# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of AppJetty. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. { 'name': 'Kingfisher Pro Fashion', 'description': '''Theme Kingfisher Pro Fashion fashion theme fashion fashion store odoo fashion store odoo fashion theme apparel store apparel theme html5 theme responsive theme ecommerce store ecommerce theme html5 ecommerce store html5 ecommerce theme custom theme mobile custom theme bootstrap theme furnishing industry odoo 9 theme odoo 10 theme odoo 11 theme custom odoo theme ''', 'category': 'Theme/Ecommerce', 'version': '', 'author': 'AppJetty', 'website': 'https://goo.gl/3OCf0g', 'depends': [ 'website_sale', 'mass_mailing', 'website_less', 'website_blog', ], 'data': [ 'views/assets.xml', 'security/ir.model.access.csv', 'views/slider_view.xml', 'views/product_view.xml', 'views/snippets.xml', 'views/website_config_view.xml', 'views/theme_customize.xml', 'data/data.xml', 'views/theme.xml', ], 'demo': [ 'data/demo_homepage.xml', ], 'support': 'support@appjetty.com', 'application': True, 'live_test_url': 'http://theme-kingfisher-pro-fashion.appjetty.com', 'images': [ 'static/description/splash-screen.png', 'static/description/splash-screen_screenshot.png', ], 'price': 109.00, 'currency': 'EUR', }