 = fields.Char(string="2nd collection name", default='Second collection',
+ label_collection_2 = fields.Char(string="2da pestaña a Motrar", default='Second collection',
required=True, translate=True,
help="Collection label to be displayed in website like Men, Women, Kids, etc...")
collection_2_ids = fields.Many2many('product.template', 'product_slider_collection_2_rel', 'slider_id',
- string="2nd product collection")
+ string="2do Seleccionar Productos")
- label_collection_3 = fields.Char(string="3rd collection name", default='Third collection',
+ label_collection_3 = fields.Char(string="3ra pestaña a Motrar", default='Third collection',
# required=True,
help="Collection label to be displayed in website like Men, Women, Kids, etc...")
collection_3_ids = fields.Many2many('product.template', 'product_slider_collection_3_rel', 'slider_id',
# required=True,
- string="3rd product collection")
+ string="3ro. Seleccionar Productos")
- label_collection_4 = fields.Char(string="4th collection name", default='Fourth collection', translate=True,
+ label_collection_4 = fields.Char(string="4th pestaña a Motrar", default='Fourth collection', translate=True,
# required=True,
help="Collection label to be displayed in website like Men, Women, Kids, etc...")
collection_4_ids = fields.Many2many('product.template', 'product_slider_collection_4_rel', 'slider_id',
# required=True,
- string="4th product collection")
+ string="4to Seleccionar Productos")
- label_collection_5 = fields.Char(string="5th collection name", default='Fifth collection', translate=True,
+ label_collection_5 = fields.Char(string="5th pestaña a Motrar", default='Fifth collection', translate=True,
# required=True,
help="Collection label to be displayed in website like Men, Women, Kids, etc...")
collection_5_ids = fields.Many2many('product.template', 'product_slider_collection_5_rel', 'slider_id',
# required=True,
- string="5th product collection")
+ string="5to Seleccionar Productos")