<div style="margin-left:100px;margin-right:100px;"> <h2>Description</h2> Creates an HTML form that you can embed inside and outside Odoo<br> <br> <section class="oe_container"> <div class="oe_row oe_spaced"> <h2 class="oe_slogan">Create HTML Forms</h2> <div class="oe_span6"> <div class="oe_row_img oe_centered"> <img class="oe_picture oe_screenshot" src="2.jpg" alt="Create HTML Form"> </div> </div> <div class="oe_span6"> <p class="oe_mt32"> Creates an HTML form that you can embed inside and outside Odoo.<br> <br/> <b>Instructions</b><br/> 1. Go to Settings->HTML Embed Forms->Create Forms<br> 2. Select the model and the fields in the form<br> 3. Click "Make Embed Code" button and copy and paste the code into your website<br/> </p> </div> </div> </section> <section class="oe_container oe_dark"> <div class="oe_row oe_spaced"> <h2 class="oe_slogan">View Form Submissions</h2> <div class="oe_span6"> <p class="oe_mt32"> Keep a record of all the form submissions<br/> <br/> <b>Instructions</b><br/> 1. Go to Settings->HTML Embed Forms->Inserted Form Data<br> </p> </div> <div class="oe_span6"> <div class="oe_row_img oe_centered"> <img class="oe_picture oe_screenshot" src="3.jpg" alt="HTML Form Submissions"> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="oe_container"> <div class="oe_row oe_spaced"> <h2 class="oe_slogan">Rearange form fields on the website</h2> <div class="oe_span6"> <div class="oe_row_img oe_centered"> <img class="oe_picture oe_screenshot" src="1.jpg" alt="Edit Website HTML Form"> </div> </div> <div class="oe_span6"> <p class="oe_mt32"> Rearange form fields on the website.<br> <br/> <b>Instructions</b><br/> 1. Go to the webpage with the eHTML form<br> 2. Hit edit and drag and drop the fields around the form<br> </p> </div> </div> </section> <br/> <b>NOTE</b> This module and 'HTML Snippet Form Builder' have reborn to thier v9 equivalent 'HTML Form Builder' and 'HTML Form Builder - Website Snippets'<br/> <br/> Find a bug? feature idea? send an email to steven@sythiltech.com.au<br> </div>