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alpine Docker Pulls Docker Stars GitHub Workflow Status (branch)

Alpine Linux is a Linux distribution built around musl libc and BusyBox.

Versions Size Layer
3.13 (3.13/Dockerfile) Docker Size (3.13) Docker Layers (3.13)
3.13-openrc (3.13/Dockerfile) MicroBadger Size (3.13-openrc) Docker Layers (3.13-openrc)
3.14 (3.14/Dockerfile) Docker Size (3.14) Docker Layers (3.14)
3.14-openrc (3.14/Dockerfile) MicroBadger Size (3.14-openrc) Docker Layers (3.14-openrc)

Dockerfile to build an alpine base image with a couple of extra packages and enable some repositories.

The image enable the following repositories:

The image installs the following extra packages: